Jul 29, 2008
Posted by: Lozenge
All Freedom Fighters:
The Biliranons have already spoken and have started the fight against corruption when they have given the mandate to Rep Glenn Chong, Mayor Susan V Parilla and a few other candidates allied to Rep Chong in 2007 elections. The win may not have resulted to a desired majority control, but nevertheless it inflicted a major crack on the Espina Dynasty’s solid stronghold in Biliran.The unsuccessful candidacy of former Congressman and former Mayor, Gerardo Espina Sr, and the absence of ....more
In the land of Freedom, "to be free is not merely to cast out the Espina dynasty from political power, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others." For generations, the paradise island of Biliran has breathed the fresh tone of stillness and serenity of freedom and peace. But when the Espina dynasty conquered and dominated the political power in our province, they corrupted not only our natural and economic resources but also the mental upbringing of needy people in rural places....more
June 3, 2007
The most drammatic success in our history as a young province was the recent May 14 election. Our Biliran voters in exercising their right to vote expressed their sentiments in a mature and valiant manner.
And so, the result of the latest election, contained a simple but very poweful message: " if you respect my peso....
Fathers, victims of genocidation
However, as children in the world rejoice with their respective father, it is sad to contemplate that here in Biliran, 2 families have mourned because of the brutal killing of their father. Their lives had not been spared from any political problems that provide great havoc in our peaceful place. One of the many unfortunate, regrettable aspects of the tragic events of June 7th, 2008 besides the fact that two people have lost their lives. more
We, the Clergy and faithful of the Diocese of Naval, would like to express our strongest condemnation to the lies peddled by Stephen Greinke against the bishop of Naval, the Most Rev. Filomeno G. Bactol, D.D.
Last January 2, 2008, Stephen Greinke, in a nationally televised network, has accused the bishop of sexually molesting young boys. We are aghast at this accusation because the bishop is a person of integrity whose ministry of 40 years (15 years in the seminary as formator, 7 years as Pastor, and 18 years as Bishop of Naval) has never been enmeshed in any controversy, much less scandal. We are appalled even more at the brazermess of Greinke as to impute upon the good name of the bishop the very same crime he was accused of doing against innocent young boys in the very Association he bas come to found, purportedly to proclaim the love of God only to find out it has become a trap for his sexual perversions! Such lies therefore that he has concocted can anly come from a heart whose hatred is as deep as his own twisted understanding of what is good and moral. ..... more
From Advent through Christmas to New Year - a message from biliranevent.com
The Advent season is a special time in our Christian community and a perfect time to preparation to celebrate for the birthday of Christ. As we once again prepare to celebrate the feast of Christmas, we are reminded of God’s great love for us. More importantly, the feast of Christmas is a very special occasion and a time for us not only to reflect on Jesus’ love for us but also to respond to his love by demonstrating love for our fellow men and women. May the expressions of goodwill and the gifts that we exchange be the outward manifestation of that love. more...
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 600 of 1415 Newer› Newest»FYI: John smith aka Putative aka Angry aka Lurt is no other than Steve Greinke a person who is known as trouble maker. Sa dito pa yan sa Lupa, marami yang kalaban. Mahilig yan ng gulo, actually, marami nang abiktema sa kanya dahil kinasohan sa corte, kahit tingnan pa nyo sa record.
Dont waste your time to argue with him!
Your guesses are about as good as your logic. Before you try to unmask other bloggers, shouldn't you begin by revealing your own identity? I have said before that I'm not Grinsky, and I'm still not. But that's enough clues. Now you can say it's not true that you don't have a clue.
Your logic doesn't even deserve notice, but since you're now being relatively civil, let me respond:
1. About Aquarius. I have agreed with him about things, and disagreed about other things. Is that so strange? Yes I said he should be ashamed of being a shill for the Chong dynasty when he is smart enough to know better.
2. First you accuse me of being criticized by Borrinaga, now you say Borrinaga didn't criticize me? Make up your mind. I told you - he and I were critical of each other. You seem to think that means something about me.
You also say Dr. Borrinaga is the victim of my denigration. Yes, I believe he deserves much denigration and censure, but it is not gratuitous criticism - not name calling and not without well-stated foundation. Can you say the same of your criticism of me?
3. You say I am self-righteous, and I think nothing is right except me. So if you think I'm wrong about something, then argue that point. Don't just call me more names. In this venue it is pretty much me against the Chong gang, so of course we're not going to agree on much, because I have a very low opinion of G&C Chong (even lower than you can know).
4. Yes, certainly don't waste your time arguing with me - unless you have something to say.
I guess you decided not to accept my challenge.
This is anonymous 1116.
I want to quote your statement at Bl.com as follows:
85. Lurt [Quote]
June 21st, 2008 (4 days ago) at 9:01 pm
Glenn Chong unabashedly calls the tragic crime an assassination attempt on his father and pointedly says in his privilege speech the assailants “immediately opened fire”. Dr Borrinaga with his usual objective aplomb here refers to a “commando-type assault”. Even this esteemed website reports it as an ambush and unqualified assassination attempt.
Turns out all of this is most likely a misleading description, crafted for political advantage, and reported by those with a vested interest in presenting the facts not exactly as they know them. Since this event is having and will have a large effect on the political landscape in Biliran, it is important in broad strokes to have accurate information. Assassinations usually don’t start off with talking and then devolve into gunplay - as this apparently did.
It is beginning to look like Charlie Chong constructed his story to create the image of political victim for himself and his son, and in so doing left out or twisted important information - both to the public and the police - to purposefully misrepresent the horrible event and inflame public opinion. This has seriously impeded the investigation and has led to calls for revenge from people who now have a warped view of how this went down.
The truth is emerging, as is the true nature of father and son.
My response:
You said that this is not fabricated. I want to emphasize this point " It is beginning to look like Charlie Chong constructed his story...." Now if this is not fabricated, were you there when this ambush happended?
Ay, iya di-ay lola si Lurt! basin iya pod lolo si John Smith, siguro iya mama si Angry ug iya pod papa si Putative, bangin iya sunod nga identity ngaran sa iya ido, misay, kabit.....
Lurt, nagsugod ug Angry, John Smith, Putakputaktive, etc.
Lisod gad matulon nang imong batasan sa mga Freedom Fighters dinhi. Baliko nang imong hunahuna. Para sa imo ang pinaka maayong tawo dinhi sa Naval mao si Darna ug ang panig sa mga Bandido. Ang mga maot naglakip sa mga Chong, si Borrinaga, ug uban pang tawong musukwahi kanimo.
Naunsa na man ni? Ang mga Estranghero dini, sama nimo, ni Darna ug mga Bandido morag mao na hinuon ang mas dakog katungod nga mangulo ug manimuyo dinhi. Saba uy!
Racist lagi ka. Ang nakapait lang ani kay nia ka pa magsamoksamok sa Naval. Hilom diha uy.
Masuko ra ba ug sawayon ug sungkiton ang naglit-ad lit-ad niyang mga alyas. Bisan pa ug buho sa kagang ang imong alyas, sungkiton ta gihapon ka. Mao ra man diay ni makapiripiti sa imong talinga. Kay baman nang imoha, maglisod na man na pagtindog ug pagtuskig.
Hala mga Freedom Fighters, pahiyom o katawa ta. :)
O sige Darna, i translate na pod ni sa imong in-love. Basin man lang siya makigduyog sa katawa sa ubang nagbasa.
Lurt 1123
Obviously, you have not received my response to your email or you simply refuse to acknowledge the truth.
I take offense of your description of me as a "Shill” of “Chong Dynasty". There is no such thing as "Chong Dynasty" only the corrupt "Espina Dynasty".
Shill is defined by Encarta Dictionary (U.K.) as the following which I think will describe you better than me:
“Shill: an accomplice who pretends to be an interested customer or gambler in order to lure others into buying or gambling
-transitive verb to promote somebody or make a sales pitch for something using the tactics of a shill
-somebody who promotes somebody else or makes a sales pitch for something for reasons of self-interest”
I have continuously repeated on any blog, my allegiance is only to the Biliranons and not to any personalities or political parties.
I will support personalities and political parties who will promote the advancement of Biliran; and fight anyone who will act on the contrary.
That is my advocacy. What is yours?
The Espina Dynasty has a total of 15 years (12 years of full control); and apart from a semblance of development, The Espina Dynasty has built themselves up into multi millionaires on a public servant’s wages. That is USD$833.00 or Php35, 000.00 per month.
Now, where do you come into all this? You are showing your true colors. What part of “there are no winners on any debate on any blog” you don’t understand? You can convince readers to your way of thinking if you are truthful and factual about your posts.
As it is, you’re posts clearly demonstrate a one way direction: that is to destroy Rep Glenn Chong and his family. Don’t give me the “my friend Danny Parilla routine”, as I am beginning to question how a friend like you, can continuously use his memory to attack other people. That is indeed, if you are really a friend.
Further, don’t pretend that you have personal sensitive information about the incident as you don’t.
What you have is a "copy cat Sherlock Holmes" interpretation of events, based on what you have read on the net, press releases and self-serving information from your sources in the Espina camp. You don't have a first hand and authoritative information which only the investigating authorities possess.
If the Espina Dynasty, of whom you are acting as a “SHILL” has indeed a possession of such information, don’t you think they will be not be dancing on the streets; and in the absence of Radyo Natin” pay for a prime time radio spot in Cebu and make an official announcement? Jack Gadaingan will be the first to publish a PAID Php 20,000.00 NEWS release in the Manila Bulletin?
I demand an apology. You will apologize if you are indeed, a professional as I initially thought you to be; and if you are indeed, a “friend” of the late Governor Danilo Parilla.
Prove me wrong.
Was my post #1119 removed? If so would you please explain the reasoning? You can reply privately to my email if you want? You can stick your head in the sand if you like. Up to you.
Indeed, I have not received your email. There was a mix-up with the email address which admin knows about and was supposed to notify you. Please send via admin.
I will address your issues.
By the way, Has the Hon. Rep. Glenn Chong been seen or heard from recently? We would value his comments in this matter.
Sorry, I apologize.
For some reason that post was cut off after the first line on my screen. It is there now.
Lurt 1123,
( FROM ANONYMOUS 1114, 1118,1120)
This is your post:
2. First you accuse me of being criticized by Borrinaga, now you say Borrinaga didn't criticize me? Make up your mind. I told you - he and I were critical of each other. You seem to think that means something about me.
Where in the world did I accuse you that you were criticized by Dr. Borrinaga? Can you explain it in logical, reasonable and coherent way? if not I demand too an apology!
Anonymous/Trul (1130):
I re-read your post 1118. I had thought opened by saying wasn't I the one criticized by Dr. Borrinaga, when in fact what you said is - wasn't I the one criticizing him. I apologize for that mis-reading or mis-remembering. However, the remainder of that post you copied contains criticism of me by him as well as vice versa, and his point-by-point reply to my critique (i.e. critical assessment, i.e. criticism) of his articles was clearly in disagreement, and I think fair to say critical of (i.e. made a criticism regarding) me and my assessment of his work. So what? As I said, we criticized each other. He thinks he won. I think I won. What does that all have to with present events? What do you think you have discovered here?
Aquarius 1127:
The definition you gave of "shill" is the original usage, rather old-fashioned now. It is the concept the current usage was derived from. Dictionary.com says this: "A person who publicizes or praises something or someone for reasons of self-interest, personal profit, or friendship or loyalty." I think that fits well. (I suspect your dictionary indicated alternate more modern definitions.)
Let's take a specific example. You say I am not acting as Danny's friend. I would certainly dispute that. However, the more salient point is that you evaded the issue, I think intentionally. You completely failed to deal with what I said about Glenn Chong and his exploitive, cynical and legally illegitimate treatment of Danny's memory. You used a fallacious argumentative technique - to divert the criticism back to the source rather than deal with what was said about the subject. Certainly it has the appearance that you are not arguing sincerely. You say that I "continuously use his memory to attack other people". But is that not exactly what I pointed out that Glenn Chong is doing? Whether Glenn Chong does that is much more important than whether I do it. You make similarly flawed and fallacious arguments consistently.
Glenn Chong and his entire group of supporters never deal with criticism responsibly. They always attack the attacker, generally with little or no real explanation or justification, often maliciously. That is the very definition of arguing in bad faith. And that is the reason this "debate" degenerates, the reason only one side is represented here, the reason those who poke their nose in go away.
No wonder you think debate doesn't lead anywhere. You are not arguing in good faith. You are not considering the arguments against your position. You are not aware of (or are intentional about) your own use of fallacy. It makes no difference if a debate is on the internet.
For a debate to make progress, each participant has certain responsibilities.
Secondly, I never claimed to be in possession of personal or sensitive information. My information is freely available to anyone listening and paying attention - any investigative reporter or interested individual. I am surprised if you don't have access to the same information.
Why don't you knock on some doors in the neighborhood where the June 7 event took place and see if people heard a heated exchange of words before the first shot was fired? Many have said that is the case. If so, that would contradict a critical element of the story presented by Charlie and Glenn Chong (and Dr Borrinaga). In fact, that alone would argue strongly that it was not an assassination attempt.
And that is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg.
You may need to include this latest official news release from the NBI in your "Sherlock Holmes" interpretation of events.
From biliranisland.com
NBI says no reason to ‘discredit’ testimony of Charlie Chong in murder
June 26th, 2008
Leyte Samar Daily Express
TACLOBAN CITY - The Regional Director of the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) here said yesterday that as of this moment they have no reason to “discredit” the testimony of Charlie Chong who accuses PO2 Intong Saul as one of the primary suspect in the ambush incident last June 7 in Naval, Biliran where two persons were killed and another one fatally injured.
Lawyer Antonio Pagatpat said that the NBI will always respect the process of law, considering that earlier multiple murder and frustrated murder cases have already been filed by Chong, the father of Biliran Cong. Glen Chong, and is now pending for preliminary investigation before the Biliran prosecutions office.
Pagatpat said the case is now in the hands of the prosecutors in Biliran to find out if there is really a prima facie evidence for Saul to be prosecuted.
“There is no reason for the NBI to discredit the testimony of Chong… It is for the prosecutors assigned in this case to validate all evidence submitted by the complainant, as this is a command case of the NBI where our role here is only to investigate and file the case against somebody but will depend on the evidences we have,” Pagatpat said.
The NBI, which was asked by the family of Rep. Chong to conduct a separate investigation of this case, according to Pagatpat, found out a positive lead for them to pursue their in depth investigation.
“We have positive leads and we are hoping to solve this crime as soon as possible, yet I don’t have to reveal anything as to any partial result of our investigation but I tell you we are already there to complete our works,” Pagatpat added.
It was also clarified by the NBI regional chief that they have to forget politics while the investigation is going on and what they have now in their minds that the incident claimed two lives and that justice should be rendered to the victims.
The NBI is targeting the month of July to finish the investigation, as they are only hoping that witnesses and other persons will cooperate and support to the NBI agents conducting the investigation.
It may be recalled that the group of the elder Chong was on their way to the store owned by the family when a red vehicle blocked their way. Two assailants alighted from their car and right away trained their weapon against the victims.
Killed on the spot were a former barangay Captain named Alberto Parilla while Antonio Barcelo was woun-ded including Jose Casas, the driver of the Chong family.
Senior Supt. Arcadio Lelis, head of the task force which is investigating the case said that based on their partial investigation robbery and politics are the motives.
Evidence and validation of other statements are still going on.
Earlier, Chief Supt. Abner Cabalquinto, PNP regional director, said that the case is not yet totally solved even with the filing of criminal case against PO2 Saul who is now under the custody of the Biliran PNP provincial office.
Lurt 1132
It boils down to the same thing. I don't think anyone on this blog will now take you seriously.
The recent news releases have just blown your "Sherlock Holmes" interpretation of the incident to pieces.
It is your word against the official news releases from the investigating authorities.
Bye for now.
Biliran lawmaker decries ‘cover-up’ in pa’s ambush
June 26th, 2008
By Jess Diaz
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Neophyte Biliran Rep. Glenn Chong decried yesterday what he described as attempts by his political opponents to cover up the recent ambush of his father by implicating a “fall guy.”
In a statement, Chong said there are moves to “unfairly” link civic leader Roger Yu to the attempted assassination of his father in front of their business establishment in Naval town last June 7, which resulted in the death of his two bodyguards.
He said apparently the objective was to trigger a conflict between his followers and those of Yu, who, he added, is his “close ally and supporter.”
He said Yu would be his candidate for Biliran governor in the 2010 elections.
“This devious move to link Mr. Yu to the killings is obviously a part of an even more malevolent plot by my political opponents to clear themselves from the crime and at the same time sow intrigue in our own political ranks,” he added.
Chong issued the statement after his political rivals claimed that Yu and other rising young politicians in the province stood to benefit from a plot to eliminate the congressman and his family from the political scene.
Chong defeated former three-time Rep. Gerardo Espina Sr. in the 2007 congressional elections.
In a privilege speech last month, the Biliran congressman linked the Espinas to the June 7 attack on his father and his security personnel.
“We know of no enemies, except them,” he told his colleagues.
He said the assassination attempt on his father took place six days after an Espina ally allegedly told his mother that he should instead run for governor in 2010.
He said he was not considering that option since he is just on his first term as Biliran congressman.
Biliran ambush linked to politics
June 27th, 2008 (4 hours ago)
Neophyte Biliran Rep. Glenn Chong deplored yesterday alleged efforts by his political foes to blame a fall guy in the ambush that was supposed to target his father but resulted to the death of two of their family’s security personnel.
This developed as religious and civic leaders rallied Biliran folk to support a campaign to end a era of violence reportedly masterminded by local politicians whose political grip in the province faces serious threat from the emergence of new leaders.
Chong revealed that his staunchest political rivals have started to come out in the media to “unfairly implicate” civic leader Roger Yu in the attempted assassination of his father in front of their business establishment in Naval town last June 7.
Chong claimed the apparent objective was to trigger a conflict between his followers and those of Yu’s, whom the lawmaker described as a “close ally and supporter”.
Yu is being considered by Chong as a strong gubernatorial bet in the 2010 elections. The Yu-Chong tandem has been touted as a formidable partnership that could dislodge incumbent provincial officials who have lorded over Biliran politics for a decade now
Lurt 1132
Boy, you surely love to debate. There is no need to debate on this forum. We can share factual and truthful information, not self serving theories.
The reason I don't want to engage you on a formal debate on this forum because it is a waste of time.
Your proposition is based on your own judgment and interpretation of events. You keep on selling your theory based on your "Sherlock Holmes" interpretation of the incident, and you want to engage the Freedom Fighters on a debate based on your own interpretation?
By the way, which doors did you physically knock on on the 7th of June? I assume you did because it is one of the basis of your interpretation.
The investigating authorities have conducted intensive investigation, and obviously, one of the basic and first step is to talk to people living in the vicinity of the crime.
I hope that you have not formed your own investigating committee to dispute the findings of the investigating authorities such as the : the National Bureau of Investigation, SOCO, the PNP ...etc.to support your theory.
You see, Lurt, no amount of excellent debating skills and superior command of the English language can dispute the truth.
You still owe me an apology, if you are indeed a professional and a self-professed friend of the late Gov Danilo Parilla.
You would have received my email by now.
Bye for now.
Lurt 1117:
I just want to place emphasis on the following points that you have raised:
”I have however heard nothing here even intended as an honest argument - with a few exceptions from Aguarius.”
“I have presented issue after issue, with rationale, explanation and logic.”
" And there has been no counterpoint except name-calling and disrespect."
Granted that what you have said is true, my questions are:
1. Aquarius asked you what is exactly your advocacy? What has Rep Glenn Chong personally done to you to earn your insatiable fury?
2. Anonymous 1124 still waiting for your answer.
3. Trul find out that some of your statement are unreliable that’s why you’re forced to apologize with some defense alibi.
4. You arrogantly said “ I would like to register a professional complaint about the unprofessional and unethical writing of Dr. Rolando Borrinaga.” Where is that?
5. Dr. Borrinaga challenged you until now, “You claim you are qualified to make an academic critique of my by-lined article. Go on, please do so, and submit your piece to the editor of the Inquirer.”
Now, would you mind to provide some explicit elucidation to justify your statements above? Or else you can stick your head in the sand if you like !!!
addendum, you also claimed that some of the bloggers here used to name- calling and disrespect, why is it that you confronted Aquarius by saying “ you must be especially ashamed” and called him as a “shill”?
KKK 1138:
Let me answer your ridiculous questions first.
1) I answered that question to Aquarius in a private email (somewhat long). If you insist I can publish that email here, but you seem to be sensitive when people tell the truth about Glenn Chong and I wouldn't want to offend you. The larger answer is that it doesn't matter. "Deal with what I say." That is the same request GC once made. Fundamentally my opposition is based on the things I have said publicly here and elsewhere. You ask what has he done to me? The answer is nothing personal. If you think this is insatiable fury, you don't have a clue about the world outside this place. This has been a polite conversation on my part, hardly even a debate. You simply cannot deal with direct rationality, and are threatened by anything that gets close to the truth you don't want exposed, or the irrational world you have constructed in your mind.
2) No I was not one of the assailants on June 7.
3) I have apologized for minor things when I think it is appropriate. Have you? I think you have some major things to apologize for.
4) The complaint was addressed to Dr. Borrinaga's college and newspaper, and he was sent a copy. The substance was contained in the same letter from which you copied that segment, and is consistent with what I have said here.
5) Dr. Borrinaga's request was cynical. It is a ploy asking me to reveal my identity, which I decline to do at this time. (I am rather considering publishing in a much larger forum though.) Although his latest article gives a renewed opportunity expose his irresponsibility. Thanks for the suggestion, I will re-consider doing that.
6) My use of the term "shill" is explained above (#1132 at the beginning). It is an insult, a well explained and rational one, and I believe an appropriate description of specific actions, not just a nasty name to call in anger as you do. It is as if I called Glenn Chong bigoted or malicious because he calls people gay, bastard, traitor, whores, etc. with hopes of inflaming the worst aspect of public consciousness, and to try to win unfairly, not for any substantive reason. And that by the way is one reason I dislike GC rather profoundly and feel he should be exposed for the fraud he is (in relation to your first question).
" Mabuti pa ipokpok mo sa padir ang ulo mo para matauhan ka" Anonymous 1140, I like it! at hindi na siya nakasagot baka pinatranslate pa sa iyang " love nga si Darna" according to KKB.
Darna, huwag mo nalang itranslate nang tama baka gagawin pa ni Lurt at dalawa na kayong MONGGOL, ay, tatlo pala kc nandyan si Jrome A. ang bilyon na timbangan!
Aquarius, I have still not received your email. I have gotten a couple from admin, so he has an addr that works, and should have forwarded that addr to you. The first addr I gave does not seem to work.
Please, open your email once you will read this message. Thanks!
KKK 1138:
One more thing. What is arrogant about registering a complaint (#5), a well-deserved complaint I would add? I understand you think I am arrogant, but then I think you are malicious and uninformed. Actually, I think that thinking your opinion does not require rationale is the true arrogance. Please be specific in your reasoning when issuing insults. If you guys would get in the habit of that it would go a long way toward rehabilitating the image of your idol.
A very reliable source informed me that the CIDG who were accused as assailants during the ambush of Charlie chong, et. al. are already identified by the witnesses with the help of the NBI. Their names are not available until now pending official report from the NBI.
Okay, Aquarius (1133 through 1137):
Let me try to deal with this extensive material briefly.
1) The articles you quote have no real contention. The statements by the authorities are what in journalistic and legal parlance is called "non-denial denial". I.e. something that sounds at first blush like a denial, but when looked at more carefully is not. It is what they have to say if they're not willing to reveal what they know.
(For historical context regarding non-denial denials, refer to the Watergate hearings in America, and the book and movie "All the President's Men".)
2) I never postulated that Yu or Dzu or anyone else was involved, or that this was payback for debts. (Morpheus alluded to that possibility on BI.com) I think GC's reference to that and his defensiveness regarding it is a "red herring" - an argument you toss out when you don't want to address the real issue or want to distract from the real issue.
(Red herring in Italian is Aringarosa, a literary name familiar to some and used in the same manner.)
3) Let me be clear if I haven't been. I think what happened on June 7 was a holdup attempt that resulted in shooting and death. I think Charlie Chong subsequently "stage managed" and intentionally mis-reported what happened (as his friends were dying) to make it look like an assassination attempt. And I think Glenn Chong furthered the charade - dishonestly. I think this was apparent from the first reports, and subsequent information has only strengthened that conclusion. That must have been the immediate suspicion of the responsible investigating authorities. As I have said, I understand the authorities have concrete evidence, and that this is known by many because it involves testimony that has not exactly been kept secret.
A rumor only? I am convinced otherwise, but we shall see. Regardless of rumor, it is the only explanation that makes sense. What Charlie presented does not make sense.
4. That said, I am willing to wait for the authorities' report. But I do resent Glenn Chong's continuing indictment of others when I feel deeply he knows it is not justified. Let Glenn Chong deny that it was a robbery attempt.
5. I owe you no apology.
I will post no more on this unless something comes up that I think strongly deserves a reply.
As I expected, you will not apologize. I leave it to the bloggers to make their own conclusions.
Your statements 1 to 4 in your latest post is your way of saying, the authorities are wrong and you are right. Back again to your usual attack against Rep Glenn Chong and Mr. Charlie Chong.
I reiterate, your theory has been shot down to pieces by the official report of the investigating authorities. Hence, you can no longer comment on this. Nice try next time.
Try Hercule Poirot next time, or probably get in touch with the script writers from various police stories on TV.
(Sarcasm not intended.)
Bye for now.
Lurt 1131:
Do you want to know what I have discovered? What i said on my post#1120 remains my position and I want to retain it as my personal opinion.
Again, I want to re-etirate that Dr. Borrinaga never criticized as what you keep on insisting, that he is criticizing you as well as vice versa. Well, if you really insist on this issue can you specify definite words that he used to criticize you in order to resolve this issue. I will not leave this issue unresolved because I personally offended of what you said against Dr. Borrinaga.
Thanks for your apology! I might need more.
Hellow, freedom fighters!
How are you my friends? I was not able to browse and post here for how many days because of Frank, the latest typhoon fondled our land. Actually, we are very busy assisting some victims. Anyway, I’m really happy that the blog is alive with the presence of Lurt, I was in no doubt before that he is putative. I have some bad news and good news for you. Admin will be the one to announce it. As of now I have a very important issue to discuss with Lurt. Thanks again to all of you!
In my previous post 1091 I provided some reference to justify the basis of choosing the word “ genocide “ i.e. from Encarta Dictionary and from this site http://www.hawaii.edu/powerkills/GENOCIDE.ENCY.HTM.
Now, I want to quote part of his statement:
R.J. Rummel
SUMMARY: 1. Introduction. 2. What is genocide? 3. Jurisdiction over the crime of genocide. 4. What is the origin of the term? 5. History of the crime of genocide. 6. Genocide as a sociological concept: a) the legal definition; b) the common definition; c) the general definition. 7. Genocide in history. 8. Causes and conditions of genocide: a) institutions of government; b) context; c) motives; d) stages. 9. Bibliography.
Genocide is also a subject of social science and scholarly study, but its legal definition does not easily allow for empirical and historical research. For this reason the definition of genocide for research purposes has, in essence, been of two types. One is the definition of genocide as the intention to murder people because of their group membership, even if political or economic. A second definition, which may also be called democide, is any intentional government murder of unarmed and helpless people for whatever reason.
R.J Runnel research is scholarly done because he provided a lot of bibliography. You asserted “I am a well-educated expert speaker of English”. Yes, there is no doubt because that is your language in North America. However, you have to improve your research. Do you have any kind of study made before like what R.J Runnel did? If you still claim that the choice of the word genocide is not proper then you better argue this author R.J Runnel.
After reading some of your post here, I notice that you are blowing your own horn, please let other bloggers do it for you because until now only your English command is noteworthy, apart from that, like your argument remains inconvincible.
BTW, you told KKK that you are not sarcastic when you give some objection about “genocidation” how do you know that you are not sarcastic?
Then, I am just curious as what you said to Aquarius that blog or blogger is already included in the dictionary, will you please provide us the title of this dictionary because I have a lot of friends in U.S then I might request them to buy one for me as a gift. In this way, I just want to be updated. Thanks for joining us here again.
Alagad ito si Lurt/Putative, bisan klaro na kaayo ang iyang pangbastos kang Aquarius, nga iyang giingnan " you must be especially ashamed" unya taas noo pa gihapon nga mo justify sa iyang statement. Sayonan ka, daghan mga bloggers diri nga angay ana nga pangbastos pero adto pa kang Aquarius gi pontariya! unya naa pa gyuy word nga "especially". Dapat ikaw Lurt anga angay ma ulaw sa imong gipanulti. Kon dili pa si Aquarius professinal nga tawo, basin gibastos kana pod Lurt! Ka baga bya nimo ug nawong uy!
Thanks for the welcome, and I will attempt to answer your concerns. In fact I think I already have in posts 1106 and 1110. But first I want to ask you a question. Is your concern here simply to defend your semantics, in the sense of wanting to prove you used the word appropriately, or is your intention in the realm of the larger issues I mentioned? I said I felt the word is emotionally charged and inflammatory, and can be seen as a call to preventative counter-measures, which is highly troublesome to me for one.
If that is your intention, please be forthright about it. If not, please take responsibility for that inference.
Dictionary.com has this in its definition of genocide "the deliberate and systematic extermination". To call this an attempt to exterminate a political group is I think extreme (which is what I meant by a "stretch". perhaps you are not familiar with using the word that way). I doubt that R.J. Rummel would use the term genocide for a few murders regardless of the motivation (not to minimize the importance of the local murders). There really is an issue of extent or scope in the definition.
#2) You say I am blowing my own horn. I know I come across that way at times, and I try to avoid it. When I said I am an expert speaker of English, I was trying to establish a basis for my semantic knowledge, not to brag. Please point out ways in which I do that, and I will endeavor to desist.
#3 When you say my argument remains "inconvincible", I would say that's a weak rebuttal. It is not surprising that it is very difficult to present an argument or evidence that would convince you or affect your opinion. Your opinion is strongly held, and convincing you a formidable task. You might rather deal with specifics in your rebuttal. Act as if we are both trying to convince someone else (which is how a formal debate works).
What you said however, about not being convinced, is sometimes said in debates, and it is not invalid to make such observations if there is a sense of validity. If you will point to the argument to which you are referring, I will consider re-stating my contentions in such as way as to hopefully make their force more clear. With respect to "genocide", I think what I said was rather strong and deserves to be dealt with and answered.
#4 "How do you know I was not being sarcastic." First of all sarcasm is not a valid argumentative technique and I would be unlikely to use it (Take note, Mr Aquarius) especially with regard to genocide or murder. But secondly, I would simply ask why you thought it was sarcastic.
Sarcasm: "harsh or bitter derision or irony, a taunt". I don't see evidence of that in my statement. If you do, please explain.
#5 When I mentioned to Aquarius about the word "blog" and "blogger", I cited www.dictionary.com. Sorry but I don't think you can buy a copy. (That might have been sarcastic, but not bitter.) Really, whether a word like that is contained is primarily a function of the publication date of a paper dictionary. Most of them publish a new version every year. And don't ask me what year blog became a word. Webster's is usually the safest choice.
As a postscript, I want you to know that I really intend to participate here a lot less. I came back because of specific issues, and I have now said what there is to say. I also want to admit that I am not overly effective in this setting.
For everybody:
There is a breaking news going on now in Naval. SPO2 Renato Saul has admitted that he was very innocent during that Ambush incident. He allegedly said, that he was picked-up by CIDG for legal operation; he doesn’t know that this operation is to assassinate Charlie Chong. Now, SPO2 Renato Saul requested special police security. 5 police men from Capoocan had been sent to proetect him. Even Charlie Chong has 2 police men security from Capoocan too.
This breaking news is not officially published. However, this is most likely true but we must wait for any official report
Does anyone know what happened to BI site? I cannot log on.
Bl.com is accessible but I can't log on to the blog site.
Pacquiao KO’s Diaz in 9th
First Posted 11:37:00 06/29/2008
MANILA, Philippines --
Philippine boxing icon Manny “Pacman” Pacquiao made history, knocking out WBC lightweight champion David Diaz Sunday (Saturday in Las Vegas) to become the first Asian to hold four different titles at different weights and the first Filipino to hold the crown.
I said I will participate here sparingly, but I want to address one or two more issues.
It was asked what I really have against Glenn Chong, as if one could not imagine what I could be critical of Glenn Chong about, and I answered (privately) with a list of things, but I want to focus on one thing which is the real answer to the question.
In my culture it is historically recent (not that long ago) that duels were legally sanctioned. There are many famous duels in the history of my country and other countries. In that time, if one man who claims to be honorable insults another, one of the two of them would die. And it often didn't stop with that. If the one who won the duel was still thought to be dishonorable in the original incident, then he would most likely be challenged to another duel by a friend or relative of the deceased. There are historic accounts of people standing in line to duel with a particular person. Duels were kind of a way of voting.
In Thailand not long ago, a young man insulted a young woman. The father of the girl, overhearing, immediately reached for his machete and cut off the head of the one who issued the insult. The community and the courts held it was justifiable and there was not even a trial. Many fathers would not even be concerned about the possible consequences.
This notion of honor - that it is a life and death matter, that insults are taken seriously - is still very present in the cultural consciousness. I think that Filipino culture is not so different. The one adjective used used legally and repeatedly for elected officials, judges, etc. is "honorable", as if it is an absolute requirement for that position. It is frequently said "if a man has no honor he has nothing".
That brings us to the current circumstance.
The term illegitimate or "bastard" refers one born out of wedded marriage. It is considered a very derogatory term. Personally, I was adopted and probably technically fit that description and there is nothing I can do about it. To call someone illegitimate or a bastard, is not a direct insult to the person. None of us can be responsible for the circumstances of our birth, and it does not affect our integrity. It is rather however a large insult to the man's mother, and a different kind of insult to the man's father.
So, I say to you that to call a man, a person, illegitimate as a means of political deprecation, is so dishonorable as to be despicable (deserving to be despised, contemptible). I want to ask each of you how you would feel if someone called your mother, sister, daughter, who you knew to be moral and pious, a "whore"? What would you do?
It is not deniable that Glenn Chong has done this - again and again and again and again. When asked if he was aware he was insulting the man's mother, his reply was yes and by the way not only that his sisters are also whores. You all know this is true.
I ask - how can anyone who has done this think of himself as honorable? How can anyone else think of him as honorable? How can he hold his head up in the community and not be spit upon? Why is he allowed on the radio by the station owners? (for money obviously).
I know you will say things like "he wasn't the one who started it."
First of all that doesn't matter, it doesn't lessen his culpability, but secondly I have really not heard any evidence that anything remotely similar was done to him.
It is as if someone said to him "you are not being honest" and he comes back with - "you're a bastard and gay and a traitor, and your mother and sister are whores".
For you to attack me in this matter as being at fault is unfathomable.
What GC has done is the very definition of "dishonorable", and something one should only do if willing to stake one's life. (Actually something one should not do.) It is additionally a crime worthy of jail time.
You all know what and who I am talking about. One defense from GC has been - I used the word "putatively" meaning I was only repeating gossip, not responsible for its content. I say to you this only doubles the culpability, because a man of honor does not repeat slander (or gossip).
Is it true that JDR's mother had a liaison with Roger Espina? One only has to ask - how old was JDR when Espina came to Biliran? How it is even speculative that JDR's mother and GE were lovers? Anyone who knows her, or her daughters, has to be deeply offended. I know you are going to come back and say they are all whores, as one of you already has, but that only shows how depraved you are. One who does that is practically incompatible with the label "human".
I will tell you that I am close to the family of JDR, and my personal reaction to Glenn Chong's incredible slander is indescribably hostile. As I said it was a charge aimed at an opponent but directed at his parents.
JDR has a father - his real father - after whom he was named. He is not well known, he has been a counselor, and the head of a baranguay counsel, and he is someone you don't want to be on the bad side of.
When GC said what he said, I am not sure what would have happened if I had been present with a weapon.
I can tell you for sure what would have happened if the husband of JDR's mother and the father of his sisters had been present, with or without a weapon.
Whatever else Glenn Chong may be and has done, cannot offset this incredible offense. He cannot possibly be seen as or referred to as "honorable". Anyone who refers to him as "honorable" is uninformed or worse. I cannot even imagine how he could make reparations.
Some of you have repeated that slander on this blog, and laughed about it. And the rest of you have not objected. So apparently, GC supporters have the same level of integrity and morality he has.
That is part of why I call Aquarius a shill, because he is a supporter of GC who has been publicly tacit in this matter. He may have been privately critical, but anyone who can continue to support Glenn Chong in light of this blatant offense is a shill or worse. I say when GC shows his head in public his supporters should "boo" him.
This is not just my opinion. It is not something about which "we'll just have to agree to disagree". I say if you ignore this, you are highly irresponsible, and "shill" would be a polite term for what you are.
We all know there are things in the Chong family history that have been avoided by the other political camp, and rightly so as it is not really relevant and is speculative. However one must believe and imagine that if the shoe were on the other foot, GC would be shouting it on the radio.
In my country, I believe if a politician did what Glenn Chong has done, he would be crucified in the newspapers, and would loose practically all of his support.
If he ever took questions, he would be asked "Is it true you called the mother and sisters of one of your opponents whores? Do you still stand by that, and can you explain your rationale". I urge someone to ask him that question. I am unlikely to go to an event where he is present. If he said, as he has, "I did that because they were critical of me". Even his supporters should walk out on him.
Simple ra gad tuho ang kinahanglan ni Lurt sa iyang pagsamoksamok dinhi ani nga blog site. Nga dayegon pod usahay kono nato, bisan gamay lang, ang iyang in-love nga si Darna. Morag mao ra na ang mabaw nga kalipay sa iyang kinabuhi.
Ang nakaparat lang ani kay kinsa man sa mga Freedom Fighters and gusto mutubay kang Putak-putak-tive?
Masuko ra ba ug yagayagaan ang naglit-ad lit-ad niyang alyas. Ambisyoso ra ba manguhit ug alyas - John Smith, Putak-putak-tive, etc. Unya unsa to - Ron Zimmerman pod. Aw, kung kini nga alyas tinuod na ni o duol sa tinuon, magpanagana na ta pagyagayaga.
Pero samtang naglit-ad lit-ad pa ug alyas si Blurt, sundon lang pod nato sa katawa ang iyang pag sirko-balintong.
O sige Darna, paki translate na pod kang Blurt.
Oh boy, here you go again. You have lost the issue on your "Sherlock Holmes" theory here; and now you are trying to redeem yourself by using this personal issue with Rep Glenn Chong, which you have communicated to me and I responded to you in private. I would have appreciated it if you have respected its privacy.
Your issue with Rep Glenn Chong is private and has nothing to do with the Freedom Fighters in this blog. Instead of discussing this issue which has made you so obsessed with Rep Glenn Chong, why won't you ask JDR to take Rep Glenn Chong to court? I would assume you are referring to our SB Member, Hon Victor Del Rosario Jr
Why won't you personally take Rep Glenn Chong to court in behalf of Councilor Del Rosario so we can put your debating and "Sherlock Holmes" investigating skills to a test in a proper forum? You can act as Councilor Del Rosario’s Legal Counsel.
The main reason Lurt is you are using this issue as a justification to attack the Chong family. You are attacking the Chong family and anyone identified with them as you are really working for the Espina Dynasty.
You are using the JDR issue to attack the Chong family, because you are acting as a shill for the Espina Family.
Is the Espina Dynasty using you because you impress them with your debating skills and superior command of the English language? Not to mention your propensity to imitate” Sherlock Holmes"?
I don't like to discuss yours or Councilor Del Rosario’s personal issues with Rep Glenn Chong on this blog, because it is a legal matter. And as such, should be addressed in the court of proper jurisdiction. And why is Councilor Del Rosario not airing his side on this blog, if he really wants to address the issue?
I have noticed that you are selling again your “Sherlock Holmes” interpretation of the incident at BI. You cannot accept defeat on this blog because you think you are the only smart person who knew what happened. Or again, is it to impress Gerry Espina Sr. or, are you looking for a wider audience to satisfy your thirst for acceptance and recognition?
I can rebut each line of your argument if I like to, but like I told you before, it is a waste of time. What will it accomplish? Trying to impress each other on this blog with our debating skills? I don’t even think you can fare well in a live debate, as you seem to be too emotional to tackle any proposition.
Finally, will your attempt to resurrect the issue help the family of Councilor Jun Del Rosario attain justice on any blog on the net?
The answer is definitely no. It will expose the issue to repetitious discussions which will further hurt his family. Do you really sincerely care? I am beginning to doubt it.
The only beneficiaries of these discussions are your insatiable craving for acceptance and recognition and political scoring for the Espina Dynasty.
By the way, you don’t have to impress all bloggers with your debating jargon, I suggest, use “KISS”. (Keep it simple stupid.)Not meant to be derogatory.
Bye for now.
Hi! you know buddy, until now i'm still waiting for your "point by point, coherent and logical answer to my previous argument with you. #1148. If you cant prove it then, in behalf of Dr. Borrinaga, I demand an apology.
I suppose that Kumbati is true when he said that don't blow you own horn. Let others do it for you.
Lurt 1339:
This is my reply to your defence alibi as a response to my ridiculous question.
1.For how many days, I did not post here for the mean time because I am excited to know your answer to Trul but until now you refused to reply to his very legitimate confrontation. I know you just ignored him/her because you can’t prove that Dr. Borrina criticized you either. Now, on his latest post, you are challenged for a most difficult decision.
2.I agree with you that to say sorry to trul is not a big deal because you just misread it. However, Trul reminded you already that he did not say it but still you are insisting without basis and told him to make-up his mind. Maybe first misreading is reasonable but what do you call if it is happened repeatedly? logical? rational?
3.You challenged me to apologize too, for what? Maybe for the name-naming and doing some rude statement. Now, Mr. Lurt, I will challenge you to read all my posts since you joined us as putative if I made some rude statement against you. You are the first one who called me bad boy or less moral. You insinuated me. I was really insulted for it. I think you have to apologize first.
Your latest issue on post 1146 will be treated equally later.
Aquarius 1148:
This essence helps resolve problems of over-competitiveness and brings a person into a space where they are free to interact with others as an equal. The Self then comes from a deeper aspect where it can feel joy for another's successes without feeling inferior or unattended. For issues of needing recognition and acceptance from others; for those who tend to demand attention, respect and recognition; for a person who is insastiable craving acknowledgement and becomes negative when people don’t respond on cue, such person needs to be constantly told what a good job they have done, or how good they are. Mixed in with this are flashes of superiority complex, over estimation of self-importance and a dismissing of people as underlings. Phases of all these traits are common in childhood, especially where parents have tended to placate the child and not deal with the negative behaviour. The demands then continue to rise to new levels. The healing brings a quieting of the mind, which can feel self assurance and inner contentment.
Thanks for providing moral support and guiding us to continue our unselfish cause.
Naunsa man mo uy! inyo man pod nang gitabangan ug maayo c Lurt. OK man pud nang mga argument niya ba! some of the bloggers insecure lang gyud, di ba?
Diehard, paghilum diha! parihas lang mo sa imong idol nga morag sip-on, nga pasulpot-sulpot. Maayo pa maghilum ka kay bisna unsaon asar gyud kang dako!
Kon tinood man nga witness si Saul, dako gyud ang posibility nga madiin ang mga espina. Maayo unta kon maapil si Mongol nga JDR kay may nakakita man sa iya nga didto gyud sa agta beach kauban ang mga CIDG. Unsa man iyang gibuhat didto, nag session? maayo unta kon mapriso ning baklaa kay nagsamoksamok lang ni sa Naval
this is my simple analysis of what is going on here!
I’m in no doubt; right now Lurt is in dilemma that is why up to this moment he can’t decide either to post again or not. His problem is, if he will not continue to post, his advocacy to destroy Rep. Chong’s credibility will not prosper. If he will also continue to post, he might be forced to ask apology to Trul and KKK. I’m sure they are waiting for it. Another problem he is having in trouble, he doesn’t know how to contest Aquarius’ very strong contention against him, especially that Aquarius told him that I can rebut each line of your argument if I like to. Then, Aquarius has a lot of grounds charging him for insatiable craving for acceptance and recognition and political scoring and he is looking for a wider audience to satisfy his thirst for acceptance and recognition.
Actually, KKK contention #1150 is straight forward when he said to Lurt that maybe first misreading is reasonable but what if it is repeatedly happened, what do you call it? Logical or rational? I personally agree with him because when I reread the post of Trul #1120, his statement is very striking when he said that ”By the way, Dr. Borrinaga never criticize you, as you claimed, you are very assuming!”. If you are a sensitive person, this statement “very assuming” is hard to take. It might irk ones ego which I need to prove right away that I’m not to pin point some evidences. However, Lurt never did this and still insisting because he is confident that he is knowledgeable. Therefore, I can always agree with Aquarius when he allegedly said to Lurt “you cannot accept defeat on this blog because you think you are the only smart person”. A simple blogger humbly heed an apology from a person who claimed to have logical, point by point and coherent argument.
Finally, Lurt, maybe had been reprimanded by JDR when he made mention again about the moral issue of his mother Marily. Then, he prevented Lurt not to post again.
Truly, I’m waiting for Lurt to post again and prove his claimed that Dr. Borrinaga criticized him too.
I’m not a regular blogger here. Though, I posted very seldom and I used anonymous as my alias. When Lurt was bragging his logical, point by point and coherent argument, I was annoyed and my eyebrow rose. So, I confronted him immediately to disprove him. This guy belongs to standard electric fan “ the mahangin family”. I have a lot of reasons to doubt that he is Steve Greinke. Although, he denied it but it doesn’t follow. He can deny it a hundred times but the truth remains forever. Unless he will reveal himself and give some proof, my doubt remains unchanged.
RS 1153:
Ikaw ba, mora ka ug c gerygirl nga tamayan. sigi tawon ko ug post diri pero anonymous akong gamiton kay basin moaro si gerygirl unya manamay na pod. Maldita raba tong dako, kaingon pod niya ug magaling siya, gayaya lang dagway adto. Ay naku, ningbalik ug blog kaduha lang. unya kay wala may ning pansin sa iyaha, wala na mousab. napahiya yata ang gaga!
Trul 1157:
I too am waiting for Lurt to post once more because his issue about genocide is not yet settled. He mentioned on his post 1152 the definition of Genocide “the deliberate and systematic extermination”. But when I browsed Dictionary.com, the complete definition is “ the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group.”
While “extermination” is defined as “to kill or destroy somebody or something completely” (from Encarta Dictionary).
Now, I have a lot of justifications as I go so far as to maintain my position that genocide is a proper term.
To all freedom fighters:
Just wait for the 3rd attact of Putative/Lurt on this site with much revenge to destroy the credibility of Rep. Chong and with much logical, point by point and coherent argument and with new alias too.
Na Anon 1160,
Hala Darna, sige paputaka na pod nang imong in-love nga si alyas John Smith, Putaktive, Blurt, etc., dinhi sa blogs. Maghuwat mi pagkusikusi sa iya. Wa lay basulay ha ug naay laing tawong masabud, sama sa mga Bandido ug inyong sulod balay.
Sige i translate na pod ni sa imong Putak-putak dinhi.
Wa pa uroy motakas ni estrangheroha. Pamati nako tingali ug illegal alien o fugitive ba kaha ni didto sa Tate, mao na nga dinhi na lang moipli ug magsinamoksamok, sinalipdan sa mga Bandido.
O sige i translate na pod.
klaro nga gisulti ni Rep. chong nga identified na sa mga witnesses ang mga CIDG nga kasama sa ambush kang Charlie chong. Buot pasabot nga tinood ang nakareport diri sa usa ka blogger.
Ug medyo dako na ang development sa maong kaso kay hapit na maconnect sa mastermind. Hapit na mopiyait ang missing link. Pero dako kaayo nga pangutana, nganong didto man and CIDG mederecho sa ilang lugar aron makigkita? ug kon dili guilty ang mga CIDG nganong gi discharge man dayon sila, the night nga nahitabo ang crimen?
Ug ang katapusan nga pangutana, nganong tua naman nagstandby ang governor nga bootan Manila?
Ni ingon man ang congressman nga kon naka lusot sila sa kamatayon ni Danny, karon iya ng paninguhaon nga masilutan na gyud ang mga criminal! Sana Lord!!!!
Naay ningkalat na pod nga news, nga nakurat daw ang mga NBI nga nag-investigate sa Biliran ambush kay nakakuha sila ug finger prints ni Sabornido ang previous nga provincial commander. Didto kini nakuha sa sa sakyanan ni Charlie nga gigamit sa pag-escape sa mga assailants. Ang gikapkapan gud ni Sabornido ang nabiyaan man nga sakyanan nga maoy gigamit sa mga assilants sa dihang gi-ambush si Charlie diin namatay ang duha ka body guards. Sa dihang minglayas na sila, kang Charlie Chong nga sakyanan ang ilang gigamit.
So, wala ma touch ni Sabornido ang sakyanan ni charlie nga maoy gigamit sa pag-ekyas ug didto kini na kaplagi sa may Bato, Biliran. Karon, nganong tua man didto ang finger prints ni Sabornido?
Kon matinood man kini nga balita, na, mao na kini ang panahon sa panudya.
Maayo unta kon tua pod didto ang finger prints ni JDR ang monggol nga konsihala aron maapil ka priso kining baklaa!!!
I am trying to confirm with Jalmz if this news item is an official press release from the investigating authorities:
As posted in Biliranisland.com July 5 2008.
CIDG men involved in Biliran ambush identified
July 5th, 2008 (3 hours ago)
BiliranIsland.com Staff
First Posted 3:18 PM 07/05/2008
Two of the members of the Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG) assigned in the Province of Biliran who allegedly took part in the ambush of the convoy of Charlie Chong, the father of Congressman Glenn A. Chong, in the evening of June 7, 2008 in front of his residence are now positively identified.
CIDG Suspect
Based on the pictures of the members of the CIDG assigned in Biliran province being shown to some of the persons who were part of the convoy in that evening, they positively identified PO3 Jovito Say Cabillan and SPO2 Charlie Almine Ando, Jr. as part of the group who ambushed the group of Charlie Chong.
One of the persons who accompanied Charlie Chong that evening positively identified PO3 Cabillan as the CIDG personnel who fired shots at Antonio “Tony” Barcelo.
Another person who was part of the convoy also identified SPO2 Ando, Jr. as the person who fired shots at Alberto “Inton” Parilla.
Parilla died at 8:55 in the evening while Barcelo died at 10:30 that same night at the Biliran provincial hospital while wounding Jose “Joe” Casas.
Some of the members of the CIDG assigned in the province when the shooting incident happened include SPO4 Ricardo S. Arguta, PO3 Earl Foggy Baranda and PO3 Elvis C. Angatangay.
The above mentioned CIDG personnel were transferred immediately from their present assignment to other place after the shooting incident for unknown reason.
The station of the CIDG is located in the old tourism building at Brgy. Atipolo, Naval, Biliran.
The Mitsubishi Lancer color green with plate number NMK 996 left by the suspects at the crime scene was alleged to be the service vehicle of the CIDG personnel.
Meanwhile, a murder case was already filed by Charlie Chong against SPO2 Renato Saul at the Biliran Provincial Prosecutors Office.
Based on reliable sources, there are individuals who have already executed an affidavit pertaining to the involvement of the identified CIDG personnel in the ambush. - BiliranIsland.com
Awaiting confirmation from Jalmz whether this is an official press release from the investigating authorities:
As posted at biliranisland.com
Suspects in Biliran Ambush seen inside the compound of Espina`s house
July 5th, 2008 (38 minutes ago)
BiliranIsland.com Staff
First Posted 6:10 PM 07/05/2008
It took a lot of courage for the witnesses to come out in the open to reveal what they have seen several hours later after the shooting incident in the evening of June 7, 2008 in front of Biliran solon’s residence in Naval and execute affidavits claiming that they saw the suspects inside the compound of the house of Former Congressman of the lone district of Biliran and former Mayor of Naval Gerardo Gerry S. Espina, Sr. located at Brgy. Caray-Caray, Naval, Biliran.
These two young boys aged 18 and 17 (names withheld) stated in their joint affidavit executed on June 30, 2008 that they were in the company of their twin friends (names withheld) at around 9 in the evening of June 7 outside the gate of the Espina compound whiling way the time when they saw and heard from the terrace the former congressman shouting at them “Pasok kayo dito, huwag kayong mag-istambay sa labas!” (You come inside. don’t stay out!).
They added that they went inside and stayed near the gate and continued conversing as they usually do and at about 10 pm the gate was opened and two motorcycles coming from the direction of Brgy. Catmon drove in.
What they saw was one in military uniform with armalite riding an Enduro motorcycle while the three others were on an xrm type motorcycle (both motorcycles are colored red) and looked scared and in a hurry..
According to the two boys, the three were met by former Congressman and Mayor Gerry Espina, Sr. and one of them said, “Sir muntik na kaming mayari!” (Sir, we almost got killed!).
They added that Espina, Sr. told them to go inside and that they could hear them clearly because the compound was very quiet.
They also saw that the man in uniform with armalite stayed at a distance from them and noticed him to be one of the guards of the Espina compound.
They said that they were told by a certain person (name withheld) not to go home yet because it was dangerous. The man said “Ayaw sa mo paggawas kay delikado”.
They stayed inside until 1 am of June 8, 2008 when SB member Roselyn Espina arrived and that was the time that they were given the go signal to leave since the door was already opened.
Up to the time they left they did not see the three men come out of the Espina residence while the one in uniform took up his post, they said.
Meanwhile, in the supplemental affidavit executed by the same two boys, they now come to know the name of the man in military uniform in Enduro type motorcycle as police officer Joe Bacalla, a security escort of the Espina family described as a slightly built and is often seen in Brgy. Caray-Caray.
They said that they know Bacalla because it was mentioned by one of his twin friends and was the one who came inside the gate first ahead of the three on board the XRM motorcycle.
One of the witnesses said that he was just about three meters away from the XRM motorcycle when it came inside the compound and passed by him and he saw the face of the driver of the XRM and the passenger seated next to the driver but could not see the face of the second passenger because his face was turned away from him.
After one of the witnesses was shown with the pictures of CIDG officers, he has identified SPO2 Charlie Almine Ando, Jr. as the driver of the XRM motorcycle and the passenger next to him as PO3 Jovito Say Cabillan.
One of the witnesses added that he can recognize them because the place had enough light and that SPO2 Ando looked like the popular actor Gabby Concepcion and recalled to be the same person who reported to former congressman Gerardo S. Espina, Sr., “Sir muntik na kaming mayari (Sir, we almost got killed).
They also recalled that it was an old woman who opened the gate while Espina, Sr. was watching her and that the old woman was in a hurry and looked very much scared when she opened the gate.
The two boys executed their supplemental affidavit on July 4, 2008 to supplement their previous joint affidavit in order to identify police officer Bacalla, SPO2 Charlie Almine Ando, Jr and PO3 Jovito Say Cabillan as the three of the four persons who went onside the Espina compound at about 10 pm of June 7, 2008. - BiliranIsland.com
Vigilant 1151
We share the same advocacy. There are disturbing developments as published by Jalmz of BI.
I hope these are official press releases from the investigating authorities.
I personally heard from Rep. Chong, Boy Ty and Ben Ricafort during their regular radio program that there are witnesses who made an affidavit about the presence of the CIDG at one house owned by somebody after the ambush incident happened. Actually, they refused to name names but they promised to publish it officially in near future.
I know Jalmz is responsible guy. He won’t publish that news in his website if it isn’t produced by any legal authority.
Thanks for publishing this very interesting news here.
kining klase sa balita kung tinood jud nagpasabot lang na duna nay kalambuan sa inbestigasyon.
Ang mas nindot jud kung masulbad jud ning kasuha, aron mawala na ang mga pagduda sa katawhan,
ug usa pinaagi niini mobalik ang pagsalig sa katawhan ngadto sa kapulisan.
Tama gyud ka kay karon ang mga tawo wala na gyuy pagsalig sa mga pulis, ilabina sa Naval. Sukad pa sa una, ning samot pa gyud karon. Bisan unsaon sa mga pulis karon pagpaayo-ayo, ang ilang credibility na papas na. Mao nga daghan kaayo ang cremin sa Biliran kay unsaon nga tua ra man sa mga Espina kanunay magsunodsunod. Ang ilang mga amo kay ang mga Espina man. Masmaayo pa siguro nga wagtangon nalang ang mga pulis. Wala man gihapon na silay gamit. Abir unsa man daw gamit sa mga pulis diha sa Naval? tigsipa anang mga manindahay ug isda, unsahay tukwangon panang ilang mga banyira? Naay tulis nga duol pa gyud sa ilang presento, dili masakpan, mga drug dealers dili madakpan. Unsaon nga naa raman magpunay ug sunod-sunod anang konsihal nga mangugulo Jun del Rosario.
Aniay usa ka post sa Bl.com nga akong gipost diri kay maayo kininga huna-huna:
16. utip [Quote]
Today at 7:48 am (3 hours ago)
ako sa mga chong dili nako palabi ug pagawa ug affidavit nga way lig on basehan..lig onan nalang nila ang ilang gitumbok nga suspek nga si spo2 SAUL tama nn, dili na siya mag implicate ug lain pang tawo kay makarilibog na ning hitaboa halatado n.. mahinabo ani wala na sila kredibilidad, ugaling unsa pa ang ilang ipagawas sa ilang mga baba,kay sama ani nga bag o nga affidavit nga gihimo sa ilang bag ong witness murag dodable gayod pagsuporta.
tama na to si spo2 SAUL…si sabornido nga natanggong..ayaw na nila palabian pa ug lain tawo…
ang katapostposan ani murag sila lang ang maunay ana..nga ila lng gidrama nang hitaboa.
My comment:
Tinood ning suggestion ni Utip kay kining bag-o nga duha ka batan-on nga nag himo ug affidavit nga ilang nakita ang mga CIDG sa Caraycaray ug misulod sa residence sa mga Espina morag dili na kato-ohan. Una, pagka ugma sa maong hitabo, ming-ingon si Gerry sr. nga nagpasalamat ako sa among mga supporters nga mi-adto kagabii sa among balay aron sa pagbantay. So, kon tinood pa nga ilang nakita ang mga CIDG didto, ila usab untang makita kining mga tawo nga miadto didto. Kon pananglitan man nga nagbinuwa si Gerry Sr. naa man pod silay security diha permi, so from 10:00 PM to 1:00 AM, grabe dili gyud sila makit-an sa security, unless kon layo kaayo sila. Pero kon layo pod sila kaayo, unsaon man nila pag-identify nga mga CIDG sila?
Kini mga pagduda lang nga mao usab ang akong nadunggan sa uban. Naa pa unta akoy idugang pa niini pero respituhon nato ang atong mga authoridad nga nag investigate sa maong kaso, sama sa ingon ni Aquarius that we should avoid speculation.
Ang ako lang nga magbantay pag-ayo sila Atty. chong sama sa giingon ni Utip nga basin sila ang maunay nga ila lang gidrama ang hitabo. nakasabot baya ta nga maayo mogimmick kini si Gerry Sr. Karon daghan ang nag-ingon nga morag relax lang ang mga Espina dili sama sa una sa pagkamatay ni Danny nga maora pod sila ug namatyan. Karon morag wala lang sa ila kay basin may plano sila nga makapabalik sa simpatiya sa mga tawo. Miingon ra ba ang governor nga magtataka kayo sa resulta sa investigation. Bakit kaya????
Bantayan gayud ni nato ug maayo nga dili mapareha sa Caibiran ang mahitabo sa Biliran ambush. Ang mga testigos sa pagpatay kang Dr. Gloria Ramirez sa Caibiran ning atras baya kono, tungod kono sa hulga nga ilang nadawat. Mao nga naubol karon ang kaso.
Kinahanglan gayud ug dako nga suporta ang mga batan-on nga testigos nakakita kang alyas Gabby Concepcion ug kauban nga mamumusil nga ningsulod sa usa ka dakung balay diha sa Caraycaray. Tingali ug mapareho ang kabutang sa Caibiran, nga nahimo lang ug nakawang ang resulta sa imbestigasyon sa NBI.
Kining mga panghitabua sa naval karon,mabasa ug madunggan ko ni sa mga balita sa radyo ug pahayagan na nahitabo sa laing lugar.
Apan karon ang atong lugar na jud ang napatik sa tv ug pahayagan.
Kinahanglan jud masulbad ning panghitabua,kay kung dili ni masulbad,ang atong probinsya la gihapon ang makalololoy.
Dako na ug posibilidad na magpadayun ning mga panghitabua kay tungod wa tay nakitang sad an.Magbalik balik ra ni, Dapat mosukol na kitang mga dinaug daug.
di ta magpa ulipon sa mga gahaman sa poder.
To all freedom fighters:
I am just wondering here why we should avoid speculation. I can’t believe that the investigating authorities will be influenced by some speculations without prima facie evidence. I raised this question because I’m primarily concern of what is going on now in Naval. I heard some reports that leaked from the source, although not certain but there’s no harm if we will inform the people of Naval about this report. So much so that whatever will happen in upcoming days, we have already an idea that it was planned that way by them so that the people will not be deceived that it was dramatically planned as what they are trying to propagate it right now in order to destroy the credibility of Rep. Glenn. Nevertheless, why we should not ask ourselves that maybe they are the one who wants to dramatize it to get the sentiment of the Biliranon in order to obtain back the public trust.
I have some questions that we need to ponder on: When the Vietnamese was robbed by Gene Corpin, et al, it was very surprising that these robbers did not wear bonnet or mask. Now, if the real intention of the assailants are to assassinate Charlie Chong, why they were not wearing bonnet too. I f the Espinas want to kill Charlie Chong, they can hire professional killers from Manila and they can link it with robbery, love triangle, ect. Lastly, do you believe that the vehicle used by the assailants during the Naval ambush was not intentionally left behind? These are some questions that need to be considered because if we will not voice out our own opinion and what we heard that might help to solve the real intention of the political problem and if we will rely on the investigating authority, then we might end up with day dreaming. So, I’m encouraging everybody to share your opinion especially if you heard something that our people need to know so that we can move forward to counteract their dreadful plan to win next election. We should help Atty. Chong to solve this problem, as saying goes “ Two heads are better than one” I’m not against of what Aquarius has stated that we should avoid speculation but our purpose is to exchange views and information we heard, I think it is reasonable enough.
My post at BI in response to UTIP's challenge to Rep Glenn Chong.
Utip 57
I believe, that you are putting yourself in an awkward situation. If you are challenging Rep Glenn Chong to a fair and square discussions on this blog, you will need to post your exchange of opinions under your true name ,as Rep Chong is posting under his true name.That way, bloggers can validate your statements.
Until then, you will be judged by other bloggers here or any other blogs as a mere rumor monger with nothing of value to discuss apart from your unilateral attack against the Chong family and your loyalty to the Espina family.
I appreciate your posts as it keeps bloggers from both sides on their toes. However, you may need to be prudent in your statements and be prepared to back it up with facts if you want your arguments to be credible.
I maintain the position that speculations on the incident need to be stopped pending the outcome of the official investigation of the authorities. While your scenarios may intrigue and entertain the bloggers, it will not find the culprits of this despicable act.
Let us not lose sight of the objective of the investigations: to arrest and prosecute these criminals and give justice to the victims of the June 7 incident. Any political references are nothing but speculations. Entertaining as it maybe, it trivializes and desecrates the memory of those who died in the incident and adds trauma to those who survived, specially their families.
I encourage all of us bloggers, posting under the blanket of anonymity, to maintain prudence in posting our statements and bear in mind the consequences of whatever statements we make on any blog on the net.
The freedom to post carries with it an equal responsibility.
I appreciate your comments. One of the reasons I discourage speculations on the incident is that it solicits unqualified comments on the blog which trivializes the incident and desecrates the memory of those who died, and adds trauma to those who survived, specially their families.
You may have probably observed that in BI the discussions gravitated towards verbal gymnastics between supporters of Chong vs. the Espina families.
If we have any information which we think will help in the arrest of these criminals, let us pass it on to the investigating authorities.
You can email the information to both admin of BI and BE. I assume both have access to the authorities and to the relevant parties to the incident. Or you can pass on the information direct to the PNP-Naval.
Is it possible for Admin to post contact numbers and email addresses for the investigating authorities, based in Naval? It will help bloggers who may hold information that will be critical to the solution of this case.
to all bloggers:
This idea as to avoid speculation on the Naval ambush is necessary especially if it is purely speculation but for those who acquired informed speculation, then it should be logged to the proper forum as what Aquarius usually remind us. Purely speculation will never help but it adds to the already highly charged atmosphere of suspicion, sentiments and confusion. I thought, it is the moment to analyze and reflect back on the sequence of events, aware of the gravity of the accusation and alleged act. A contribution, perhaps, to help us untangle the mystery –be it a mere speculation, will manipulate the result or findings from the investigating authority.
Ka ganina, naka paminaw ko sa programa nila Gerry Sr. ug may gibasa siya nga affidavit nga gihimo sa usa ka Lolo sa usa sa duha ka mga testigus nga mga batan-on nga nakakita sa mga CIDG didto sa balay ni Gerry Sr. sa gabei nga gi ambush si charlie. Kining maong Lolo nagkanayon nga gisugo ni Atty. Villordon ang duha aron sa pagtestigos.
Ka ila man ko kang Atty. villordon kay leader ni siya sa CFC. Morag dili gyud na katuho-an nga mobahaton na ni Atty. villordon.
Kining lagas bisan unsa nalang ang iyang buhaton aron maka lingkawas sila sa ilang mga kada-utan.
Naghisgut pa gyud ug gaba. ambot wala ba kaha siya panglimbawoti nga moingon man nga ang gaba ming-abot na nila ni Charlie Chong. Kay ang telon daw sa usa ka drama naghinayhinay na pagka abri.
Ato ni karong masabtan kon kinsa kaha ang tinood nga magabaan. Hilas gyud kaayo paminawon ang lagas!!!
Aquarius, I understand your motive but there are some theories about this ambush in Naval that we need to know in order for us to be awared of what will happen in the future. Once their scheme will be revealed, we can look for some solutions through exchange of views in this forum.
It is really difficult to bring it right away to the investigating authority because these theories needs to be written as affidavit and it must be verbally proven.
Then, who are willing to do this especially that it is already handed from one mouth to the other?
If these theories are not true then much better. My only concern here is to make some speculation known to others to make everybody awared of.
I dont think so if it will desecrates the memory of those who died, and adds trauma to those who survived, specially their families as what you said. Anyhow, I still respect your opinion.
Maayo bitaw na nga huna-huna nga ato usab nga masabtan ang mga hungihong nga maoy naghatag ug kasamok sa atong lugar diin naka plano sa mga Espina para atong ma intercept ang ilang mga nahuna-hunaan aron makuha pagbalik ang botos sa mga Biliranon.
Tingali dili mani siya makahatag ug kadaut sa gihimo nga investigation kay dili man pod na mga bugo ang mga investigador nga mointertain lang ug mga hearsay nga report.
Uyon ko sa imong giingon nga atong ibulgar diri ang mga laraw sa mga espina aron usab masayod ang taga gawas sa Naval. Parihas karon, ningkalat ang balita nga gihubog man diay ni gerry sr. ang Lolo aron moperma sa affidavit.
lig-on man diay ang mga testigos nga mo implicate sa mga Espina. Hapit na issue han ug warrant of arrest! Hala, nagtika excited na sunod nga mga yugto, ang mga panudya nga atong gipaabot... mag-ampo lang gyud ta nga unta maconvict gyud ang mga Espina ilabina ang monggol.
Whenever I write an article or make a blog post, I write from my current level of awareness, which will vary over time, especially because I expend so much time and energy on personal growth. There is much I’ve written in my own articles that I now no longer feel to be “true” for me today. At the level of awareness at which I wrote it, it was objectively true, but at the level I’m at now, it often doesn’t contain the same truth. It’s not that what I wrote has gone from true to false — it’s more that the information is only true for those who are living at a certain level of awareness, and once you transcend that level, it ceases to be helpful
Nevertheless, I keep my idea publicly available because I know they can still benefit people who are at a level of my awareness where the articles contain truth. If you’re struggling with a lack of clarity, then an article about values clarification can prove very helpful. But eventually you’ll reach a level of awareness where you transcend the usefulness of values clarification.
Consequently, whenever someone who shifts levels of awareness writes frequently, there will be seeming contradictions in their writings unless you consider the level of awareness at which they’re writing. But all of the output can still be useful to different people at different times. I’ve had several people write to me to tell me they disagreed completely with something I wrote, only to contact me again the following year to say it was spot on and exactly what they needed to hear to make a huge breakthrough. The writing remained the same, but people see different levels of truth in it based on their own level of awareness.
Jalp 1183:
I don’t know what you are talking about. It seems that you are a regular blogger here, are you? Your expressions or remarks sound familiar for me. It seems you are sour graping or kinds of defense mechanism, maybe, your preceding ideas were not recognized here. Will you please elaborate it?
Copy of my post at BI
57. Avatar Aquarius [Quote]
July 11th, 2008 at 5:47 am (2 minutes ago)
Pag-Usapan Natin with Gerry Espina Sr. 12:30-1 PM July 10, 2008 [21:43m]:
I don’t want to make comments on the statements of both Rep Glenn Chong and former Cong & Mayor Gerry Espina Sr. in relation to the incident as it is best left to the hands of the investigating authorities.
What concerns me most, and all Biliranons should be worried, is, that as early as 2008, Gerry Espina Sr has already organized his election machinery for 2010 through the active organizational activities of his self serving FOGE or the Friends of Gerry Espina.
It is a matter of grave concern for the Biliranons when FOGE, as Gerry Sr announced in his radio program, is eligible to receive grants from the government as a legitimate non government unit to assist in their livelihood programs which will only benefit the members of FOGE.
FOGE will now become the vehicle for the flow of funds which will only benefit its members, whose eligibility is mainly determined by its political loyalty to the Espina Dynasty.
In this regard, FOGE is a not a non profit organization, but rather a political organization which, according to Gerry himself, is the organization solely responsible for the Espina family winning the previous elections.
Is FOGE eligible to receive grants from any sources of funding, whether national, provincial, local or international funding agencies, when its primary objective is to act as the political machinery for Bando Espina?
Gerry Sr. has gloated on the radio, that without FOGE, his family would have not won any political stronghold in Biliran. He further boasted that in 1995, he was facing the political clout of the Jaro family and the political machinery of the administration, incumbent at that time, and yet, FOGE got him through.
Gerry Espina Sr has given total credit to FOGE, not to major political parties such as KAMPI, NPC and LAKAS, for winning elections and establishing the Espina Dynasty in Biliran.
The leadership of KAMPI, LAKAS and NPC should strip Gerry Espina Sr and the Bando Espina of any political links and support, in as much as he has unilaterally declared that, it is only FOGE that has been responsible for his electoral wins.
The other thing that should worry the Biliranons is Gerry Sr.’s statement, that only the supreme presence of the Espina Dynasty in all levels of governance can and had made improvements in Biliran. Who else can he attribute to? He controlled Biliran for the last 12 years.
His pronouncements reveal his strong commitment for the Espina Dynasty to occupy all sensitive positions in 2010. Gerry Sr., in his demented mind, has again announced to the public, that only the Espina Dynasty can deliver advancement to Biliran.
The rapid decline in peace and order since June 2007 to 2008, and the intense use of the Radyo Natin to vilify any opponents of the Espina Dynasty; and broadcast its own so called “improvements” should be viewed in the light of the current pronouncements of former Cong and Mayor Gerry Espina Sr and the on-going political re-organizational activities of FOGE.
I will leave it to you my fellow Biliranons, to draw your own conclusions.
Kini ba si anonymous 1182, kon unsay madungang sa mga gipanulti sa mga barker nga boy ty ug ben recaport, isulti pod dayon diri aron ingnon ba nga updated siya!
Ato lang tanawon bitaw kon asa taman nang inyong gipanghambog nga ligon ang inyong mga tistigus nga mga binayaran lang!!!!
mao siguro nga nag anonymous ka no aron ba dili ka mapahiya kon mapalpak nang inyong mga lig-on nga tistigus?
ayaw jud mo ug palabig buga sa inyong hangin kay basin mahutdan mo ug oxigen, na madedbol jud mo... mayo pa manood mo sa pinoy idol ug mobatar kang chen ang galing bitaw niya!!!
I share your opinion that the Espinas are trying to exploit the FOGE organizatio for political advancement of their family. This is undeniable facts. Innocence and poor people who belong to the FOGE are victims of traditional politicians whose selfish interests abused their powerlessness.
We can’t also blame these poor people because of their yearning to receive some benefits for their physical and social needs. There are a lot of works to be done in order educate this people. The church in Naval, through the spiritual leadership of bishop Felomeno Bactol, in their mission to organize BEC tried to bring this people free from any political monopoly. As of now, our only hope is our very energetic Rep. Glenn Chong in order to impede the evil political motives of the Espina dynasty.
Diehard, sa imo lang nga alias halata na wala kang sariling panindigan kay bisan mali-mali ang mga Espina, sunod-sunod ka ng sunod kay diehard man ka!
Tan-awa daw kon unsa nga oras na post ang akong blog, di ba mga 8:00 AM? Nagsugod ang programa sa bidlisiw mga 9:00 AM na!
ka walay unod anang imong mga comments parihas sa imong ulo nga walay unod!
Excuse me, si Grechen magaling? no....no...no... for your information, kadaghan diha sa Biliran nga mas magaling kay Gretchen, wala ra na siya sa katiting. Ning lusot lang na kay daghan man ug pera ang iyang mga familya tungod sa corruption. Kaya gani nila magsweldo nang 15/30, unsa naman kaha ang ilang anak nga gusto nila mosikat. Bisan pa ug 1 million votes kaya gastosin ng iyang Lolo nga upaw ug amahan nga artistahon.
Atong balikon ang naglabay na panahon aron maklaro jud nato nganong moingon ko na wala misungay si Charlie Chong sa mga Espina, Kundi gitrayduran siya mao napugos ug sukol sa mga Espina.
Sa mga tawo ni Espina,ang may daghang kwarta ,na may kaagi na midagan sa politika, Mao kini si Alex Ang,Charlie Chong,William Diu…Silang tulo miagi ug kapilde, apan sa ilang tulo si Charlie Chong lang ang may daghang tawo.So Gilantaw sa mga Espina na kini siya ang ilang gikahadlukan na makakontra pag abot sa panahon.Mao tong ilang giplanuhan na ipa exterminate kini si Charlie Chong pina agi kang Gene Corpin aron magpabilin jud sila sa poder hasta kahasta..Apan lagi kay matinabangon si Charlie sa katawhan ,apil na sa natabangan niya si Gene Corpin, Mao gidool jud kini ni Gene Corpin si Charlie ug gi ingnan na di jud niya makaya patyon si Charlie, siguro nakunsensya kini si Gene, Kini pala na pagkasulti ni Gene Corpin ngadto klaro na kaayo na way laing nagsugo kundi si Pawiks.Kay si pawiks man ang amu ni Gene.
Milabay ang panahon nakalimtam kini na issue ug wala nabaniog ngadto sa katawhan kay lagi si Atty Parilla man ang ilang kuntra.
Si Atty Parilla ra ang ilang kusog kusog na kuntra sa politika atong tungura, Kung inyong mahinumduman,Ang kadaugan ni Gerry Espina kuntra kang Atty Parilla may kaubang limbong. Mao to dunay mga rally ug recall na nahitabo.Tungod ani,murag napahiya ang mga Espina kay wala nila damha na misukol man ang mga taga Naval.
Tungod lagi sa kahakog sa poder,Gusto siguro sa mga Espina ,na dapat tagaan nila ug leksyon ang man taga Naval sila kinsa tong mosuway kanila o kaha mobangga kanila sa politika.Ug ipapatik sa alimpatakan sa katawhang Navalnon o dili kaha sa tanang Biliranon ang kahadlok kanila.
Mobalik ta sa issue sa unang attempt sa mga Espina pagpapatay kang Charlie Chong.
Kay lagi wa man natuman ang pagpatay ni Gene Corpin kang Charlie Chong.Ilang gibalhin ang attensyon ngadto kang Atty Parilla. Siguro sa ilang hunahuna kini siya ang tawong maayong himoong ehemplo aron ang ilang mga plano sa paghadlok ug pagpakita na sila ang gamhanan sa katawhan matuman. Apan lagi kay init pa kaayo ang issue atong tungora sa eleksyon, ila unang gipalabay ang panahon,giplanuhan pag ayo kung unsaon na magkadunay lamat o kaha engkwentro sila Gene ug Danny,na wala silay kalambigitan.
Mao mi abot jud ang panahon na ilang giplano,natuman kini kutob na ngadto sa pagpatay kang Atty Parilla.
Sa kamatayon ni Atty Parilla misamot ang kasuko sa mga tawo,dili lang sa taga Naval kundi ang tibook Biliranon. Mao gipili sa katawhang Biliranon na si Glenn Chong ang padaganun kuntra kang Gerry Espina, Dinhi nagsugod na ang kahadlok ni Gerry Espina,kay sa iyang iyang mga panagna ug damgo ug panlantaw na usa sa mga Chong na mobangga kaniya niabot na.Ug nagpadayun kini,Napilde si Gerry Espina.
Karon kay di man jud niya madawat ang kapildihan, nanimawos siya.Gigamit ang poder gihapon aron pag exterminate sa kinabuhi ni Charlie Chong sa ikaduhang higayon, Apan kalooy sa Ginoo,wala gihapon natuman ang mga planong pagpapatay.Naa gihapon ang Ginoo nanalipod kaniya.
Salit kitang mga Biliranon ayaw kita kalimot sa pag ampo na ang atong lugar malimpyo, ug mobalik sa kalinaw sama na mga naglabay na panahon.
Aquarius 1185:
I can't help but have pity them for they are victims of political abuse. This kind of political abuse is through bribery, patronage and cronyism. It is a political abuse through bribery because every time the Espinas provide some material goods or any kind of benefit, the FOGE will be given always a priority. Bribes may be demanded in order for an official or members to do something he is already paid to do. Secondly, political abuse through patronage refers to favoring supporters and vise versa. Lastly, political abuse through Cronyism. This kind of political abuse is to give favor to any political allies or personal friends in order to preserve their political support in every election. Once a politician used his power to influence others for personal purpose is always considered as political abuse.
I hope and pray that we could do something in order to help these victims of political abuse.
As posted at BI.
Prosecutor’s office issues subpoena against Gerry Espina, Sr., police officer Bacalla for double murder, frustrated murder cases
July 11th, 2008 (1 hour ago)
BiliranIsland.com Staff
First Posted 7:41 PM 07/11/2008
The Office of the Provincial Prosecutor in Biliran province issued a subpoena to Gerardo S. Espina, Sr and Police Officer Jose Bacalla, both residing in the Espina Compound, Caray-Caray, Naval, Biliran as respondents to the Double Murder and Frustrated Murder cases filed by Charles P. Chong, complainant..
The subpoena with I.S. No. 2008-117 was issued by Atty. Gary C. Cruz, Provincial Prosecutor of the Office of the Provincial Prosecutor in Biliran on July 9, 2008 at Naval, Biliran Province .
Attached in the complaint are the sworn statements and affidavits of witnesses and aggrieve parties, sketch of crime scene, police blotter and a letter of Charles P. Chong totaling to 24 documents in all.
It is stated in the subpoena that there exists a probable cause to conduct a preliminary investigation and that the respondents are required to submit to the Prosecutor’s Office within ten (10) days from receipt their counter-affidavit and that of their witnesses and other documents duly sworn to before any State Prosecutors or any government officials authorized to administer.
It is also stated that the office administering oath shall certify that he has personally examined the affiant (of the respondents) and that he is satisfied and that they voluntarily executed and understood their affidavits.
Based in the subpoena, it is understood that failure (of the respondents) to submit such counter-affidavit and supporting documents within the said period shall be considered as a waiver of right to controvert the evidence of the complaint, hence, the preliminary investigation proceed without their (respondents) presence
Furthermore, it is stated that should they (respondents) comply to submit such counter-affidavits and other supporting documents within ten (10) days, and in order to clarify matters in aid of justice and resolving the case, you (respondents) are further commanded to appear to the undersigned investigator within the said period from receipt of the subpoena.
The Chief of Police of Naval, Biliran is required to immediately serve the subpoena and made return of service based on the subpoena.
The subpoena is still in the possession of SPOI Cristobal SD Manrique, Subpoena Server of Naval Police Station.
According to SPOI Manrique, he received the subpoena at 2:00 o’clock this afternoon from the postal office and immediately served it , however, the respondents are still in Caibiran town at the time he served the subpoena. - BiliranIsland.com
The wheel of justice is starting to turn; and the time of reckoning has come.
We hope and pray, that the victims of this horrendous crime will finally get their day in court and justice will prevail.
Aquarius, maayo lagi unta kon dili ni mabahiran sa politica kay aron mogawas gyud ang tinood nga justisya.
Ato gyud ning tagaan ug dakong panahon sa pag-ampo ngadto sa labaw nga makagagahum aron ang mga victima magmalinawon na hingpit.
To All Freedom Fighters
Indeed. I am confident, that there is no more stopping the wheel of justice from turning.
In saying that, we also have to respect the rights of the respondents to be presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt.
Now that the case is in court, we need to maintain active vigilance and follow its developments every step of the way.
I guess, we can now bring back discussions on this blog with the aim to make the court fully aware, that we are following the case until its expeditious resolution.
This is the case of the century for Biliran and must be treated as such.
Office of Rep. Glenn Chong
E-Mail: orgac@yahoo.com
Comments: In the course of our separate investigation into the killing of Mano Tony Barcelo and Mano Inton Parilla and the wounding of Mano Joe Casas, we have discovered soiled linens in the car that the suspects used (NMK 996) including a bottle of mineral water.
Our discovery of these items just recently only goes to show the half-hearted effort exerted by investigators under then police provincial director Sabornido to uncover evidence that would help point out who the perpetrators were.
We are inclined to have these pieces of evidence that we found submitted for possible DNA/forensic testing in the United States during Rep. Glenn Chong’s visit into that country accompanying Pres. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo on her State Visit. We believe these hard physical evidences would greatly complement statements of several witnesses to the June 7 Naval bloodbath.
We appeal to Biliranons and Filipinos in the United States and in nearby countries who have knowledge or information that would help us with this investigative procedure to please post such information in this site. For sensitive and confidential information, please email Rep. Glenn Chong at gac.biliran@gmail.com.
Thank you.
Nia karoy mg abalita nga ningkalat sa Naval nga ning awol mga kuno sila spo2 Cabillan and Ando ang duha ka CIDG nga possitive na identify sa mga witness nga sila ang nag ambush kang charlie chong nga maoy hinuingdan sa kamatayon sa iyang duha ka security guard.
Maayo unta kon dili ni tinood aron mahatagan gyud ug hostisya ang mga biktema.
Aquarius, sayod man ko nga concern jud ka sa taga Biliran mao nga gusto ka makatabang sa mga Biliranon, kon tinood man jud nga maloloy-on ka hangyoa na lang intawon na si Atty. Chong nga pabuhian na lang ang police nga si Rene Saul kay looy kaayo nang iyang family uy! daghan man jud ang nagtoo diri sa Naval nga wala na siyay labot kay bootan man intawon na siya nga police. Sayop man pod ni c Saul ba ky unta police siya dapat newtral, di ba? unya magsoot-soot siya sa tishirt nga naa ang nawong sa governor. Mao nga nasuko si Atty. Chong ug gi-apil hinoon siya sa patay diri sa Naval.
Unta, ila nalang nang pasayloon, kay mosugot man pod siguro na si Saul nga ang sunod niyang isoot ang tishirt na pod nga may nawong c congresman. Kon tinood nga aduna kay kalooy sa mga Biliranon, dapat lang ikaw ang mangusog nga pagawason nalang si Saul kay dili man jud na siya ma conbicto ba? kinsa may motoo nga mopatay na siya ug tawo? Salamat Aquarius!
kalooy pod nimo uy! tungod kay nonsense man jud ng imong request, amo nga wala pansina ni Aquarius! he he he he!
Tinood jud ang giingon ni anonynous 1188 nga waray jud unod ang imong mga blogs parihas sa imong ulo! he he he he!
Unsa may mahimo ana ni Aquarius nga dili man siya ang witness, wala man siya kakita sa nahitabo, dili man pod siya ang victims.
Maayo pa nga moapil ka sa tibangang guba kay parihas mong mga yabag, he he he he!
Diehard 1197
Sorry I did not mean to ignore your post. I just haven't been able to visit the site yesterday.
I understand how you feel for SPO2 Saul and family but unfortunately, there is really nothing much I or anyone can do as the matter is a criminal case now filed in court.
I'm afraid ,that SP02 Saul will have to go through the judicial process and if he is indeed innocent, the truth will set him free.
The best course of action for him is to turn State Witness and disclose what he knows ,that will be pertinent to the case.
If he is treated unjustly and his constitutional rights are violated during the process, then we can request certain civil libertarians to look at his case. That I can be of assistance.
However, at this stage, he has allegedly been identified by the victims and it will be extremely difficult to disentangle himself from this mess without going through the process.
If you really believe in the innocence of SP02 Saul and care about his family, you can gather his closest relatives ,friends, co-Police Officers and start a fund drive to temporarily help the family with their day to day expenses plus the litigation costs that will be incurred in the process of this case.
I always take the position that the respondents of this case are presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt.
I hope that SP02 Saul will stick to the side of the truth and free himself from this predicament.
You are a kindhearted person.
Diehard 1197:
Huwag ka lang magalit ha? bisan ug wala maka address sa ako ang imong blogs but i have to make some comments about it!
Kasabot ka ba a imong mga gipanulti nga moingon ka nga sayop pod ni SPO2 Saul kay naka soot siya sa T-shirt nga naka tatak ang nawong ni Gov. Roger Espina mao nga nasuko ang si Rep. Chong?
Kon ito lang basihan mo, kamabaw baya kaayo sa imong basihan? Sus, naunsa ka ba, kay ngano si SPO2 Saul lang ba ang ang nakasoot sa maong T-shirt? naa pod si SPO2 Porta? So, nganong wala man lagi apila ni mano Charlie chong pagpapriso si SPO2 Porta?
Hinoon dili ko maka blame sa imo kay bisan gani sa affidavit nga gihimo ni SPO2 Saul, mao mana ang iyang giingon nga nasuko lang si mano Charlie kay naka suot siya sa maong T-shirt.
Ibutang nato nga tinood nga ang basihan mao ang Tshirt nga gisoot, unta dili si SPO2 Saul ang ilang idamay kay bootan na siya nga Pulis ug maglisod sila pagprove, siguro kon si SPO2 Porta pa ang ilang gidamay, mas katoohan pa ang accusation ni mano Charlie kay kini si SPO2 Porta, pulis patola na, dali ra pod na mabayaran ug wala siyay public credibility kay kang SPO2 Saul.
So, the defense is very weak kon ang T-shrt lang ang alibi sa ilang affidavit.
To all bloggers:
Bidlisiw episode July 12, 2008 is now available at Podcast!!!
Thanks to all!!!
Ka ganina ba, nakapaminaw man ko sa pag-usapan natin. Makatoo na gyud ko nga giangoango na gyud itong tigulang nga Espina kay matod pa niya tapos na daw ang iyang affidavit nga gihimo sa kaso nga gipasang-at ni Charlie Chong unya dili na kuno angay hisgutan kay naa na kini sa Corte. Dili daw parihas kang Atty Glen nga ipang hatag pa sa mga tao.
Ay nako, gi-angoango na gyud kay niadtong hueves iya man lagi nga gibasa ang affidavit nga gihimo sa lolo sa mga testigus batok kang sa iya. Ingon pa man gani siya nga pwede na kini nako ipanghatag sa mga tawo kay public document na ito. Agoy ka buwaon gyud nga duro!
Kalisanglisang na man gani ron, unsa pa kaha kon iya nang maatubang sa Corte ang mga testigus. Ako pa nimo pawiks no, mo plea guilty ka nalang uy kay basin hinoon sa imong mga ipanulti lalo na madiin ang imong mga anak nga si Roselyn ug ang governor.
Anonymous 1203:
Bitaw no? basin nagsalig kini si Gerry Sr. kay lagas na siya unya dili na siya mapriso parihas ni Erap. Maybe he wants to get symphaty from the people kon mapriso na siya kadyot.
Unya modrama na pod siya nga nabiktema ako sa political power ni Rep. Glenn kay unsaon nga poderoso man kaayo siya. Daghan man siya ug ka alyado as congressman mao nga ilang nasabutahi ang corte.
Unya ang governor nga artistahon pod magpahilak-hilak napod nga ang daddy ko po ay nabiktema sa politica kaya na kulong siya.
Maybe this is one of their plans and I'm sure they will do it without hesitation in the interest of re-establishing the public’s trust in the province of Biliran. Kaya dapat magbantay gyud ta.
Thanks for this good information.
Anonymous 1202:
you know in Naval, some of my friends told me that nobody listen anymore this program " Pag-usapan Natin" but maybe ang tawo sa bukid, kay walay lain nga makuha kon dili ang Radyo Natin lang, so they have no choice.
Gerry Sr. believes that he can still fool the public. If he is successful to dupe some of the poliricians like Lucy Curso, Teting curso, Polpol Casas, et al, but I am confident that he can't continue to fool us anymore.
Now, Pag-usapan Natin episode is available at Podcast. Thanks!
Karon man diay adlawa magsugod ang preliminary trial sa kaso nga gifile ni Charlie Chong against Gerry Espina, Sr.
Busa, mohatag ta ug gamay nga panahon sa pag-ampo kay aron ang hustisya nga maka-angayon maoy mopatigbabaw sa atong provincia para ang mga nabiktema sa kaharasan maka tagamtam ug kalinaw.
Intoy 1200:
I admire your very logical remark in relation to the statement of SPO2 Saul that the accusation of Charlie Chong is rooted by the T-shirt he was wearing with the picture of governor Roger Espina. Now, I understand why it was intentionally taken and posted at Bl.com in order to inform the public that he was really innocent and it is because of that T-shirt why Charlie Chong accused him as part of the Naval ambush. I don’t believe that the Bl.com camera man went to Agta beach and made some pictorials.
This is part of their plans to wear the T-shirt of the governor while having their family days. Then, take some pictures to prove their defense alibi in order to dismiss the case. But as what you had said, this is very weak defense. Yes, I agree with you.
I have some doubt right now. Where in the world you can find police men wearing the T-shirt with the governor’s picture while having their picnic? Perhaps, if only one police man is wearing it, it is not doubtful but how come that all of them are wearing it? Now, do you think it is not planned? Well, we should wait for the trial and court verdict.
bitaw no? morag katoohan maning mga argumento nila Intoy ug empogs. Mao diay nga gipost gyud ang picture ni Saul nga naka tshirt nga may picture ni doc gov kay aron ingon gyud nga innocente siya. Kay pwede man nga ibutang diha ang picture ni Saul aron makita siya sa mga tawo nga wala maka ila sa iya. Pero ang dako nga pangutana kon nganong ang picture man gyud nga naa ang nawong ni doc gov ang ilang ipapost sa internet.
Kabogo gyud sa naghimo ani nga plano kay unta wala niya ipa-apil ug soot si porta aron dili kalusot si Charlie. Karon kay apil man pod ug soot si porta? kon mao na nga tshirt ang gibasihan, apil unta si porta di ba mga tota sa mga espina?
pag-isip-isip mo uy! dili kay puro lang mo sip-sip.
Kini pod nga abogado ni Saul nga anak ni Atty Nueve, baltok man daw ni kay hapit mosulod sa top ten pero morag nuebe raman kabook ang huna-huna kay wala gyud niya gamita ang iyang nakat-onan nga dili gyud matagaan ug bili ang ilang defense alibi. Sus, makaloloy lang ygud kini si Saul.
Alang sa tanan nga nagpakabana sa mga panghitabo sa karon sa biliran, ang na schedule nga preliminary trial ganina, wala madayon kay nagpost ug non-availability si acusado nga Espina kay moadto daw sa Manila.
Uy, Gerry lagas, nahadlok lang gyud ka nga moatubang sa corte kay morag first court appearance na nimo of murder case. Damo ka lang rason, pero guilty gyud ka di ba?
Sus, ako pa nimo molayas ka na lang uban ang imong mga anak sa naval aron magmalinawon na intawon mi, ayaw na ug samok-samok diri uy!
Putol man ang newly podcast Bidlisiw. Pwede ba ma upload ug usab? Thanks!!!
Anonymous 1211:
Yes, you are right but this is only forwarded to my email. I'll try to ask for a complete copy of this episode. sorry for the inconvenience.
Malipayon man ang mga tota sa mga Espina kay na aprove man diay ang ilang loan nga 80 million. Kay dako jud ang ilang pagtoo nga makinabang sila ani.
Morag mao kini ang gamiton sa governor para sa iyang mga project ug ang iyang budget mga 50 million yearly para infrastracture masafety na kay ang iyang itudlo nga project kay ang inutang man sa prolend. Mao ni ang ilang style sa una, pag may project ang congressman mosakay ang governor para ingon nga may gishare nga amount ang provincial governement pero tua diay gidapat sa Biliran garden resort.
Hala sigi buhakhak mo sa kalipay mga ungo kay sa amin parin ang huling halakhak!!!!!
RS, maayo noon ba na ging-aprove itong loan para dili mag-ingay itong artistahon nga governor nga gibabagan ang iyang mga project ni congressman. Unya mahimo pod na nga issue against them kay nalubong na sa utang ang atong provinsya kawawa bitaw jud ang mosunod nga governor.
Grabe jud bitaw ni nga utang kay naay 3 million nga budget para sa cemetery. Ka dako ba kaayo ana? bisan ug 500 thousand kaya nako edevelope ng cemetery.
Maayo unta ug pangalagon ning mga tawhana. Ingon man si darna nga tabang daw siya ug bantay nga walay coruption nga mahitabo. Pero utot niya, dili man gani siya kademand ug transparency karon sa capitolyo, unsa pa kaha kining utang sa prolend?
Taranda talaga itong konsihala Jona dili rosario.
Salamat kaayo sa imong mga advice, pero maayo jud unta nga imo pod maadvisan sila Charlie aron makagawas na kini si Saul kay looy bya. Unya, kon mahimo lang unta, advise pod nang imong mga kauban nga mga fredom fihters kuno nga mga atribida kaayo bisan walay labot kay magapil-apil man.
Labina ini si rs nga maldeta na morag si gerygirl. basin ug siya na, nag-usab lang ug ngaan aron dili na masabatan ang iyang ka gaga.
Aquarius, alam ko magaling ka talaga hindi lang ang english mo pati pod ang imong ugali kay dili ka contrabida. salamat ha? ug kamo pod mga precnong figters, huwag mong masyadong masungit kay moreflict na sa inyong kapangit.... he he he he!!!!
Hala ang timbangan na limbungan, nagyawyaw na sad na duna kunoy mga tawo na gusto mopatay sa ilaha,Ila pa jud gusto ipagawas na may kalambigitan sa pagplano an atong representante.Na unsa na ba intawon ni sila.Ang mga binuhatan sa mga bandido ilang gihinay hinay us pasa sa laing tawo...Ang kanindot pa ani kung matinood jud na mapatay ning duha, unya ang mastermind si pawiks,(kining mga tawhana matawag sad ni sila na expendable kabawo na baya mo sa mga iro ni pawiks ), ipagawas lang na si represenative ang may pakana..
anonymous 1215:
Tama bitaw ka kay basin ug ipapatay sa mga Espina kining duha ka mga gago nga timbangan unya si Rep. Chong ang ilang pasanginlan. Pero dili man pod na basta-basta ma prove sa corte kon walay prima facie evidence.
Anyway, this timbangan is really sonsense and Idiot guys! Kaingon nila nga ang mga tawo sa Naval motoo sa ila. They know that no one believes them but they have no other choice because that’s their bread and butter. Now, the Espinas too can’t stop them basin unya ug mopiyait ni sila ug mabulgar nga gisuholan lang sila sa mga Espina. Mao nga ang best solution iyang ipa likidar aron mohilom nalang kay dako ang gasto sa mga Espina sa ila karon. Sa akong estimate, moabot siguro ug mga 40,000 monthly. Duha gud na sila ka oras sa usa ka semana, so that is 24 thousand a month. Unya ang ilang sweldo pa diay? Mosuroy pa gyud na sila aron pag interview, pagcheck-up sa mga project ni Rep. Chong. Sa akong tan-aw moabot gyud na ug mga 40 thousand a month. So medyo bug-at bug-at gyud uy!
Now, the Espinas too are convinced that they are less effective but they have no other choice but to allow them continue their program. Karon unsaon man nila pag-paundang sa duha? Ila nalang ng ipapatay kay maychance pa na mapasanginlan si Rep. Chong.
Moingon ang mga Espina nga dili man mi mamatay tawo. Ibutang nato nga dili sila mamatay tawo pero dautan gyud sila nga klase nga politician kay nganong giilog man nila ang business ni Dr. Pastor. So, kon kaya nila nga mangilog ug nigusyo sa uban, kaya pod nila nga magpapatay ug tawo.
Kadako ba diay ng ilang budget no, unya ang main purpose ang pagpakadaut lang kang Rep Chong.
Wa jud sila mauwaw.
Ila jud gusto ipagawas na ang mga binuhatan sa mga Espina mao say binuhatan ni Rep Chong.
Ang akong nahibaw an karon,wa nay project ang Capitolyo.Ubos na ang pondo,Mao kanang loan na approved,mao nay ilang gamitong makinarya sa sunod eleksyon, ug tigda na irelease nextyear usa mageleksyon..Niya ang magpakabutang na Thru the efforts of na,,makalimtan na UtANG DIAY NI SA PROLEND NA PONDO.
Diehard 1214:
Sa sunod ba, kon dili ka gusto nga mocommrent mi sa imong nonsense nga blog, imo nang esend directly sa email ni Aquarius. Kon waray ka kasabot sa iya nga email add, adto pangayo sa admistrator ani nga site kay sigurado jud ko nga naa na siyay email ni Aquarius.
Moingon ka nga atribida mi, wala jud nimoy boot, permi ka lang daldal ng daldal. Kaingon siguro nimo ug sibugan ta ka sa imong idea nga wala jud klaro, puro lang mga binatabata. Kamaayo jud nimo pahiloan. he he he he!
Timbangan nga limbongan
Kining timbangan nga si Jerome Arcenal
Susama gyud sa usa ka iro nga askal
Kon mosulti sa radio nagpunay ug halhal
Nagsamoksamok lang gyud siya sa Naval
Maayo pa ang irong buangon
Kay pati amo ila gyud nga paakon
Apan kining mga aso nga askalon
ang amo dili paakon kay mao may tigpakaon
Kini ra ba ang timbangan nga gubaon
Mga espina kanunay pagadayegon
Mga anumaliya ila lang palabyon
Aron permi maka-ambit sa ilang corapsyon
Ang iyang utok daw mao iyang asset
Mao nga sa mga espina siya nagpagamit
Kay walay boot permi lang mosiyagit
Sama gyud sa yabag, bilyon ug pigit
Kon si jerom mo sulti taas kayo ug hangin
Sa kahanginan iyang alyas mao si ben
Mao diay nga nagpataas ug bungot morag sigbin
Kay ang iyang idol mao si benladin
Sila daw ang timbangan sa kahanginan
Sila daw neutral ug wala daw gidapigan
Apan buwa ug walay kamatooran
Kay ang mga espina maoy ilang gidapigan
Kini si Jerome nga taga maripipi
Halata kaayo nga ikaw jerome nanapi
Tingog mo imo pang giyupi-yupi
Aron sa mga espina ikaw maka sapi
Ako pa sa imo Jerome arcenal
Mounding ka sa imong pagka hangal
Mayo pa mooli ka sa maripipi maghimo ug daba
Malipay pa ang imong papa
Sa sunod napod nga issue si george mangco
Usa ka tawo nga way baruganan ug loko-loko
mi-apil ra ba sa kalihokan sa mga paring katoliko
apan iyang tuyo aron mailhan ug mamolitiko
(to be continued)
Hi Smart! Good poem, maayo unta kon mabasa ni siya sa Bidlisiw aron pod madungan sa mga taga bukid sa Naval. Good jod , keep it up!
Maayo gyud pagka teklo si pawiks ni Rep. Chong mao nga sukad niadtong sabado hangtud gahapon, wala na maghisgot ang lagas nga upaw sa ambush case kay basin matiklo na pod siya sa congressman ug mosamot hinoon sila nga espina pagkadoot.
Karon kay nag-ingon ang congressman nga kon magdala gani ug abugado sa hearing is gerry sr. iya gyud ingon nga bakakon gyud siya kay matud pa sa gipanulti si gerry nga ang mga tawo daw nga nagsulti sa kamatooran dili na magkin hanglan ug abugado kadto lamang mga bakakon ang mga nagkinahanglan ug abugado.
Ato lang hulaton ang mga umaabot nga hitabo kay nagka-init na ang mga gumonhap nga maoy mag-asoy sa matood nga hustisya.
Tanawon nato unsay mahitabo sa mga adlaw moabot ug klaro nato ang tinood nga nagsutli.
Si glenda o Espina maoy bakakon sa ila. Kini ate glenda sigi lang makadaut sa mga espina morag siya walay anomaliya.
Kamo binayaran kay dili makakita na tinood nahitabo. Kana si aquarius mao sab gibayaran kay engish niya maayo ug debate pod. Mao laban gyud mo pag-ayo sa chong family para makatangap kayo nang sahod. Mabuti pa mag-isip-isip kayo!
Oi Decoy
ikaw ang pagklaro diha, basig wa ka kabawo sa kamatouran,
dili na pakadaot, depensa sa iyang pagkatawo ug sa probinsya sa biliran..ikaw na dili taga biliran, hawa aron magmalinawon na kami.
You dropped in here, post your irresponsible statements and insult the Freedom Fighters of being paid.
Have you ever checked the home page of this site and click on photo galleries on Billboards of Rep Glenn Chong and Mayor Susan Parilla? Read it and you will find that my allegiance is to Biliran and to the Biliranons only.
At this stage in time Rep Glenn Chong is the best alternative to the 12 years of the Espina Dynasty. It does not mean, however, that he will be exempted from our close scrutiny. Biliranons have made a mistake of patronizing the Espina Dynasty for the last 12 years. We don't want a repeat of the same mistake.
Neither the Espinas or the Chongs can afford to pay the Freedom Fighters. We are not for sale.
Are you?
you better keep your mouth shut! bisan ang pagsulti sa simple na binisaya hindi mo kaya. Halatang tagalog ka, kaya masmabuti pa na huwag kanang magcomment na binisaya kay obvious kaayo nga dili ka namo kasari. Ang iyong mga kasari ang mga espina na mga tagawog. You dont belong to us that is why you are accusing the freedom fighters as "bayaran".
As aquarius said " we are not for sale". Our principle is priceless, hindi kami mukhang pera katulad nyo. So, if I were you, I better keep myself away from the Espinas because they are coming closer to the prison cell. Baka makasali ka pa!
Infortant information for everybody:
Preliminary investigation on Naval ambush is scheduled on August 5, 2008. We should offer some prayers for the justice and peace of our province.
Justice for political victims are justice for everyone!
anonymous 1226:
Sana matuloy na yan para tumahimik na itong lagas nga giango-ango na. Kay karon lang sigi siya ug sulti bisan asa nga lugar nga nagsugo si Atty. Chong pagpapatay sa iya.
Kining bwesit nga lagas mao ning naghatag ug dakong kasamok sa atong lugar. Samtang nia pa sa Biliran kining mga Espina, wala gyud kalinaw ng atong matagamtam.
Tinood gyud nang imong giingon nga dapat lang magahin ta ug mga pag-ampo aron ang tinood nga hustisya maoy magpatigbawbaw. Ang Ginoo wala matulog niining mga panghitabo karon.
Aquarius, Glass-go and KKK, sino ang niloloko nyo? at sino kaya ang maniniwala na hindi kayo binayaran? ay naku, magtiyaga kaha mo ug post ngari kon wa man kayong makukuha na kapalit?
Ay sus dong, maayo pa nga amimin!!
Kung duna kay pagmahal sa imong yutang natawhan, di na kinahanglan ka magpabayad,aron lamang tabangan na makalingkawas sa dakong krisis na gisagubang ,kining among pinalanggang probinsya.
yung sinasabi ni DOk Roger na pera lang ang katapat ng taga Biliran,Diyan siya nagkamali
nabubuhay kami sa sarili naming sikap, at handang tumulong na walang kapalit.
Ang galing naman ni Glass-gow, straight to the point.
Tama jud na walang kapalit ang kalinaw nga atong gihandum nga maghari ug balik sa atong probinsya. Sayang, undescovered paradise pa na man. Karon undescovered killing field. Tinood bitaw ang gipanghambog sa mga espina na kon dili dahil sa ila dili mailhan ang Biliran. Kay karon nailhan na ang Biliran as most popular sa crime in visayas.
To those friends and allies who share our struggle for freedom, we want to strengthen our historic ties and assure them of our support and firm commitment. We will match loyalty with loyalty. We will strive for mutually beneficial relations. We will not use our friendship to impose on their own personal interest, for our own principe is not for sale.
As for the enemies of freedom, those who are potential adversaries, they will be reminded that peace is the highest aspiration of the Biliranon. We will negotiate for it, sacrifice for it; we will not surrender for it — now or ever.
Our forbearance should never be misunderstood. Our enthusiasm for justice should not be misjudged as a failure of will. When action is required to preserve our local security, we will act. We will maintain sufficient strength to prevail if need be, knowing that if we do so we have the best chance of never having to use that strength.
Above all, we must be always aware that our cause is for common good, for the future of the Biliranon and for the next generation to come. Let that be understood by those who practice terrorism and prey upon their neighbors.
decoy 1228,
Is that the reason why you are now posting on this site?
Son, you are in the wrong place and you are way out of your league.
Nevertheless, we do need a clown to entertain us from time to time.
Best regards.
Copy of my post at BI.
Biliran Leadership Missed Opportunities to Eliminate Patronage Politics.
The incumbent leaderships of Rep Glenn Chong and Governor Rogelio Espina, has once again, missed the opportunity to introduce and work for a systemic reduction, if not elimination of patronage politics.
Whilst Gov Espina and the members of the Espina Dynasty, particularly former Congressman and Mayor of Naval Gerardo Espina Sr had abused the use of billboards as an on-going political propaganda in the last 12 years, Rep Glenn Chong, contrary to his pronouncements during the 2007 election campaigns, has opted to continue the practice of putting photos or his name on his projects for reasons of protecting his own accomplishments against undue claim by others.
Gov Espina used the latest rice distribution program, while Rep Chong, with his school bag distribution. Biliranons should be concerned if Rep Chong's name or photo will be plastered on the proposed school buses similar to Gov Espina's photo on the ambulances. Please refer to a previous post on the same issue.
Both officials failed and are guilty of patronage politics. Biliran's hope for a change will never materialize, unless the incumbent leadership will undertake a major turn around of their current practices and mutually agree to put Biliran ahead of their own political interests.
Rep Chong and Gov Espina will try to justify the need to put their names and photos on the billboards or any project that they treat as their own. In the final analysis, Biliranons can conclude, that it is all about patronage politics, and nothing else. Patronage politics is an evil practice that only serves the political interests of the incumbent leaderships, irregardless of which side you're on.
There a lot of ways and means to label an accomplishment without having to plaster names, photos or both. Here below are unsolicited suggestions, that both leaders can get their staff to study on which would be appropriate and effective for their needs:
1. Official Press Releases through local and national print publications, radio broadcasts, web casts, and where economically practicable, TV/Cable networks.
2.Letters addressed to the beneficiaries of the project announcing the details of the project including, but not limited to: project description, funding sources, implementation schedules, and names of contractors ...etc.
3. Quarterly Newsletter jointly funded by the Office of the Lone District of Biliran, the Provincial Government and LGUs that will serve as a provincial gazette that will inform the Biliranons about what is happening in Biliran. This can be run in conjunction with the Provincial Information Agency.
4.Billboards will still be erected on the project sites but will only show the following information:
Project Title: e.g. Concreting of 2 kilometers of Circumferential Road- (specify actual project description and location.)
Project Cost: P00000.00
Funded by: PDAF of the Representative of the Lone District of Biliran (specify actual fund source)
Office of the Provincial Governor- IRA (actual fund source)
MPWH (indicate budget allocation
Funded by National Government (specify actual budget source)
By the Municipal Government of ___________, budget allocation for year ________.
By International Funding Agency (Prolend) –specify actual funding agency.
Estimated Time of Completion: Start: ______ End: ___________
Contractor: XYX Company (specify actual name of contractor)
Contact Tel. Nos. /Address
Under Supervision of: e.g. MPWH or Provincial Engineers.Tel Nos.
For more information, please contact: Name____ Tel Nos. __________
5. Likewise, motor vehicles should only show the following:
b. Name of Government Department
6. Suggested label of the forthcoming school bus:
Municipality of _________ (e.g. Naval)
Funded by: PDAF of the Office of the Representative of the Lone District of Biliran, 2008. (Specify source of funds).
The correct labeling of projects including motor vehicles and equipments will promote transparency and accountability of the particular government department which is responsible for its introduction and implementation.
Rep Glenn Chong and Gov. Roger Espina should act as catalysts for change. The momentum for change, in as far as the eventual elimination of patronage politics is concerned, must come from the top. All Biliranons should demand for this change.
The incumbent leaderships have two more years to prove to the Biliranons that they are serious about putting the interest of Biliran ahead of their own political interests.
The formation of the Coalition against Corruption is soon going to be a reality.
Please email Admin for Fr Bing Colasito's cel Nos. and email address.
I encourage the Freedom Fighters who are living in Biliran to play an active role in this endeavour.
Please discuss with Fr Bing how you can participate even if you continue to use your aliases on the net.
Just advice Fr Bing that you heard about this on Aquarius's post on biliranevent.com, and you want your assistance to be treated as confidential, if you choose to.
I believe that CAC Manila will conduct training for the volunteers.
I’m really glad for your ingenuity in order to help solve the problem of corruption in our province. Maybe this would not solve the problem totally, at least, it may minimize and that is good enough. It is really impossible to totally eradicate corruption in its true nature. Even in some rich countries like US, Canada, etc. corruption in any form is existing although not very obvious like what we have in Biliran that corruption is very rampant. And this is what we kept on saying before.
Once CAC will operate, the corrupt government officials will be intimidated and they will be likely cautious and careful.
You can always count on me!
Decoy, basin tinood pod ba nga wala kini sila magpabayad kay morag manga maayo ni sila ug mga trabaho kay mayo mangdebate ug nindot pa jud ang mga english labina si Aquarius.
Pero subo man ba nga hunahunaon nga kini sila nagpagamit hinoon sa mga chong.
Sa akong bahin wala ko nagpagamit sa mga Chong.We need changes, so therefore i would say that the best option I would prefer is the one who is lesser evil among them.
As what aquarius said:
Glenn Chong is the best alternative at this time.
yes, i believe glenn chong is still the best alternative to the espina dynasty. however, it seems to me that rep. glenn chong is slowly eaten up by the same old political system biliranons want to change/eradicate. worst, it happens to him as early as less than two years of his first term of incumbency.
=>aquarius: is CAC run by the catholic church? to be a member of CAC, what's the minimum requirement?
Kumbati 1235
Glasgow 1237
Spartacus 1238
Thank you for your comments. CAC is a volunteer organization which ties up with various non profit civic organizations formed to act as watchgroups to keep our politicians and government departments honest.
In Biliran, the CAC will be initially spearheaded by Fr Bing Colasito, whose office handles similar social issues in Biliran. He may operate this as a separate and distinct entity from his office to start with. Fr Bing's group have already signed Memorandum of Agreement with the Office of the Ombudsman and other government departments.
Aligning his group under the umbrella of CAC Manila, will give it more clout and national support.
Please access the website of CAC to give you more information.
I guess, the minimum requirement for our participation is mainly: our love and concern for Biliran and all Biliranons.
For those who are actually based in Biliran and who can be give their actual physical participation, they can volunteer to do the research work, the education program, and some administrative tasks.
For those who are working and residing outside Biliran, you can volunteer to assist through active participation on the web discussions as well as research.
Please email Fr Bing for more information.
Spartacus 1238
Sadly, Rep Glenn Chong is under extreme pressure to protect his accomplishments from alleged undue claims by the opposite side.
However, I don't think his objective does not justify the means. He has put himself in a situation wherein he reneged in his 2007 election pronouncements against the use of billboards and other propaganda materials which reinforces patronage politics. This does not augur well with his supporters. The Espina group will have a field day repeating this mistake over and over again in their sorties.
The Espina Dynasty has no qualms in using information spinners paid under the 15/30 scam to sow disinformation against Rep Chong among Biliranons. One of the misinformation drive strategies is to claim some of Rep Glenn Chong's accomplishments as their own and to intensively discredit any of his programs or projects.
Biliranons are caught between the wars of words between the two contending parties. Unfortunately, this is a battlefield which former Congressman and Mayor Gerry Espina Sr is an acknowledged expert. This is his battlefield. This is the hard realities of politics.
Rep Chong cannot continue to play and fight his battle within Gerry Espina Sr’s battlefield. He will end up being swallowed by Gerry Sr.’s strategies that, as result, will end up with him using same tactics, such as the billboard and the school bag issues. Gerry Espina Sr has Rep Glenn Chong where he wants him to be, on the defensive side of the battle.
Rep Glenn Chong has to start exercising control as the highest elected public official in Biliran. He should be on the attacking side, not on the defensive side of politics. In fairness to him, Gerry Sr still controls 90% of the LGU’s and it does not make the job any easier.
He must provide the catalyst for change as we have expected him to be. He is doing a great job of slowly introducing programs of improvement for Biliran. However, this is clouded by the billboard and schoolbag issue that will be perceived by the Biliranons as mere political ploy, instead of genuine act of a leader.
Rep Glenn Chong has to remain strong and steadfast in his resolve to advance the cause of Biliran. He cannot afford to be perceived as just another “scheming politician” as the Espina Dynasty disinformation machinery portrays him to be.
I’m pleased to hear from you that CAC is going to be materialized with the management of Fr. Bing Colasito. I know personally Fr. Bing Colasito. He is a priest with good standing, having a quality of possessing and steadfastly adhering to the high moral principle and standard professionalism. He is down to earth and dependable. He can fight with tooth and nail against corruption.
Through his spiritual and moral leadership, CAC can move forward side by side with political corruption and can work vis-a-vis to any anomalies in the government agencies. At least, our effort of blogging here regularly to help out the political problem in our province had been given flesh and substance. My hope is to make this plan feasible so that in our own little way, we can be of help to our poor brethren in Biliran.
I’m now working in the government, so I can’t promise to work actively as to promote CAC but I can be of help in many ways. Thanks Aquarius.
Vigilant 1241
Thank you for your comments. Indeed we have to translate our comments into action.
I have great faith in Fr Bing Colasito. Aside from CAC Manila, we also have another established religious community with international affiliations who will be assisting us with this anti corruption drive.
I understand that you cannot play an open role in this due to your employment situation. As you said, you can assist in many other ways.
That will be a welcome help. Let us encourage more Freedom Fighters to participate.
Please email Fr Bing and signify your intention to help.
I really respect your opinion for it is based on facts and reasons. However, to conclude that Rep. Glenn Chong is politically alike with the Espina dynasty is biased and unfair judgment if our way of proceeding rooted on the billboards with pictures he provided on his respected projects and the recent one is the school bags.
No one can deny Rep. Glenn Chong, his rightful and eminent place amongst the league of political leaders. Neither will the uncultured remarks of corrupt political opportunists, who are not comfortable with his principled stand against corruption, dent his image or belittle him in the eyes of Biliranon, particularly the Espina dynasty.
Rep. Glenn Chong, a one time ordinary and simple guy, now is a man who possesses a great passion for service to the people. He is scrupulously honest, and has the reputation of speaking the truth, no matter the personalities involved. He is an avowed defender of the defenceless; little wonder he is now championing the battle against corruption, particularly in the lone district of Biliran, with his own personal resources; as well as being in the forefront in his support for the freedom fighters effort to find a lasting peace in our province.
Less than a couple of years, since the death of DP, Rep. Chong emerged as political leader without political experiences. His only weapon is his own academic excellence and honest intention to come out and save our province. I am convinced that politics is beyond his wildest dream before. Now, he has been championing the fight against corruption and political killings related violence in Biliran with special emphasis on his own relative and men, the victims of recent ambush. He was able to gather leaders that shared similar passion with him on the vex issue of corruption together; in order to fight against it.
Corruption is a cankerworm that prevents progress and development in any society, Rep. Choang once said in an interview. The massive underdevelopment and poverty in Biliran province and by extension are obvious evidences of corrupt leadership.
The current battle against past and present corrupt leaders, particularly those from the Bando Espina can be traceable to his insistence that those past and present political leaders who stole the collective wealth of their people be brought to justice.
Currently, I believed that his life is under threat. A threat of severe political pressure and a threat from political enemies might assassinate him once he will not dance along with them under the political music.
Wisely and surely, he danced under the political music not along with them but against them. He almost dances alone because some of his political allies before who promised to stand behind him have been carried away by the political current because of personal interest and political ambition. He needs to dance under the political music so that his dream to eliminate this corruption will be successful.
Believe me, if Rep. Glenn Chong will not dance with the political music, he will not be successful to over throw this corrupt governor who is planning to run against him next election. This is what happened to Atty. Villordon last election, who believed that by being honest, he will capture the victory against vote buying. Our people are not yet ready for this kind of political honesty because of political patronage.
I am not saying that political patronage is morally good nor intrinsic evil. It varies according to the circumstances. It depends on your own motives and principles. This is in consonant with the philosophy of “chose the lesser evil”.
Now, if we will sensationalized this issue about the billboards and other forms of information to make publicly known that he is translating into action what he promised before, do you think this will generate advantages in order to solve our problem about political corruption especially against the Espina dynasty? How about if Rep. Glenn will lose his moral spirit to continue his passion to be in politics in order to demolish the root of all evils which is the Espina dynasty? Are you willing to take over? ( sarcasm is not intended) I know you have a moral and political capacity to do it, If you are willing then you have my inmost support.
Truthfully, I’m happy that you are doing something in order to solve the problem of political corruption through CAC. But I’m just wondering how effective this kind of political framework. I have no doubt with Fr. Colasito and your motives as such.
When Rep. Chong decided and accepted to run for congressman, I promised him to stand beside him in his political success and failure, in his struggle against political corruption till death do us part. Amen.
Delta 1242:
I understand you concern. But I believed in my own skill of analysis that Aquarius wants to play a fair games. That to be bias in confronting this kind of political problem will not help but it might make the problem worse. He knows where Rep. Chong stands for. We must be credible in our fight agaisnt corruption.
To lead us in a right directions, I will quote some biblical passages. Jesus made this clear a few verses later when He said, "And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not perceive the plank in your own eye" Or how can you say to your brother, "Brother, let me remove the speck that is in your eye," when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye? Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck that is in your brother's eye" ( Luke 6:41-42 ).
I hope, I made some elucidations as we continue to work for good governance in our beloved province Biliran. More power to all of you, God bless!
Let us take a break. I found on this article on Tacloban News.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Mercado: Survival kit
By Juan L. Mercado
IN his essay “The Power of Laughter,” Jose Javier Reyes asks: Is humor for us, Filipinos, just a diversion? Or a survival kit?...Humor in all its guises and uses, binds Filipinos together, transforming an experience into an event that can be shared.
Want to “test” this thesis? Below are texts from billboards, food stalls to laundromats that dribbled in thru Internet. Surf–and chuckle.
A wholesaler, in Batangas, sells balut as: "Starduck." In Nueva Ecija, there’s an eatery named: "Violybee." “Miki Mao” is a noodle shop. “Let’s Goat Together” is a kambingan in Sorsogon. A panciteria, on Boni Ave. is titled: “Pansit ng Taga-Malaboni.” Not wishing to be outdone, this restaurant in Pampanga boasts of: "Mekeni Rogers."
Guess where Cainta-ky Fried Chicken operates? Want a burger? In Naga City, try “Mang Donalds.” “Doris Night and Day” is a 24-hour eatery. And for those who want a second serving, go to “Babalik Karinderia.”
Seafood lovers should visit "Pusit to the Limit." The shrimp store, however, is known as: "Hipon Coming Back." Fishball carts unfurl streamers urging: "Eat My Balls." "Fish Be With You" is an aquatic pet shop next door.
Look at the food section of malls. Chicharon store: "Chicha Hut." And the pasta store is known as: "Pizza Hot." Tripe is served with steaming porridge at “Goto Heaven.” "Anak ng Tinapay" is the next door bakery’s leit motif. Cebu has “Pan Ta Bai.”
For those who prefer lechon, pork chop or steak, the place to head is: “ Meating Place.” Prices here are competitive with those in “Meat-tropolis.”
Signs vary with the goods – or services –offered. The snappy humor is patent throughout though.
Thus "Asian Mobile Massage Service” offers: “Massage only, God is watching." In Antipolo, a tombstone maker nailed this sign up: "Lito Lapida." A copy center in Sikatuna Village opted for "Pakopya ni Edgar." But a Cavite beerhouse is called, "Chickpoint."
Was it Tagbilaran that had a dry cleaner operations named: "Summa Cum Laundry." That is not to be confused with the laundromat in Davao: " Star Wash: Attack of the Clothes." But "Wash Your Problem" laundryshop is in Bacolod.
“Petal Attraction,” we recall, was in Diliman. So, was the flower shop "Susan's Roses" in Zamboanga. “Pinoy Big Barber” is a Cagayan de Oro barbershop.
Cyberspace has come to town. In Taguig, there’ an Internet cafe named: "n@kopi@." And this salon sports the billboard: "Hair Dot Comb." "Cafe Pindot" is how a squatters’ colony calls their portal to Internet.
A beauty parlor in San Juan, in any case, is named "Cut & Face." A stone’s throw away is "Saudia Hairlines” saloon. And was that a Tacloban salon called: "Curl Up and Dye"? “Alabank" is, of course, in Alabang. The mall there had “Robocock” -- a store selling feeds for chickens. A second hand watch store there is known as: "2nd Time Around." But where did ceiling installer " Kisame Street” open for business?
The Russian author Boris Pasternak never dropped by this shoe repair in Marikina named after his prize-winning novel: "Dr. Shoe-Bago." Nor did comic strip Clark Kent ever hear of the shoe repair store along Commonwealth emblazoned: “Shoe-perman.” It pledges: “We will heel you. Save your sole and even dye for you.” Customers will find, in front of these two stores, a taxi stand named: "Income Taxi."
“Filipino humor is rarely mean,” Reyes writes. “Because of their strong sense of hiya (shame), Filipinos go to great lengths to be polite, often self-deprecating…When Filipinos laugh at something unique to them, their laughter becomes an assertion of their unity as a people.”
Delta 1242
Kumbati 1243
Thank you for your comments. I will address the issues raised in my future posts.
Transparency a must for any gov’t–Giuliani
By Daxim Lucas
Philippine Daily Inquirer
First Posted 01:29:00 07/30/2008
MANILA, Philippines—Take it from “Rudy the Rock.”
Governments must be transparent, their leaders honest and principled rather than obsessed with popularity, if they are to earn the people’s trust.
As one avid listener put it, former New York Mayor Rudolph “Rudy” Giuliani made familiar leadership tenets sound so fresh and timely to his Filipino audience of government and corporate VIPs at an exclusive, pricey gathering at the Makati Shangri-La hotel Tuesday.
Giuliani, who had earned world praise for his crisis management in the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, spoke before a sellout crowd that included former President Joseph Estrada, former Senate President Franklin Drilon, and local government officials led by host Makati City Mayor Jejomar Binay.
Admission to the forum—dubbed “Leadership in Times of Crisis”—cost P300,000 per table nearest the stage and P22,000 per seat in the farthest sections of the ballroom. The event drew a powerhouse crowd of around 500.
“People are in great need of honesty and integrity in government,” Giuliani said when asked later in a press conference for his prescriptions for the Philippine political situation.
Best advice
“And the more they can see how [government] operates, the more they feel that they are operating in the open, the more confidence a government can be able to develop.”
“Probably the best advice you can give any government today is to be more transparent,” Giuliani said.
“That applies as much to my government as it does to yours,” said New York’s 107th mayor, who last year launched a campaign to be the Republican Party nominee in the coming US presidential elections before withdrawing from the race in January.
At the forum, pacing around the stage and gesturing to drive home a point, the famous New Yorker spoke of what he called the “Six Pillars” of effective leadership.
Transparency is one such pillar, Giuliani said, a must for any government—or for individual leaders—to overcome “the cynicism that is developing” among the people.
Such leaders should also “develop strong beliefs” and stick to them in order to achieve long-term goals and visions. Those who focus on popularity rather than principles tend to be bogged down by small details and lose sight of the ultimate objective, he explained.
Effective leaders are often optimists and those who can visualize success find it easier to achieve it, Giuliani said. Optimism, he noted, attracts more followers than pessimism.
Leaders must also be courageous and relentless in preparing for crises. They must know how to foster teamwork and, most importantly, how to communicate their vision to their followers.
Emerging from the forum, Navotas City Mayor Toby Tiangco said the gist of Giuliani’s speech was “something we already knew, and yet when we listened to him it was like a new idea altogether.”
Extemporaneous speech
“It was an extemporaneous speech and the crowd listened in rapt attention for close to 45 minutes,” said Tiangco, who considered himself a big fan of the speaker.
Serving two terms as New York mayor from 1993 to 2001, Giuliani is credited with transforming the Big Apple into one of the safest large cities in the United States, reducing overall crime by 56 percent and murder cases by 66 percent under his watch.
He also reduced welfare dependence among his constituents by nearly 60 percent.
In 2001, Giuliani was named Time magazine’s “Person of the Year” and in 2002, he received an honorary knighthood from Queen Elizabeth II. Former French President Jacques Chirac once called him “Rudy the Rock.” With a report from Nancy Carvajal
Kindly watch the talk of Msgr. Antonio Tagle so that we will be spiritually and morally guided in our quest for freedom and good governance in our province of Biliran. Thanks!
Transparency implies openness, communication, and accountability.
Im sure that Atty. Glenn's purpose of providing billbords and picture of his projects is to inform the public about his acheivements because he wants to be transparent.
We must remember that Atty. Glenn is like David while the Espina is like Goliath. The Espina is doing everything to destroy his reputation. Through his subordinates, 15/30 and politcal allies, the political power still under their control.
Aquarius, do you have any suggestions on how to fight this political evil in Biliran province?
Para sa ako, dili gyud nato angayan nga basihan ang transparecy diin maoy maghatag ug dakong kalampusan sa pagkab-ot sa pagsalig sa atong mga kaigsoonan.
Mao usab kini ang prinsipyo ni Atty. Rede Villordon nga kon dili ka mopalit ug boto sa election, dako ang purohan nga ang mga tao boto sa imo. Kay ingon si Atty Rede Villordon nga ang politico nga mopalit sa boto sa katawhan dili katoohoan nga makahatag ug kaayohan kay mobawe man gyud siya inig daug niya.
Maayo kaayo kini nga panan-aw, pero ningdaug ba si Atty. Rede Villordon? Busa insakto ang puntos ni Delta nga ang katawhan dili pa andam sa kabag-ohan sa atong politica tungod sa ilang naandan.
Special Reports, 8/1/2008 1:15 AM
Panlilio, Padaca, Robredo launch 'Kaya Natin!' search
Four local government officials launch new group Kaya Natin!
Four local executives have started recruiting principled local government officials for a group that wants to change the country’s deteriorating political situation.
"After others learn about this new group, Kaya Natin! (We can), hardworking and ethical local government officials will come out, hopefully," Isabela Gov. Grace Padaca announced during the group’s launch at the Ateneo de Manila University in Quezon City on Wednesday.
Padaca and three other local government officials – Pampanga Governor Eddie Panlilio, Naga City Mayor Jesse Robredo, and Mayor Sonia Lorenzo of San Isidro, Nueva Ecija – have agreed to come together and lead Kaya Natin.
The group claims its members are "good Filipinos from different sectors of society that aim to espouse genuine change and ethical leadership in our country."
The Isabela governor, who was able to topple a political dynasty in her province, said Panlilio and Lorenzo know other local politicians who are also idealists and who have made gains in uplifting the quality of life in their own localities.
Robredo, a multi-awarded local official, however, said local politicians who may have vested interests cannot easily breach the group.
"It’s not the four of us who will choose the members. There is a group that strictly studies [the politicians]," the mayor said, adding that there were already a few politicians who have been excluded from the group.
He said the group needs politicians who "stand by their principles" and abide by the ethical standards of good governance.
‘Selfish means started the group’
Robredo said the group was formed after months of informal meetings between him, Padaca and Panlilio.
He said the three of them have been speaking in several forums, separately. Some faculty members of the Ateneo School of Government then convinced them to form a group that would promote reforms in the local government system.
Last month, the three officials invited Lorenzo to join them in launching the group.
Panlilio said discussions during the initial meetings were about their experiences of political harassments, problems with the police and gambling, graft and corruption, and their similar styles of eradicating "illegalities and criminalities" in the local scene.
The priest-turned-governor said the four of them wanted allies for the "selfish" motive of getting protection from political harassments.
"Kaya Natin started because we have common problems. We have realized that we have a common goal, common vision and common ways of governing our locality," Robredo said.
He added: "We said that maybe we should come up with a group and let’s share our own experiences, let’s share our problems and practices."
Robredo said they came out hoping their ethical way of governance would be "replicated" by other localities and eventually "multiplied" around the country.
A fifth politician, Ifugao Gov. Teddy Baguilat Jr., has been invited to join the group.
Exposing them young in politics
On top of the group’s agenda is to recruit and convince young Filipinos who "adhere to good governance and ethical leadership."
Lorenzo said her town, San Isidro, has become a haven of young political wannabes.
She said the municipal government, with the help of Ateneo School of Government, has been conducting seminars that teach the youth how to run for a seat in government, particularly in the Sangguniang Kabataan elections.
She said majority of the students are "poor, talented, ideal and energetic."
The Nueva Ecija mayor said the group will recruit and train future politicians who may provide good leadership for the country in the future.
She said campus talks will be conducted by the group around Metro Manila and other regions to encourage the youth to get involved in the coming elections, not only by running for posts in the barangay or municipal level but to help well-meaning incumbent officials to win the elections.
Padaca said the volunteers will also be asked to prepare early to fight election cheating.
The group is also planning to put up a website intended to promote its cause to Filipinos around the world.
Harvey Keh of the Ateneo School of Government said several Filipino groups around the world have responded positively to the group’s invitations.
Keh said the group's website will have video streaming and live online chat for the overseas Filipinos to directly interact with local government officials.
Eradicating corruption, ‘jueteng’ doable
Panlilio also said during the launch that in his first year as a politician and governor of Pampanga, he was able to eradicate corruption.
The governor said his group simply warned construction and medical suppliers that the local government of Pampanga will not accept commissions or kickbacks.
"Surprisingly, kaya pala (it can be done)," he said, adding that the provincial government did it with the help of civil society.
Panlilio said that with corruption eradicated in Pampanga, he is now concentrating on killing the illegal numbers game, jueteng.
The campaign to eradicate jueteng in Pampanga started with the filing of a plunder case against alleged jueteng lord Bong Pineda, the former governor.
Panlilio said jueteng should be stopped at the local level to prevent it from "poisoning" MalacaƱang and the President.
Pineda is a close political ally of President Arroyo in Pampanga. Mrs. Arroyo is also a native of the province.
Robredo, meanwhile, said one of the hurdles that local government officials would have to overcome in fighting illegal gambling is erring policemen.
He said the group would be pushing for amendments in the Local Government Code to be able to regain their power over the local police.
"One of the reasons why we decided to form this group is our common problem with the local police," he said, adding that the four of them have been wanting to replace the police commanders in their localities but they don't have the power to do it.
intoy, morag tinood jud ka ba! kay ang ato bitaw nga former mayor pitaw, very honest man jud to siya ba, wala jud toy mga anomaliya nga dinagko kay bisan ang iyang balay gamay ug ang sakyanan pod daan na. pero sa dihang midagan siya as SP wala jud kadaug. Kon imong huna-hunaon, very transparent pa jud to siya ba. Labot lang ana, bootan kaayo, very approachable and generous pa jud kaayo. Mao ni ang pangutana ron, nganong wala na man siya lagi modaug?
To all freedom fighters:
Please be reminded that Aquarius' response regarding the issue on Billboards, latest legitimate argument, is now available on homepage at article column. Thanks!
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This website had been hacked. It is good that it was intercepted immediately. The Blogger.com has acknowledged this spam:
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Recently, a blogger whose alias Lurt has made this intimidation send to my email:
Admin, would you please remove the reference to Ron ZImmerman from Aquarius last post Immediately!!! That was not supposed to be there and is extremely confidential. you promised me that my personaol information would be confidential.
Thank you,
To: Louie Sarmento lozenge2000@yahoo.com
from: John Smith biliran1@yahoo.com
Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2008 2:52:05 PM
Subject: Re: Question
For the first email I sent you, I created an alias on Yahoo, and I was confident it would not display my name, but apparently it did. Please be consistent with what you promised below and take whatever steps necessary to remove my name and see to it that it is not posted again. I have already lodged a complaint with Blogspot aka Blogger, asking them to remove the post. If it is not removed immediately or posted again, I will ask them to close down your blog service. I believe posting private information without permission is prohibited in their terms.
----- Original Message ----
to: Louie Sarmento lozenge2000@yahoo.com
from: John Smith biliran1@yahoo.com
Sent: Monday, June 23, 2008 10:22:13 AM
Through the approval aquarius, I removed it but KKB post # mentioned it again. For the second time, Lurt made another request:
Now KKB has picked up my name and published it in post 1147.
Can you please remove it?
I know KKB will not like it, but it was published through an error.
Please ask the site owner (who must be kumbati?) if something can be done about this.
Thank, you
----- Original Message ----
to: Louie Sarmento lozenge2000@yahoo.com
from : John Smith biliran1@yahoo.com
Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2008 2:52:05 PM
The blogsite supervisor and owner, told me to ignore it.
Daan pa lagi ko dunay nag hack ani nga blogspot. Wa poy laing masuspetsahan, Bandido gihapon ug ilang mga kaanib. Mokaylap na ngani ang saway sa ila, unya lisod mabangbang sa ilang mga tigpamaba, mogamit dayon ug hacking.
Si Lurt diay gihapon diay ang ugat niini, alyas Putak Talkative. Putak na lang unta siya, dili na lang unta mang hack.
Congratulations for a good job! Somebody told me through text message that this site is unaccessable. So I immidiately logged on it but I noticed that it appeared on the monitor and disappeared immidiately. I inquired to my friend who is good in computer proramming, he told me that the site is hacked.
Now, I have a lot of reasons to conclude that Lurt/Putative/Angry is no less than Stephen Greinke the former MBPH. I heard that this guy is a trouble maker. He filed cases to court the several people he used to work in Naval before.
He pretends to be a good with sense of morally reponsible being and wanted to brainwash the bloggers here and Bil.com as well that Rep. Glenn Chong is immoral, bigoted, so on and so fort. However, his real color has surfaced.
Aba! na hacked o na drama? at sino naman ang maniniwala sa inyo.
magaling talaga kayo magagawa nang drama para ang mga espina naman ang pagdududahan. Ito si aquarius, magaling din magdrama kon wari sisiraan ang iyong idol para sabihin na neutral, mabuti pa tumahimik kayo!!!!!
kapig-ot ba nimo ug utok. istupido kaayo imo post nga drama ang pag saway ni aquarius sa billboards ni rep. glenn ug mayor susan.
i've been reading blogs in biliran websites since there was political chaos in the province and listening podcasts of local radio commentaries. i am not based in the island as i am working somewhere else but i am having annual vacation in my hometown naval.
aquarius' advocacies about toppling down the political dynasty, and his allegiance to the biliranons are clear to me and i admire his consistencies and firmness.
to read your senseless blog is very annoying and i think it's just right and proper to refute your post out of disgust.
come on, decoy. get real! ikaw, what are you fighting for?
ako, im sick and tired of the espinas' dominion of my beloved province. GUSTO NA KO UG KAUSABAN.
right now, glenn could be the best hope and alternative. if he fails to deliver, and if i think there is no chance in eradicating corruption in biliran the legal way, mag vigilante na lang ko.
I have been attacked, too. I just upgraded from 2.3.2 to 2.3.3 because some of my readers informed me they couldn’t subscribe. It turns out that there are hidden links after my footer that start with this
font style=”overflow: hidden; position: absolute; height: 0pt; width: 0pt;”
I tried the plugin but unfortunately it didn’t work I am getting desperate to the point where I want to wipe everything off and start from scratch again. I hate spammers.
The attack against Biliran Events Website provides a stern reminder that stolen laptops aren't the only way to compromise sensitive customer information. Although BE hasn't provided details about how the site was hacked, it's disclosed that attackers last weekend made off with personal data, including user’s name, password and some personal information of the owner.
Blogger.com is working with its own internal forensic experts and law enforcement to analyze the attack, one of the customer services says. The company says the attack was discovered within hours of its launch and the affected site was inaccessible. The hackers did not able to penetrate completely in the data base.
Now, we are doing something to protect it but we are still in dilemma. Any suggestions are highly appreciated. Thanks for your concern.
Decoy, morag mali man ka ba! dili siguro drama uy! sapagtoo ko, tinood man jud siguro ang negatibo nga comments ni aquarius kang idol Atty. Glenn.
Sama ba sa timbangan nga sila jerome ug jorge nga karon critik na sa kang atty. chong pero kaniadto iyang diehard nga supporter. Unsaon nga sa una dako ang ilang natabang kang atty. Glenn, pero sa dihang ning daug na siya, wala na sila panginanoa, mao nga ningtiwalag sa kampo. Ingon usab karon ang nahitabo kang aquarius ug uban pa nga mga blogers nga iyang mga suporter.
Bisan gani si gerygirl nga nagpacutecute kang atty. chong, unya wala na man pansina ni atty. chong mao nga wala na pod mo post aron paglaban sa iyang idol, unsaon nga gi-snab man ang beauty sa gaga.
Erratum: post 1255
He pretends to be a good with sense of morally reponsible being and wanted to brainwash the bloggers here and Bil.com as well that Rep. Glenn Chong is immoral, bigoted, so on and so fort. However, his real color has surfaced.
Should read as:
He pretends to be a good with sense of morally reponsible being and wanted to brainwash the bloggers here as well as in Bil.com that Rep. Glenn Chong is immoral, bigoted, so on and so fort. However, his real color has surfaced.
The best way to prevent being hacked is to regularly check your website for vulnerabilities that can be exploited by hackers. In doing so, this SQL injection vulnerability could have been detected and fixed before the page went live.
The larger the website the more complex it is to regularly check for vulnerabilities on each page. The hacked page on the Microsoft site was just a small part of a much larger website which was overlooked – a common result of manual security auditing.
Decoy 1256:
your issue is panis na, hindi na mabili! you're good in twisting facts. Im sure your are related with the Espina dynsty because you're fun of fabricating malicious intrigue.
Daily Inquirer July 30 2008
A call to all overseas Filipinos
Posted under Uncategorized
by Harvey S. Keh
JUST a few weeks ago, I listened to a National Situationer report given by the Simbahang Lingkod ng Bayan (SLB), the socio-political arm of the Jesuits here in the Philippines.
SLB is known to be one of the most credible institutions who can give an honest to goodness analysis of what is the real state of our country and in their report they emphasized the following:
a.) Yes, the country’s economy continues to grow and, in fact, we have one of the highest growth rates in Asia. However, despite the economic growth, more than 25 million Filipinos continue to languish in poverty.
b.) 62 percent of Filipinos actually die without even having the chance to be seen by a healthcare professional. To make things worse, medicine prices are 5 to 45 times higher here in our country compared to other countries in Asia like Thailand, Pakistan and India.
c.) 3.7 million families continue to be homeless in our country despite efforts being done by non-profit organizations, such as Gawad Kalinga.
d.) P1.2 trillion had been lost to corruption in the last 5 years.
e.) Out of 10 Filipino students who enter Grade 1, less than 2 will be able to finish College.
f.) The brain drain continues in our country as 121 Filipinos leave the country every hour. By the end of this year, we can expect that there will be approximately 8.5 million Filipinos abroad.
These sad realities made me discern the reason why we continue to remain a poor country, despite the fact that we have such a beautiful country blessed with the brightest people in the world. Is it because many of our best people choose to work and live abroad?
Was Conrado De Quiros correct when he mentioned in one of his columns that the middle and upper classes of our country couldn’t care less about what happens because we always have an escape hatch of migrating and living abroad when all else fails in the Philippines? I don’t think that these are entirely correct assumptions since I continue to believe that majority of Filipinos still want to see genuine change and reforms in our country.
Many Filipinos living and working abroad whom I have talked to and corresponded with via email still continue to hope and dream that they will one day be able to come back and live in a Philippines that can provide them and their families with the right opportunities to live a just and prosperous life.
In the end, I think everyone will agree with me that one of the major reasons why we are here is the fact that we continue to elect poor leaders who would rather protect vested interests of their own families and those that have supported them in the last elections.
It’s depressing to note that the reality of Philippine politics is that a good, competent and decent person cannot be elected to power if she or he doesn’t have millions of pesos to use in the campaign.
Of course, we have already seen some exceptions to this “rule,” in the persons of Pampanga Governor Eddie Panlilio, Isabela Governor Grace Padaca and Naga City Mayor Jesse Robredo. All three have clashed with moneyed and well-entrenched political dynasties and have come out victorious. But their victories remain only at the local level and it seems that we will need a more herculean effort to finally elect a President that will not become beholden to a few individuals, interests and families.
According to some friends who have had experience in being part of a national campaign, they say that you need at least P1 billion to have a chance at the Presidency.
Is it impossible then to elect a President that will not become beholden to a few wealthy families and will genuinely serve the interests of Juan dela Cruz?
I don’t think so but if we want that to happen, we should all make that happen starting with the growing Filipino middle class who are mostly living and working abroad.
Imagine if every single Filipino living and working overseas will pledge to donate at least $5 each to support an upright, ethical and God-fearing candidate who has a proven track record in public service, then that would amount to $42,500,000 or a whooping P1.9 billion!
This candidate could then have a fighting chance of being our next President and if she or he wins, she or he can govern properly without being beholden to a few people and their vested interests. As soon as we have enough pledges from Filipinos all over the world, we can then do something similar to a primary process to select the right person whom we can all support.
I propose this idea to every Filipino working or living overseas who still dreams of a new Philippines. I think it’s time that we all invest in choosing the right President for our country. We have less than two years to go before the 2010 National election. Thus the time to act is now. The power to choose our next President should not be in the hands of a few but rather it should be with each and every Filipino.
If you believe in this idea and proposal, please send me an email at harveykeh@gmail.com so we can work together in choosing the right leader for our country who will run a government that will genuinely work towards promoting the common good.
Harvey Keh is Director for Youth Leadership and Social Entrepreneurship at the Ateneo de Manila University-School of Government, and is also the Executive Director of AHON Foundation, a non-profit organization that builds public elementary school libraries all over the Philippines. Harvey also teaches Theology at the Ateneo de Manila University-Loyola Schools.
we have been dealing with the similar issues on spam. There are security holes in at lest 3 of the previous versions of WP. After upgrading to the latest version be sure to disable the remote post and the theme editor.
Kini ba si diehard kon imo basahon ang iyang blogs morag ingot pero and dating morag asungot.
Ito naman si decoy mahilig ug mga intriga mora ba ug pikoy or parrot. Kon unsay gisulti sa iyang amo nga drama lang ang Naval ambush, mao pod ang isulti diri sa blogs. Nagpariha lang ito si decoy ug diehard.
Alagad ito si Lurt, migawas na gyud ang tunay nga pagka-tao. Kon ano ang mahitabo sa site na ito, walay lain mablame kon dili si Lurt/putative/angry ra gyud.
Dinhi nato makita kon unsa nga klase kining mga supporter sa mga espina. Unya gusto pa gyud niya ipagmalaki ang Monggol, iya pa gyud nga ipagtangol ang iyang inahan nga si Marilyn?
Ka baga gyud ug nawong kining mga supporter sa mga espina. Wala gyuy mapili, puro mga kapal muks!
KKK 1261:
Parang may-ada kamatooran ang imong sulti nga kini si Lurt ug Steve Greinke is one and the same guy.
Ha akon pagsabot, gusto ni Lurt nga maguba ito nga website unsaon nga until now, ang article nga Statement of Truth naka front page man gud. Unya mahadlok siya nga mabasa sa iyang mga sponsors. Unsaon nga until now sigi paman gihapon siya ug pangayo ug finacial support sa iyang mga benefactors. So, dako gyud ang iyang kapungot nga naka frontpage ang maonbg article. So he will do everything to demolish this site.
Tan-awa sa iyang gibuhat nga pagdaut sa atong obispo sa Naval, siya hinoon mismo ang na-igo. Good for him!!!!
Tabili, mao ba? sus kon mao na dako jud diay ang tinugha ni Lurt na iya mahack kini nga site.
Tingali, wala na joy mohatag kang steve greinke kay nabisto na ang iyang tinood nga pagkatao at ang tinood niyang tumong nganong nagbuo siya anang grupo nga kunuhay mga misyonario pero ang iyang marecruit himoon lang nga sex slave. Kaila bya jud ko sa uban niyang mga recruits ilabina sila michael, vicbor, gaspar, angelo at iba pa.
Hinaut unta nga bantayan sa atong administrator na hindi ito ma hack kay dako na ito ug gamit nga site especially na nagsugod na ug kaboo ang CAC.
Aquarius 1269:
The National Secretariat of Social Action (NASSA) has a numerous options with regards to its strategy on curbing corruption through political education. NASSA office through Diocesan Social Action conducted political education in every parish. According to its report, some dioceses in Visayas and Mindanao including Naval Diocese adopted this program. However, its implementations were not so successful because of financial problems. It means that only parish leaders had been given opportunity to attend the seminar proper. The procedure of this program should be re-echoed by the leaders to their respective community. However, sad to say it was not properly implemented.
I really learned a lot of this political education conducted in Naval maybe 7 years ago, and this is the reasons why I help fighting corrupt politicians in our province. The presentations are very comprehensive, objective and improve somebody's awareness why we have poor political leadership because our voters lack of political education on how to elect a good leader.
Harvey Keh suggestion is good but as long as the voters will not be properly educated, campaign fund is not the solution.
Vigilant 1273
CAC will play a major role in the next two years to educate the Biliranons about corruption and embark on an effective political education program.
We have to insure that the "ningas kogon" attitude prevalent among Filipinos, in general, be reduced in as far as anti corruption programs in Biliran are concerned.
Once we start the program, it will be followed through with vigor and determination.
Aquarius, maayo unta kon imong maipasabot ang framework sa CAC aron aduna pod mi idea.
Importante man gud nga kining maong kalihokan mapasamwak ngadto sa katawhan aron ilang masabtan nga adunay nagpakabana para sa kaugmaon sa atong provinsya kay sa pagkakaron ang klaro nga adunay kaugmaon mao ra ang mga Espina.
Salamat Aquarius, you are great!
Intoy 1275
Thank you for your comments. I suggest that you email Admin for the contact numbers and email of Fr Bing.
At this stage, Fr Bing's group has already started and arrangements have been made for CAC Manila Representative to come to Biliran to conduct training on project monitoring. Another religious congregation with international affiliation will be joining in the later part of this year to strengthen the drive.
You can signify your interest to help by contacting Fr Bing.
On the surface, CAC is a good idea. But if it is simply a tool of one party to attack the other party, then it is a bad idea
Anonymous 1277:
Thanks for your concern. Fr. Bing Colasito is a priest with principle. He is neutral and objective. If you think that Aquarius' motives of creating CAC is one sided, then I will invite you to join us and you are welcome. I am personally convinced that Aquarius is sincere and dedicated in his intention to fight against corruption. I hope, we can help him!
Kumbati,obvious kc nga ito si anonymous 1278 is pro espina kaya takot siya na basin ang mga espina ra ang birahan sa CAC ug wala unya siyay 15/30, right?
YELG vows to support ‘Kaya Natin’ campaign
Philippine Daily Inquirer
First Posted 00:49:00 08/13/2008
We applaud local government executives Grace Padaca, Eddie Panlilio, Jesse Robredo and Sonia Lorenzo for their efforts to promote ethical leadership and good governance by sharing their best practices and prodding the youth to participate more actively in nation-building.
They can count on us, the Youth for Empowered Local Governments (YELG), to spark change within our schools and communities and radiate this to our local governments. YELG, the youth arm of the Advocacy for Empowered Local Governments Inc. (AELG), is committed to the cause its mother organization champions—the development of local governments in the Philippines into dynamic and capable growth engines not only within their geographic boundaries but all over the country.
Imagine if we have several Grace Padacas, Ed Panlilios, Jesse Robredos and Sonia Lorenzos! Our nation’s problems are so enormous they cannot be solved by the President alone.
It’s high time we gave our local governments a stronger say in our country’s political affairs. Being closer to the governed, they’re in the best position to respond to the needs of our countrymen (but they should submit to citizens’ demands for transparency and accountability). To illustrate this point, let us cite some issues best addressed by local government units (LGUs), as pointed out by University of the Philippines political science professor Dr. Clarita R. Carlos: “First is climate change ... but the battle against global warming attendant to it has shifted on a house-to-house basis. Isn’t it easier to monitor the individual’s carbon footprint than the nation’s carbon footprint? Who can best track this down? Not the national government but the local units.”
Second is waste management. This is certainly a local issue. The national government has neither the means nor the personnel to check how rivers are polluted, creeks are clogged and garbage segregated. Local governments are the primary players here.
The “greening” of corporations is also a local concern. To have mountains leveled off to uncover precious ores, to level the forests to establish commercial sites, to fish the waters are local decisions.
Population management, while viewed as a national concern, can be localized. Through creative decision-making, the LGUs can make it worthwhile for small families to practice responsible parenthood.
Finally, health services are a local concern. The national government may initiate through legislation, but the delivery on the ground is still very much a local matter.
What can the youth do to make local governments responsive and stronger catalysts of growth in our country? If we organize our fervor and logistics well enough, we are a force to contend with. As a starting point, we will keep our peers well-informed of social issues, educated on available and doable strategies, and empowered—through regular channels of dialogue and interaction.
Our movement has just begun, but the speed by which it’s gathering momentum is heartening. The youth is indeed the hope of our future.
FARAH GABRIEL, secretary general, YELG (Youth for Empowered Local Governments), Unit 303 Xanland Place, 323 Katipunan Ave., Quezon City
Church leaders tell DENR: We won’t work with corrupt execs
By Delfin Mallari Jr.
Southern Luzon Bureau
First Posted 20:37:00 08/16/2008
LUCENA CITY -- THE NEWLY created environmental watchdog to fight illegal logging in Sierra Madre is off to a shaky start after leaders of a Church-based group expressed reluctance to be working alongside government officials they suspect of being in cahoots with forest criminals.
“We beg to withhold participation from such a monitoring team as of now. We do not think it will help fight illegal logging,” said Bishop Rolando Tria Tirona, head of the Prelature of Infanta, and Fr. Pete Montallana, chair of Task Force Sierra Madre, in a letter to Environment Secretary Joselito Atienza Jr. dated Aug. 13.
A copy of the letter was obtained by the Inquirer.
The reluctance stems from their long-held suspicion that unscrupulous employees from the Department of Environment and Natural Resources local office have been in partnership with illegal loggers operating in Sierra Madre.
At least three DENR-Quezon chiefs have been fired due to failure to stop logging in Sierra Madre.
The Church leaders recalled that during their meeting in MalacaƱang with President Macapagal-Arroyo and Atienza last June 16 “we were happy to hear that the government saw the problem of corruption in the DENR.”
“That has to be addressed first before any well-meaning monitoring schemes would succeed,” said the letter.
“You (Atienza) yourself favored a citizen’s investigating team. This to us is important so that we can help government clean itself of DENR personnel who connive with loggers.”
FYI. The Church is spearheading the campaign against corruption. We could do the same in Biliran.
Priests lead hunger strike in Isabela vs illegal logging
Philippine Daily Inquirer
First Posted 20:36:00 08/16/2008
Close this ILAGAN, ISABELA -- AT LEAST seven Catholic priests in the province on Saturday staged a hunger strike to call on the government to strengthen its drive against illegal logging in Isabela.
Rev. Fr. John Couvreur, ecology desk head of the social action center of the Diocese of Ilagan, said he and six other priests led the day-long hunger strike at the St. Thomas de Aquinas Catholic parish in San Mariano to urge national government officials to act and stop the rampant illegal logging in Isabela.
The other priests were San Mariano town parish priest Fr. Edwin Dionisio, social action center head Fr. Antonio Ancheta, Fr. Peter Rambac, Fr. Marcial Bartolome, Fr. Ric Zeus Angobung and Fr. Satur Talosig.
Couvreur said tree cutters, locally known as bugadores, have been exploited by illegal logging financiers and their coddlers in the government.
Inconvenient truth
He said about 100 residents went to the San Mariano parish and skipped lunch on Saturday to sympathize with their cause.
He said the priests only drank water and fruit juice and skipped all meals on Saturday. Before they staged the hunger strike, the priests concelebrated Mass attended by at least 200 lay leaders, residents and members of various civic groups in the province.
A program held to complement the event featured a showing of former American Vice President Al Gore’s documentary, “An Inconvenient Truth” and a video presentation on aerial surveys done by nongovernment groups and members of the Isabela anti-illegal logging task force on the extent of destruction of forests in Isabela.
Poster making, oratorical and drama competitions on environmental protection were also held for students, Couvreur said.
Earlier, Church groups in Isabela launched a movement to support the government’s ongoing crackdown against logging activities in the forests of the Sierra Madre amid threats from illegal loggers.
Assassination plot
Couvreur said illegal logging financiers have launched a plot to kill him and Gov. Grace Padaca, as well as an all-out smear campaign against the task force.
“A plan has been hatched to liquidate me and the governor by hired killers because we put in danger the lucrative illegal business of prominent people who are behind the illegal logging activities in the province,” said Couvreur in a letter to priests, schools and nongovernment organizations.
He assailed the black propaganda being waged by illegal logging protectors, who, he said, have been portraying Padaca, the anti-illegal logging task force and the Catholic Church as antipoor because they are supposedly “taking away the livelihood of the poor.”
Padaca said threats from illegal loggers “felt more real.”
Villamor Visaya Jr. with reports from Melvin Gascon, Inquirer Northern Luzon
Kini usa la ka sugyot para sa kaayuhan sa atong katilingban
Unsa kahay maayo kung magpili ta ug pare na modagan sa sunod eleksyon pagka Gobernador.Duna man tay mapilian kung kinsa sa ila ang angay padaganun to name some, Fr Benjie , Fr Marvin , Fr Bing,Total nakita naman nato na si Fr Ed Panlilio maayo iyang pagpadagan sa iyang probinsya.Siguro angay ni nato tagaan ug attention sad.
Unsay inyong ikadugang ania?
Many years ago, a priest in Bukidnon, Fr. Neri Satur lost his life in 1991 fighting illegal loggers and protecting the forests of Bukidnon.
As a deputized forest ranger, Fr. Satur confiscated truckloads of timber being brought down from the mountains of Bukidnon, earning the ire of illegal loggers. He and his supporters—backed by then Bukidnon Archbishop Gaudencio Rosales, himself a “green priest”—intercepted these trucks and worked for the
arrest of illegal loggers.
On Oct. 14, 1991, three men, allegedly hired by the illegal loggers he angered, killed Fr. Satur. His head was smashed by a rifle’s butt. Later, he was shot
pointblank with a shotgun.
Inspired by the heroism of Fr. Satur, then chairman of the Senate Committee on Environment and Isabela congressman, Senator Heherson T. Alvarez, who eventually served at the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) has institutionalized a posthumous award in his honor - the Fr. Neri Satur Award for Environmental Heroism - for the Philippine observance of Earth Day. Alvarez sponsored this resolution in the Senate to encourage and inspire others to likewise protect the environment.
Aquarius, Glassgow and Anonymous:
Thanks for your beautiful post. As far as my participation in church activity in Naval is concerned, I noticed that there are only few priests who are very bold in condemning political corruption in their respective homily and they are Frs. Marvyn, Bing and Benjie. Some priests are more averse to the idea of further involvement in political homiletic approach. Others bring up the idea of political corruption in general approach but Frs. Marvyn and Benjie are very particular, specific and sometimes they provided facts and figures. This is one of the reasons why JDR and the Espinas are very much angry to the Catholic church in Naval.
I don’t have any idea if these priests are politically inclined to run for any political position. Besides, the church in its sacramental and pastoral theology always firm in her stand against church leaders’ involvement in politics as such. Fr. Ed Panlilio was not given any approval from his bishop that is his personal decision. When he filed his candidacy for governor, he was relieved from his ministry. Now that he is a governor, he cant anymore practiced his ministerial obligation as a priest. He cant celebrates mass anymore in any occasions.
We should pray that there will be more political involvement from our church leaders so that our campaign against corruption will be more meaningful and successful.
Paninguhaon jud sa mga Espina nga modaug ito si Gretchen para himoon nila nga pangbato sa ilang mga rally inig dagan nila pag-usab sa election para daghan modool nga mga tao.
Puro negative ra ba jud ang mga comments sa iya. Maka arawod jud hito kon modaug hiya unya sa last round sa pinoy idol kay halata nga ningdaug tungod sa kuarta, para bang vote-buying. Sus, sanay jud ang mga bampera sa ganon na pamaraan.
rs 1285
With all due respect to your comments, Gretchen, as a singer, has outperformed and outclassed the other competitors during the final show.
After having watched the video on the final performance, I surely believe she deserves to be in the top 3 and hopefully the first Pinoy Idol. Win or lose, she has already established a fan base for her future attempts at making a name in the music industry.
It is unfortunate that she has been a victim of negative comments due to her family's political standing in Biliran.
I maintain the position, that her participation should not be given political color. The 2010 election is two years away, and the PI success, if ever, will have dissipated by then. Remember, Pinoy Idol competition is held every year. The publicity though, that it generates for Biliran is immeasurable.
I am a professed critic of the Espina Dynasty and have been advocating the end of any family political dynasties in Biliran. However, the battle is on the professional level, not on a personal level. Gretchen, like children and families of other controversial political personalities, should not be taken as collateral victims.
The Espina family is only supporting Gretchen, like any proud parents and relatives, who are fully supportive of their children. In the absence of admissible evidences and testimonies, accusations of using funds other than their own sources to boost the text volume are unfair to the family.
BTW, the Idol Franchise is a business franchise. Like other Idol competitions in the world, it is a combination of talent and text volume raised that determines the winner. It is the nature of the beast. It is a money making exercise. The benefit however, is that winners have the chance of getting their investment back as the prize package, like the Pinoy Idol’s P5.7Million , points to a healthy return.
Further, launching a manufactured artist through this type of competition produces an instant fan base which Sony BMG and GMA7 can rely to sell records, concerts and merchandising for the winning Idol
For the winner, it is an instant celebrity status. Breaking into the music industry is a very tough and a cut throat exercise. Filipinos are blessed with so much singing talents. However, it is not enough to survive in a fickle industry. Pinoy Idol is only one of the ways for potential singers to achieve their dream. It does come at a cost.
Your comments present a valid observation. Why not another Gov Panlilio in Biliran?
It is not entirely impossible.
Aquarius, now i know na hindi ka talaga bias, talagang objective ang mga paningin mo. Usahay man jud madala lang ko sa personal nga negative opinion tungod sa mga corruption sa mga parents ug grand parents niya, mao nga maapil pod siya.
Hinoon, nakatan-aw man ko sa iyang perfomance ug ok man ba, dili man jud totally nga poor performer siya. may ikabuga man hinoon pero para sa ako best jud si jayann. Hinoon between Gret and Ram, masbuto ako kay Gret. Salamat Aquarius!
rs 1288
I understand where you're coming from. Our struggle to advance the interests of Biliran can only be realised if we gain the respect of both sides of the political arena. We can only get their respect if we can prove to them that our allegiance is pledged to the Biliranons only.
Whilst political parties of varying persuasion, drive the momentum of change, we can provide the direction which will help them achieve the goal of improving the lives of our fellow Biliranons.
It is difficult to be apolitical unless we are consistent in our stand to be truthful in our objectives and fair in our treatment of issues.
We stand by the truth and that is the only weapon we have to catalyze a change in Biliran.
You are a true Biliranon because you care.
You are totally true as far as your observation is concerned. Gretchen E. has a good performance. However, she is behind with Jay-ann but we must be aware of the facts that Pinoy Idol is more on popularity rather than capability. The presence of the judges is just to give appreciation and comments. Their roles are to guide the public whom to vote for.
Our common problem is that we are passive critic. If we want Jay-ann to win then we must do something. We have to vote and campaign. If the people in Luzon want Jay-ann to win then they have to vote too. There are 10 million people in Manila alone. If everyone will vote, I don’t think so that the Espina can manage to spend 20 million pesos just to take the title as first pinoy idol.
Good parents will always do everything for the success of their children. So, we cant blame Gretchen, she is doing everything to please the public. Her performance is good quality, hindi naman talaga nakakahiya. We have to remember that Gretchen is amateur singer while Jay-ann used to join singing contest. That is why the judges said that Gretchen’s performance is improving until she made it to the final as what the judges said “ a revelation”. I am not for Gretchen but I am enlightened of what Aquarius said.
Mabuti Pa na tumahimik na kayo. Noon, kon maka panglait kayo kang idol Gretchen, talagang puro negative ang feedback nyo pero ngayon ng nanalo na siya, saka na kayo nag-appreciate sa kanya. PURO KAYO mga SIPSIPPPPPP!
Alagad ito si decoy kon mag-estorya pagkagamatoy sa isip. Alang sa imong kasayoran ang governor nanghatag man ug tag 200 sa mga estudyannte sa NIT aron lang esuporta kang greta.
Gipaadto pa gyud sila sa capitolyo. Di ba nakakahiya? mayroon kaming mga evidensya dyan. Well, medyo OK man ang iyang performance pero klaro jud nga ang iyang pagdaug kuarta lang gyud ang basihan.
FYI: ( Pinoy Idol comments)
Topic: THAT'S NOT AN IDOL! (Read 22 times)
Jr. Member
Posts: 65
i will remeber Pinoy Idol as;
The Gayest Clown Show in the whole Idol search in the world!
It comes with the hippest gay host and the most innovative(?) gay director, topped with the idol stage which showcases their flag color: THE RAINBOW COLORS!
with the newest (not so special) effects! Congrats tomatoes!
Not only that, they have come with the most extravagant prizes, given to the painfully untalented clown, plus the tv exposure...uh actually she paid half the prize to get her way to the idol search! Cool huh...
And oh to gretchen:
Congratulations gretch!
You are truly the Penoy Idol!
wrong spelling? sorry...ikaw pala ang first ever Pinoy Idle...oh at last tama na ha...
May dedication kami sa iyo, a blog actually, here it is:
May photo dedication din kami sa iyo! sana sumaya ka...
You are truly the original clown! the clown winner of the first ever clown show in the Philippines, hosted by a gay amateur clown and directed by a vetyeran old-aged clown (3rd generation of Mc. Donald), and staff supported by gays and well uneducated people in the history of tv.
You deserve our applause and our tomatoes,
here...catch it! not with your hands but with your face!
Raymond, Louie, sali kayo!
Haaaaay ang saya ng napanood kong gay clown pageant sa SMX via Sony bravia!
« on: Today at 11:54:34 AM »
no need to explain more
ni wala ngang magsumigaw dito sa forum na Congratulations Gretchen! You're so great!
Jr. Member
Posts: 65
« Reply #1 on: Today at 11:57:21 AM »
tsaka bakit ganun ung finale parang wala namang masaya nung inanounce ung winner, mas narinig ko BOO pati judges na dismay, kitang kita naman eh lalo na si ogie
Full Member
Posts: 174
« Reply #2 on: Today at 03:54:01 PM »
Quote from: benjbuddy on Today at 11:57:21 AM
tsaka bakit ganun ung finale parang wala namang masaya nung inanounce ung winner, mas narinig ko BOO pati judges na dismay, kitang kita naman eh lalo na si ogie
Tama ka jan.kitang-kita sa mukha ng mga judges ang pagkadismaya sa result.Pati si Raymond halatang di masaya sa result ayun nag-walk out na lang at pinabayaan si gretchen kasi alam na niya na si gretchen ang expected na mananalo.Tama ka rin dito sa forum parang walang masyadong humahanga kay gretchen.
Alam nyo guys, c gretchen naman ang kawawa e. Kahit sa kanya ang titulo at pera, jugsak pa rin cya. As in wla syang katalent talent! Kng isang gabi lng ang katapat pra manalo, bkit umabot pa ang pinoy idol ng ilang buwan bago majudge ang da best? Yucks!!!!!!!!!! I really am disappointed! Shame on you gretchen!
And suggestions, next time, please GMA-7, please lng if mg ka season 2 pa, wag nyo na kunin cla Jolina at wingard tracy oi! They're not good at knowing who's really deserving. Mabuti pa kumuha kayo ng judge na born Aries like Jaya, Richard Gomez, and those you know na talagang magaling magkilatis ng totoong talent. Ok2x sana kng c jayann nlng ang nanalo sa knila ni gretchen pro hindi pa rin ako satisfied. Talagang c RAM ang deserving. C gretchen, pra xang ng papasexy everytime mgperform,as in wla talaga! Sana pinaalam nyo hindi nman talaga magaling kelangan nyo! Nakakahiya k Ms Fullon, yuckieezzzzzzzzzz!!!
Nahiya naman ako sa mga kapitbahay namin...known GMApa naman kmi pero ngayon, mas gusto ko na ABS-CBN. Dahil lng sa kapalpakan ng show na yan at ng mga judges! Kumuha kayo ng magaling kumanta din na judge hindi ung pakanta-kanta lng o kaya'y Aries born lng...okay na yan.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2008, 01:02:44 PM by agmp » Logged
Posts: 4
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2008, 07:42:02 PM »
sana judge nalang nag decide hinde sa paramihan ng txt. para yung skilled at karapat dapat ang nanalo sana. 1st pinoy iDOL pa naman tapos palpaks... ok lang kung si jayann or RAM nanalo matatanggap ko pa kaso si gretchen anak kasi ng governor ng biliran... kung anak cguro ako ng presidente ng pinas kahit na sintunado boses ko at "bahay kubo" lang kaya kong kantahin cguro magchachampion ako kahit na kalaban ko pa e c ogie alcasid. sure panalo ako kung sa text voting lang makukuha ang result jejejeje...
Anonymous 1292;
Thanks sa imong post. Maayo unta kon mabasa ni decoy kini nga mga comento sa ibang lugar nga walay halo nga politica kay aron dili ba ta maka ingon nga politically colored ang mga negative comments kang Gretchen.
Karon atong matataw kon kinsa kaha ang tunay na SIPSIP....
more on pinoy idol:
Posts: 1
ginamit ang pera para lng manalo
« on: August 17, 2008, 09:36:01 PM »
ganito na pla ngaun ang contest. nadadaan sa pera.ano b kinagaling mo no..mayaman ka lang pro walang talent.compared kina ram, jeann and kid mas deserving cla sayo.disappointed kmi mga pinoy idol viewers....it will end up lang plang luto..
Posts: 12
Re: ginamit ang pera para lng manalo
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2008, 12:24:49 AM »
i concur with your statement my dear...violation of the equal protection clause!....kung pwede lang talaga pa-imbestigahan yan eh...well, anyway, lets get used to it...we are in the philippines! and this type of contest happens only here! mabuhay!
Posts: 1
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2008, 01:35:24 AM »
Quote from: huskies_l on August 17, 2008, 09:36:01 PM
ganito na pla ngaun ang contest. nadadaan sa pera.ano b kinagaling mo no..mayaman ka lang pro walang talent.compared kina ram, jeann and kid mas deserving cla sayo.disappointed kmi mga pinoy idol viewers....it will end up lang plang luto..
>:(correct ka dyan!luto ang pagkapanalo! ginamit ang pera!palibhasa ang tatay governor, siguro lahat ng tao sa biliran pinagbibigyhan ng pera pang text!....di naman sya maganda! di magaling kumanta! gusto ko si ram and jayann!!!! hindi sya sisikat!!!
Posts: 4
Re: ginamit ang pera para lng manalo
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2008, 12:59:29 PM »
Ang bitter nyo naman mga kabayan.
May K! naman cyang manalo.
It is Gretchen's destiny to be the 1st pinoy idol. Papayag ba naman ang GMA management na manalo ang hindi deserving?
Posts: 31
Re: ginamit ang pera para lng manalo
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2008, 04:51:20 PM »
Hoy kahiya ka! So so lang ang pagkanta mo. Alam mo iyan.
Sana mahanap mo ang katahimikan ng iyong puso at konsensya (kung meron man) sa paghani ng iyong napanalunan este nabili pala.
Posts: 5
Re: ginamit ang pera para lng manalo
« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2008, 01:36:14 PM »
Ang panget ng show, ang tatanga ng mga judges, ang baduy ng host!
Walang talent ang nanalo!
yehey! d ba bagay silang lahat?
Among the top 3, kala ko si Ram at Jayann an maglabanlaban.
Tapos si Gretchen paang nanalo?
Anong show ba to? Money contest?
Pinapayaman nila ang globe at smart sa katetext nila eh.
Ang layo nyo sa american idol!
Kahet sa barangay idol, d mananalo si Gretchen!
Posts: 1
Re: ginamit ang pera para lng manalo
« Reply #6 on: August 19, 2008, 06:00:30 PM »
yah...i agree with that....ginamit lang tlaga ang pera para manalo sa contest n 2...
gretchen ur not deserving to be the first pinoy idol......pa innocent ka p na di u alam na mananalo ka e im sure ginawan n ng paraan ng tatay mo ang pagkapanalo mo. The title is not for u. Mas deserving manalo si Jay ann. sobra nakaka dismaya ang gma, alam nmn nila kung sino tlagang panalo kso syempre nadaan sa pera at power ng tatay mong governor.....sna mabasa mo to. alam mo sa sarili mo na hindi ikw ang karapat dapat sa position na yan. it must be jay ann. the quality of the voice the looks and she's so versatile. e ikw ba gnun. my gosh. nakakahiya. wla k non
Posts: 8
Re: ginamit ang pera para lng manalo
« Reply #7 on: August 19, 2008, 09:37:25 PM »
ahahaha! kawawa nmn ang pilipinas pag rinepresenta sha sa ai at wi! hahahaha. anung cnsabi mo jang may k? eh kung magshoshowdown yata c gretchen at c jennylyn,talo p sha eh! parang negosyo lng ang pi, maglagay k ng kapital na 2 milyon para itext k ng tao, pg nanalo ka, 3.7 m ang profit mo..:p buti pa sa ai,libre text, kaya pwedeng pwede bumoto. HOY PINOY IDOL, WAG NA KAYO MAGSESECOND SEASON! PINASASAMA NIYO LANG LOOB NAMIN! :p and one more thing.. PDA! nood kayo! galing ni bugoy! :p
unsa kahay gibati ron sa mga
espina nga imbis gusto nila nga mosikat pinaagi kang gretchen, very negative man gyud ang mga comments sa ibang lugar.
Pero ingon pa ni kumbati nga sala pod na nila kay sigi lang silag putakputak pero dili man sila movote para makadaug ang ilang choice. Mao na ni ang dangatan kon puro lang ta dada apan walay may gihimo, so dili gyud mahitabo ang atong gusto kay dili man pod ta motabang para sa kalambuan. Kana bitawng sigi ta ug saway nga mga espina corrupt, pero pag-abot sa election, dili man pod ta mangumpanya aron dili na sila modaug. Maayo pa maghilom nalang ta, di ba?
ayw tawon mo palabi ug panamay kang idol gretchen uy! kay nagsugod pa baya ang iyang career sa showbiz nya inyo napod dayong husgahan nang subra. baya mo mga himantayon.
Tanawa si Vilma ug Nora, sa una ba si Vilma gitabangan baya na siya ug daut kay maot ug tingog, mora daw ug iring kon mokanta. daghan kaayo ug fans si Nora icomparar kang Vi, pero karon kinsa man ang tinood nga sikat bi? di ba si Vi, pikat lang ninyo, asa naman ang inyong Nora?
ambot kaninyo ba, karon inyong tamayon si gretchen pero abot lang ang panahon nga siya diay ang tinood nga sikat ug magaling sama kang vi, grrrrrrabe!!!!
ayw tawon mo palabi ug panamay kang idol gretchen uy! kay nagsugod pa baya ang iyang career sa showbiz nya inyo napod dayong husgahan nang subra. baya mo mga himantayon.
Tanawa si Vilma ug Nora, sa una ba si Vilma gitabangan baya na siya ug daut kay maot ug tingog, mora daw ug iring kon mokanta. daghan kaayo ug fans si Nora icomparar kang Vi, pero karon kinsa man ang tinood nga sikat bi? di ba si Vi, pikat lang ninyo, asa naman ang inyong Nora?
ambot kaninyo ba, karon inyong tamayon si gretchen pero abot lang ang panahon nga siya diay ang tinood nga sikat ug magaling sama kang vi, grrrrrrabe!!!!
This is a copy of my reply to Utip 25 posted at BI under the issue entitled, "Discover the Uncared Paradise".
Utip 25,
In as much as you have tried your best to defend the Espina Dynasty, I suggest that you exercise discretion with your comments. Every time you open your mouth, you dig a deeper hole for the Espinas.
I know the Espina family more than you do since the 1970's to now. Trust me; the members of the family will undergo considerable trouble justifying their lifestyles and acquisitions.
The family is taking comfort in the slow administration of justice in as far as the Office of the Ombudsman is concerned. It will come soon. They may get away with it, or they may not. It all depends on how serious Rep Glenn Chong is in as far as pursuing the case is concerned.
The members of the Espina Dynasty may have to be thankful to the laxity of the legal panel entrusted by Rep Glenn Chong to pursue this case. Frankly, one of my disappointments in Rep Glenn Chong’s legal team is the seemingly lackluster performance in as far as the case filed with the Ombudsman is concerned. It has now been almost a year, and yet, Rep Glenn Chong still has to provide the Biliranons with updates on this case.
On top of fulfilling his election promises, Rep Glenn Chong’s credibility is dependent on the outcome of this case. The issue of corruption by the Espina Dynasty was one of the determining issues that drove the Biliranons to dump Mr. Gerry Espina Sr. in the 2007 elections.
As a Biliranon, you should also be asking Rep Glenn Chong, what is happening to the Espina case with the Office of the Ombudsman?
ayw tawon mo palabi ug panamay kang idol gretchen uy! kay nagsugod pa baya ang iyang career sa showbiz nya inyo napod dayong husgahan nang subra. baya mo mga himantayon.
Tanawa si Vilma ug Nora, sa una ba si Vilma gitabangan baya na siya ug daut kay maot ug tingog, mora daw ug iring kon mokanta. daghan kaayo ug fans si Nora icomparar kang Vi, pero karon kinsa man ang tinood nga sikat bi? di ba si Vi, pikat lang ninyo, asa naman ang inyong Nora?
ambot kaninyo ba, karon inyong tamayon si gretchen pero abot lang ang panahon nga siya diay ang tinood nga sikat ug magaling sama kang vi, grrrrrrabe!!!!
Bahin anang imong gi ingon sa mga kaso na gi file didto sa ombudsman Cebu, mao kanang wala jud na pa masugdi kay ang mga gifile didto nangawala, naa silay tawo didto na tigkuha, tungod sa kadagahn sa mga kaso,mao dili siya mabantayan.Kay matud pa sa kadtong nag file,nafile jud niya pirmado tanan sa nidawat, apan atong gipamiling na ang file kay gi follow up,dili na makit an.
I don't think the case has been followed up with vigor. It is the responsibility of Rep Glenn Chong to insure that this case is filed, followed through and updates disclosed to the Biliranons. As I stated in my previous post, the corruption issue was one of the reasons Biliranons dumped Mr. Gerry Espina Sr. in the 2007 elections. It is the main reason why I have been involved in this battle to liberate the Biliranons from the evils of a family political dynasty.
With all due respect to Rep Chong's legal team, I believe that he needs a high profile panel of lawyers who have deep experience and expertise in handling high profile cases like this. I find it ridiculous that files could get lost at the Office of the Ombudsman; and yet there is no stirring news protesting against such irregularity.
During the 2007 election campaign, Rep Chong had been overly confident he could take the Espinas to court with the volume of evidences in his possession. A year later, and we still have to see concrete action. Rep Chong needs to address this matter if he wants his credibility to remain strong among the supporters who believed that his accusations of corruption against the members of the Espina Dynasty are true and can be substantiated.
Gov Roger Espina claimed, in a radio interview in June 2008 that he was able to get a clearance certificate from the Office of the Ombudsman. It is unfortunate that the alleged case filed by Mr. Charlie Chong against the Espinas at the Office of the Ombudsman had been quoted as one of the possible reasons for the alleged fatal incident in June 7 2008; and yet, here is no news release to confirm that the case has indeed been filed and in progress.
The fight for corruption in Biliran will face a bleak future if this case fails to materialize... If Rep Chong cannot handle this case, then it is up to the Biliranons to take the matter into their hands. Unfortunately, his credibility among people who supported him during the 2007 elections will start to diminish.
Aquarius 1300:
If the report of Anonymous 1299 is true, I suppose we must do some immediate actions about this matter. We must not rely too much to Rep. Glenn because we know for the fact that he is neophyte politician and he is just starting to engage this political battle. We should support him more than before.
I know you can openly contact him maybe this is the time that we have to intervene in order to follow-up what is happening and most often to prevent undesirable consequences. We know already that the Espinas will do something so that this case of corruption against them will not occur or take effect in such away as to stop or delaying tactic.
The Espinas are planning to run again this coming election and they will employ all possible means in order to get rid Rep. Chong from their political path legally or illegally as what Gov. Roger said “ Tinik talaga sa lalamunan ko ito si Glenn”. In case, Rep. Glenn will not win or will be assassinated, then tuloy na rin ang ligaya sa mga Espina. So, ano na kaya ang mangyari sa Biliran?
Anonymous 1299:
Your post is very imformative, maayo bitaw nga imo nang gibulgar diri aron pod masayod ang atong mga kababayan. Kon naa kapay sabatn nga uban, kindly inform us. Thanks ang more power!
These are the main reasons why we need to fast track the formation of the CAC in Biliran.
We will help Rep Glenn Chong in this fight, but he is in the better position to put pressure on the Office of the Ombudsman.
Our hands are tied up at the moment because the original case was filed by Mr. Charlie Chong. That case needs to pick up and we can push from there. If his case against the Espina Dynasty, more specifically, Govenor Roger Espina, is dismissed, we will have to spearhead the move at the most appropriate time.
It does not necessarily mean we are pre-judging the Espina family to be guilty. We will work hard to gather evidences and testimonies to build up the case. As far as I am concerned, Rep Glenn Chong has in his possession, damning evidences which maybe more than enough to illicit a formal investigation and subsequent filing of case.
I still think, Rep Chong must spearhead this case as it is one of the reasons he won the 2007 elections. He will need to prove that his accusations were true and adequate to get a conviction.
naminaw kos podcast sa bidlisiw didtos BI, mora mag gi as-han nila kning issue sa pinoy idol.
it seems to me nga gi-drag si rep glenn sa maong issue aron ma divert iya atensyon. i think he doesn't have to defend the issue nga gilabay sa iyaha mahitungod sa load.
tan-awa, pending man diay ning mga kaso batok espina sa ombudsman. mora mag clumsy ang lihuk sa legal panel sa side ni rep glenn.
rep glenn, dugay ra kong nangandoy makakita ug news nga dunay espina political figure giduso sa ulo sa pulis aron pasudlon sa patrol car aron ibalhog sa presohan. kanus-a man ang payback time para sa mga biliranon.
Spartacus, huwag kang magmamadali uy! mahina ang laban. Rep. Glenn is not a superman. He cant do all things at one time. Please be patient or else, you can offer to help him.
anonymous 1205,
i had already extended help to rep glenn chong in my own little way by campaigning him to my family and relatives kay dili man ko ka botar sa iya kay absentee voter man ko hence, national positions ra ako nabotaran. im quite sure they had voted for glenn then.
nowadays, mora mag busy si rep glenn sa mga petty issues like the pinoy idol, etc.
i share the same observation and sentiment of aquarius that "the case has not been followed up with vigor. It is the responsibility of Rep Glenn Chong to insure that this case is filed, followed through and updates disclosed to the Biliranons."
ryt now, anonymous 1205, i don't know how to be of help to rep glenn chong. however, whatever opportunity i get to help biliran free from political dynasty, i would be glad to extend a helping hand.
Thank you, Spartacus. I appreciate this. I've been listening to this for year, from internet comments to a radio comments. I thank you, Aquarius and the rest of freedom fighters for the feeling of worry and concern as regard to the political situation in our beloved country. I've listened to and everything you've done in your own little way. It’s already a great job.
I've just got to say, after hearing what you have just told about the performance of Atty. Chong, that Atty. Chong is doing everything for the fulfillment of his promises. I know, the corruption case against the Espina had been already filed since the time he assumes the office of congressman. A reliable source told me that this corruption case had been transferred to Manila at the office of ombudsman Gutierrez who convicted Congressman Codilla because Cebu Ombudsman is not performing their job.
In today’s political climate in Biliran, the Espina dynasty is doing everything to destroy the credibility of Atty. Chong through his dogsbody nga na silaw sa sapi sa mga Espina. The latest attack is through publishing Timbanga ng bayan as a hard copy of their radio program at RN. Now, Atty. Chong has to defend himself in the internet and over the radio. The political harassment is left and right. I know the Espina dynasty is willing to spend the last peso they earned though corruption just to get back the political power in our province.
If Atty. Chong has encountered difficulties to bring Roger Espina to the jail now that he is congressman, his passion to fulfill his promise will no longer prosper if he is out in congress. So, the Espina dynasty will do everything in order destroy his credibility by all means.
Now, if we too, who want to pull down the Espina dynasty from our province, will also criticise the performance of Atty. Chong, then we are helping the Espinas to destroy his credibility.
Thank you to all of you and more power!!!
Vigilant 1307:
I believed you got a point. We should do something to help Rep. glenn in order to eliminate the Espinas in our land. At this time of very critical situation our symphaty will focus more on how we can help Rep. Glenn to win this political battle. Instead of trying to bring out some negative side of his performance which can not avoided because no one is perfect, we should lend our own capability that somehow will help to solve the problem. I'm sure that more hands are better than one.
It is only through our joint effort of moral support that we can move forward for the fulfillment of our dreams.
criticism to one's performance should serve as a wake up call. in a way, this helps one to be back on track and realign his focus. criticism when taken positively is productive.
obserbasyon lang nako: mora mag ang mga espina maoy nag dikta kung unsay duwa sa natad sa politika diha sa biliran pinaagi sa ilang mga sinuhulang tawo. and it works! it seems to me that the anti-espina group (perhaps including our representative) is acting reactively.
kung ang playing field dili patag nya pabor sa mga espina, then much more that everyone against them should act proactively!
morag gikataw-an lang ta ani ni gerry espina sr duh: hehehe
let's move our asses! pasensya na mga kapatid, kutob ra ko dinhi sa blogs. rest assured anti-espina dynasty ko.
although dako nga factor nga nakasuhan si gerry sr, kinahanglan kusganong ipadayon ang kaso batok sa gobernador sa biliHan province. nya i-update ang mga biliranon kung unsa ang progress ani nga kaso. by this way, ma silsil sa alimpatakan sa mga lumupyo sa probinsya nga ang gobernador naay kaso nga kurapsyon batok kaniya. ug kung unsa man unya ang iyang daganan puhon sa sunod eleksyon, sigurado mag duha-duha, kung dili man mo yam-id na, ang mga tawo pagpili kaniya.
hinaut unta nga dili na ta moabot ana nga sitawasyon.
hinaut unta nga sa sunod piniliay, wa nay mga espina kay tua nagtingkagul na.
hinaut unta nga sa sunod piniliay, himsug ug haruhay ug gawasnon nga mopili ang mga botante.
hinaut unta nga sa sunod piniliay, mga maligdung, dekalidad, kwalipikado ug sensiro sa pagserbisyo maoy mga molansad ug pagapilian sa mga tawo.
hinaut unta nga kining akong mga panghinaut dunggon sa kahitas-an.
All Freedom Fighters
I wrote in my previous comments, that political parties drive the momentum of change, but we could provide the direction to help them achieve the objective of improving the lives of the Biliranons.
Along the way, criticisms on performances, programs and projects implemented need to be raised to refocus the political parties' direction.
As Spartacus posted and I agree, “Criticism to one's performance should serve as a wake up call. in a way, this helps one to be back on track and realign his focus. criticism when taken positively is productive.
One important reality in politics is the element of time. Varying circumstances create a shortage of time. In Biliran's case, Rep Glenn Chong's minority government does not have the luxury of time. The Espina, on the other hand has all the time in the world. Gerry Espina Sr controls 90% of the local government elected officials, and is backed up with adequate finances and political experience. A come back is a reality and has been proclaimed by Gerry Sr in previous media releases.
The justice system in the Philippines is such that everything grinds slowly, can be negotiated and even convicted criminals can run for an elective position. As they saying goes, "only in the Phillipines these things happen". As such, all cases take time to arrive at a resolution. Therefore, a concrete action must be done before the end of the second year of Rep Chong's 3 year term. As you know, the third year will be dedicated to preparation for the 2010 elections.
It is important, therefore, that the case filed with the Office of the Ombudsman be followed up with dedication everyone can muster to arrive at a speedy resolution. Rep Chong is now in the position to put pressure on the Office of the Ombudsman, which was entirely impossible when the Espinas where in total control. He does not have to be present on the hearings. He just needs to assemble a panel of high profile lawyers with deep experience and track record fighting similar cases. The need for high profile lawyers is critical because, the published and broadcast media follows high profile lawyers. If a case goes out on a media of nationwide circulation, the Office of the Ombudsman will be under pressure to expedite the case.
I still have to see a media release confirming that a case of graft and corruption has been filed against Governor Rogelio Espina at the Office of the Ombudsman. It has been mentioned as a possible reason for the June 7 incident, but details were never revealed. There was a talk of that case filed in September of 2007 but nothing official. Further, after the June 7 2008 incident, discussions among the hosts of “Bidlisiw” indicated that files of the case were lost and need to be re-filed. I am not aware of the case being transferred to Manila.
My concern is that, it seems to me that the same panel of lawyers that is currently handling the Espina et al case is the same panel handling the Ombudsman’s case. They just won’t have the time to focus on this issue. I did propose to Rep Chong the services of a panel of high profile lawyers in Manila, but he still has to consider my offer. My offer has been standing for over 1 year now. And I have given up. The street lawyers would have been prepared to assist pro bono.
Sometimes, you can only do so much. Whilst our posts in the BI and on this site, produces an exchange of ideas, it is not enough to push the case to fruition. We need real action. That is the reason why I proposed the creation of CAC in Biliran.
I believe Biliranons must act now, or the opportunity to make changes to Biliran will not be available the second time around. Rep Chong must take control and show the Espina Dynasty that he is in the position to make things happen. He cannot be in the defensive position forever.
New system helps LGUs cut red tape
June 27 2008.
The Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) announced that pursuant to the department’s effort to eradicate corruption in government transactions, the Business Permit and Licensing System (BPLS) will soon be put in place in Central Visayas.
The DILG said the project, which is seen to assist local government units (LGUs) shift to a more investor-friendly business permit and licensing system, got funding support from the German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ).
In line with this program, the DILG Region 7 office under Director Pedro Noval Jr. said a BPLS guidebook, dubbed "Towards One Business Permit and Licensing System," was launched recently at Parklane Hotel in Cebu City.
Noval said the project is aimed at creating a one-stop shop where new enterprises can secuyre permits and licenses, and at the same time, cut red tape in government transactions.
During the launching, at least 10 LGUs in Cebu Province manifested their interest in adopting BPLS.
These LGUs are Danao City, Carcar City, Talisay City, Compostela, Consolacion, Cordova, Moalboal, Minglanilla, Naga, and San Fernando. (Elena Aben)
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