Jul 29, 2008
Posted by: Lozenge
All Freedom Fighters:
The Biliranons have already spoken and have started the fight against corruption when they have given the mandate to Rep Glenn Chong, Mayor Susan V Parilla and a few other candidates allied to Rep Chong in 2007 elections. The win may not have resulted to a desired majority control, but nevertheless it inflicted a major crack on the Espina Dynasty’s solid stronghold in Biliran.The unsuccessful candidacy of former Congressman and former Mayor, Gerardo Espina Sr, and the absence of ....more
In the land of Freedom, "to be free is not merely to cast out the Espina dynasty from political power, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others." For generations, the paradise island of Biliran has breathed the fresh tone of stillness and serenity of freedom and peace. But when the Espina dynasty conquered and dominated the political power in our province, they corrupted not only our natural and economic resources but also the mental upbringing of needy people in rural places....more
June 3, 2007
The most drammatic success in our history as a young province was the recent May 14 election. Our Biliran voters in exercising their right to vote expressed their sentiments in a mature and valiant manner.
And so, the result of the latest election, contained a simple but very poweful message: " if you respect my peso....
Fathers, victims of genocidation
However, as children in the world rejoice with their respective father, it is sad to contemplate that here in Biliran, 2 families have mourned because of the brutal killing of their father. Their lives had not been spared from any political problems that provide great havoc in our peaceful place. One of the many unfortunate, regrettable aspects of the tragic events of June 7th, 2008 besides the fact that two people have lost their lives. more
We, the Clergy and faithful of the Diocese of Naval, would like to express our strongest condemnation to the lies peddled by Stephen Greinke against the bishop of Naval, the Most Rev. Filomeno G. Bactol, D.D.
Last January 2, 2008, Stephen Greinke, in a nationally televised network, has accused the bishop of sexually molesting young boys. We are aghast at this accusation because the bishop is a person of integrity whose ministry of 40 years (15 years in the seminary as formator, 7 years as Pastor, and 18 years as Bishop of Naval) has never been enmeshed in any controversy, much less scandal. We are appalled even more at the brazermess of Greinke as to impute upon the good name of the bishop the very same crime he was accused of doing against innocent young boys in the very Association he bas come to found, purportedly to proclaim the love of God only to find out it has become a trap for his sexual perversions! Such lies therefore that he has concocted can anly come from a heart whose hatred is as deep as his own twisted understanding of what is good and moral. ..... more
From Advent through Christmas to New Year - a message from biliranevent.com
The Advent season is a special time in our Christian community and a perfect time to preparation to celebrate for the birthday of Christ. As we once again prepare to celebrate the feast of Christmas, we are reminded of God’s great love for us. More importantly, the feast of Christmas is a very special occasion and a time for us not only to reflect on Jesus’ love for us but also to respond to his love by demonstrating love for our fellow men and women. May the expressions of goodwill and the gifts that we exchange be the outward manifestation of that love. more...
CEBUANO KO BAI! ( author unknown)

1 – 200 of 1415 Newer› Newest»Admin -> Why are you not publishing my post? You can reply to my email address which is in the url field below. Do you not allow real dialogue on this site?
December 27, 2007 8:57 AM
564. admin said…
welcome to this blogsite!
Next time, after encoding your respective post, choose your identity first by clicking the small circle before the nickname then write your nickname and click publish. If your post did not disappear or if it is still on the comment box, it means, it was not published yet. So, you have to copy your post and go back to homepage by clicking
Biliran Event at the top side. After that, come back again and paste your post.
However, if you will follow the procedure correctly, your post will be published immediately. It only happens once you miss to click the small circle before the nickname. It is very simple as what you did on blog 563.
I tried to look your post inside the email box but it did not go through. Only post who will be published right away will go through. Our apology for inconvenience.
We look forward to continuing the mutually beneficial relationship that our bloggers have shared over the last 6 months.
If there is anything else that we can do to minimize your inconvenience in regard to this matter, please don’t hesitate to try again.
December 27, 2007 1:40 PM
565. Tabili said…
Uy naa man koy silingan nga nia karon diri si Capri. Kay puros man mi nga nagpuyo sa kahoy. Ugaling lang kay kining capri hawod sa kalasangan, mao nga kon ang usa ka lugar masabtan sa mga tawo nga may capri, walay mudool anang lugara ilabina pagka gabii.
Unya karon kay dia man siya diri na, kaingon siguro ni capri ug managan mi.....
Palaban na ang mga Biliranon karon, mosukol na ug mangtas nga capri. Kay gusto nga maoy permi maghawod sa atong probinsya.
December 27, 2007 2:44 PM
566. putative said…
I am new to this blog, and was just reading some of the older posts. Let's talk a bit more about the proper role of the Catholic church in elections. Delta 282 says: "it is not illegal for priests and nuns to roam around during election in order to ensure honest and clean election", whereas Vigilant 163 says: "through the help of the church the Espina Dynasty is politically getting down"
Now, I ask you - If the church takes a stand favoring one party, do they still have the right to roam around inside voting precincts during voting? If you or I wanted to do that, we would not be allowed. If the church has prayer vigil stations outside the voting place where they hand out ballots pre-marked for one party, do they not become an agent of that party and subject to the same restrictions of campaigning near polling places as any other campaigner? Does not the presence of a Nun inside the polling place serve as a visual reminder of how the church wants you to vote?
If the church takes a stand for one candidate, should they not forfeit the designation of "neutral"? And if they have a vested interest, do they not also forfeit the privilege of acting as guarantors of the sanctity and proper conduct of elections? Do they not then have the same status as any other political organization?
If the church promises that a candidate or a party will not engage in vote-buying, even holds a public anti-vote-buying rally and invites only one party, who chant over and over with the priests "not one peso for vote-buying" and then the party does engage heavily in vote buying, should not the church at least issue a public apology? (or is it ok for them to stick their head in the sand and say "What vote buying?")
I'm not saying a church can't endorse a candidate, just that there are moral and procedural consequences that the church has to understand.
December 27, 2007 2:47 PM
567. Delta said…
Hello Putative:
I think its good that after you have read those previous blogs, you got a nice clarification!
During the martial law and post-martial law periods, the Catholic Church was the country's strongest and most independent nongovernmental institution. It traditionally had been conservative and aligned with the elites. Parish priests and nuns, however, witnessed the sufferings of the common people and often became involved in political, and even communist, activities. One of the best-known politicized clergy was Father Conrado Balweg, who led a New People's Army guerrilla unit in the tribal minority regions of northern Luzon. Although Pope John Paul II had admonished the clergy worldwide not to engage in active political struggle, the pope's commitment to human rights and social justice encouraged the Philippine hierarchy to criticize the Marcos regime's abuses in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Church-state relations deteriorated as the state controlled media accused the church of being infiltrated by communists. Following Aquino's assassination, Cardinal Jaime Sin, archbishop of Manila and a leader of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines, gradually shifted the hierarchy's stance from one of "critical collaboration" to one of open opposition.
A prominent Catholic layman, José Concepcion, played a major role in reviving the National Movement for Free Elections (NAMFREL) with church support in 1983 in order to monitor the 1984 National Assembly elections. Both in the 1984 balloting and the February 7, 1986, presidential election, NAMFREL played a major role in preventing, or at least reporting, regime-- instigated irregularities. The backbone of its organization was formed by parish priests and nuns in virtually every part of the country. Without them, I’m sure our country until now is still under the Marcos regime.
December 27, 2007 6:29 PM
568. Kumbati said…
Putative 563:
I noticed that you are very judgmental by saying that we dont want real argument here! although it's a form of inquiry but its a negative reaction for me. Dont you know that real argument is our food for thought?
Anyway I cant blame you because maybe for some obvious reason you dont know yet our procedure here. And, it happened to me before too, But i did not make harsh reaction as you did.
By the way, if you dont mind, would you tell us your religion?
Thanks and hope to hear from you again!
December 28, 2007 12:01 AM
569. kumbati said…
Hi delta!
I juat arrived from a xmas party, mao nga late nako naka post.
May bag-o na pod ta nga kalingawan, pero putative lang. His/her english sounds not a filipino english morag foreigner.
Anyway, you made a good presentation. keep it up!
December 28, 2007 12:12 AM
570. putative said…
Kumbati 568:
You misinterpret. I was not accusing anyone of not allowing argumentation. Since the stated purpose of this site is to support the Chong party, I was just asking if my post was rejected for that reason. (and the message was meant to go to admin, not to the world) Obviously it turns out I didn't submit it properly.
December 28, 2007 9:13 AM
571. putative said...
Delta 567:
I understand and I respect he historic role of the Catholic church in the Philippines (tempered with some reservations) and I certainly think the church clerics should do what they feel is right. However, like all of us, the church must continually be vigilant to not fall into easy accommodations with devious forces. And the church has to understand that when it becomes a political affiliate it can no longer be the arbiter of impartial process, and that the mere presence of clergy becomes a symbol of the church's advocacy. (does clergy include nuns?) And there are deeper philosophical issues.
December 28, 2007 9:33 AM
572. Vigilant said...
Putative 566:
This is part of your post "whereas Vigilant 163 says: "through the help of the church the Espina Dynasty is politically getting down"
My reply:
Some of the priests like Frs. Marvyn Maceda and Benjie Pantas were very vocal in denouncing the political corruption of the Espina Dynasty. Actually during the mass, the content of thier homily were empathically evangelizing the faithful about the present problem of our political situation in Biliran after 12 years of the Espina Government.
We are very grateful to them for making us polically aware and for these reasons, Gerry Espina, Sr's political popularity was gradually deteriorating. For sure, their popularity will continue to deteriorate. Thanks be to God for giving us some spiritual leaders whose concerns are for the total development of human being.
December 28, 2007 4:05 PM
573. Tamsy said…
Alagad naman ito si KKK, Intoy ug Tabili gibanatan man dayon si CAPRI diri na hinoon to mobalik. Motago na pod to sa kalasangan.
Maayo pa si Glassgow kay iyang nasupalpal si Capri kaya nalisanglisang na gyud!
Ito namang isang bagong estranghero nga is Putative. Dili lang Puta Talkative pa! he he he he.....
December 28, 2007 4:23 PM
573. Putative said…
Vigilant 572:
Do you think the role of the church in the last election was proper give they were, as you attest, openly supporting a candidate?
Do you think God favors a politician who calls his opponent illegitimate, brain-damaged, mongoloid, delusional, a terrorist, gay (a clear display of bigotry) without specific explanations & without proof? Who calls his mother & sisters very bad names undeservedly? One who calls his opponent a murderer without proof for self-profiting reasons? Who promises solemnly in the church to not buy votes and then buys many votes and lies about it on the morning after the election saying "not one peso for vote-buying"?
furthermore, do you trust such a person to not be corrupt?
December 28, 2007 10:40 PM
574. Kumbati said…
Can you cite any reference as what you said " Since the stated purpose of this site is to support the Chong party.."
Im just wondering where do you get that idea that this site purpose is to support the chong's party.
If you cant support your statement, then i have enough reasons to accused you again as judgmental!
December 28, 2007 10:56 PM
575. KKK said…
Putative 573:
The principle of choose the lesser evil, is the idea that of two bad choices, one isn't as bad as the other, and should be chosen over the one that is a greater threat. Some people consider the lesser of two evils principle to be an instance of the false dichotomy fallacy, and its enemies include both revolutionaries who oppose the system as a whole and moderates advocating that third parties be given equal weight in that system
The lesser of two evils principle is today most commonly used in reference to electoral politics, particularly in the our country, and perhaps in the United States more than anywhere else. When popular opinion in the Philippines is confronted with what is often seen as two main candidates — normally the administration and opposition candidates in the modern era — that are substantially similar ideologically, politically, and/or in their economic programmes, a voter is often advised to choose the "lesser of two evils" to avoid having the supposedly "greater evil" get into office and wreak havoc on society.
December 28, 2007 11:17 PM
577. Admin said…
Welcome KKB! my previous alias was SSS sa biliranisland.com
Ako ang nag-adminster diri nga site. Maayo nga nakaasuroy ka kay maayo pod ka mobirada mao nga mingbalhin siguro si angry. Ambot konm siya ba kaha gyud ni?
Hope to see you more open! thanks!!
December 29, 2007 8:14 AM
578. delta said…
Putative 571:
You asked, "does clergy include nuns?" Actually, Im an ex-seminarian that is why I know some theological terminologies.
Clergy is the generic term used to describe the formal religious leadership within a given religion. The term comes from greek κλΕÏος (fortune, or metaphorically, heritage).
Depending on the religion, clergy usually take care of the ritual aspects of the religious life, teach or otherwise help in spreading the religion's doctrine.
In Roman Catholic church there is a wide range of formal and informal clergy positions, including priests, deacons, bishops, and ministers. Since, no women were ordained to the priesthood, the term clergy is always referred to the priests.
December 29, 2007 8:26 AM
579. Delta said…
Putative 571:
You said "However, like all of us, the church must continually be vigilant to not fall into easy accommodations with devious forces."
At this point, I agree with you. The chruch had been infiltrated with the right and left idiology forces.
I early years, the communists discovered that the destruction of religion could proceed much faster through the infiltration of the Church by communists operating within the Church itself. The communist leadership in the Philippines realized that the infiltration tactic in this country would have to adapt itself to Filipino culture and the religious makeup peculiar to this country. In the earliest stages it was determined that with only small forces available to them, it would be necessary to concentrate communist agents in the seminaries. The practical conclusion drawn by the Red leaders was that these institutions would make it possible for a small communist minority to influence the ideology of future clergymen in the paths conducive to communist purposes.... The policy of infiltrating seminaries was successful beyond even our communist expectations.
A former member of the French communist party, revealed in 1955 that Moscow had issued a 1936 order that carefully selected members of communist youth to enter seminaries and, after training, receive ordination as priests. Some of these were to infiltrate religious orders, particularly the Dominicans (In his essay, "Satan at Work," the great Catholic philosopher Dietrich von Hildebrand reported that the French Dominicans had become so communistic in their "evangelization" that in 1953, the Order barely escaped dissolution by the order of Pope Pius XII.)
December 29, 2007 8:43 AM
580. kkb said…
Admin 577,
Si Angry ra pod and nagpahibawo nga duna diay ni nga blog. Mao nga gisuwayan nako pagbisita dinhi.
Tua na, gipahibawo na niya didto sa luyo nga Putative na kono ang iyang bag-ong alyas. Nasakpan gihapon ang nagtakuban nga tagulilong dako. :)
December 29, 2007 1:32 PM
581. putative said…
kimbati 574
As for the affiliation of this site -> Look at the home page under "United We Stand in the Land of Freedom". It says: "to be free is not merely to cast out the Espina dynasty" and later "they corrupted not only our natural and economic resources . . ." Since this piece is wildly anti-Espina and is posted prominently without qualification, I took this to represent the views of site management. (I thought I saw something more direct than that, but I can't find it right now.)
Furthermore, the question on the home page is: "Do you believe that the Espina Dynasty in Biliran Province are corrupt politicians?"
While this may seem to some innocent even unbiased, it is not.
Corruption is not defined, and by general acclaim, all politicians in the Philippines are corrupt in some sense.(I'll say "almost all" if it makes you feel better.) So it's hard for anyone to vote no, even an Espina supporter. Thus it is designed to give the appearance of a strong vote against the Espinas, when it reality it is a very poor question.
December 29, 2007 1:35 PM
582. Admin said…
Putative 581:
I can't blame you if your feeling sounds negative bacause that is your observation.
For your point of reference, this site was created under the political crises in Biliran province because of Atty. Danilo Parilla's brutal assasination.
Actually, this site came to existence through the effort of few "radical" minded who called ourselves as " Freedom Fighters".
So, the article that we composed was really anti-Espina as what you mentioned. But it doesnt mean that we will not allow any pro Espina article or anti-Chong's.If our objective is purely to support the political group of Atty. Chong, Im sure he will post here!
Your presence here is an undeniable fact. If you wish to write any article in relation to the political situation in Biliran, then, just, post it here and it will be tranfered to the homepage.
December 29, 2007 3:28 PM
582: vigilant said…
putative 573:
This is your post:
Do you think the role of the church in the last election was proper give they were, as you attest, openly supporting a candidate?
My response:
Did I say that the church openly supporting a candidate?
Would you mind to elabotate it?
December 29, 2007 8:30 PM
583. vigilant said…
Hi my friend!
Imo man gud nga giayo-ayo ug kulata si Angry mao nga ninghawa didto and he turns to be putative!
December 29, 2007 8:35 PM
584. KKB said…
Vigilant 583,
Hilabihan ra kaayo katamayan ani ni Angry/ Puta Talkative sa mga taga Naval. Way gipili, ma abogado, ma peryodista, ug uban pa.
Wala ngani kahibalo nga gisigihan na nako siya ug kulata sa akong Binisaya nga blogs, kay wa man poy buot ug alamag ang iyang mga translators.
Karon nga nabuklo na siya nga ang John Smith iya pong alias, unsa na lang kahay nawong nga iyang iatubang sa mga taga Naval nga iyang giayo ug lampaso ug insulto sa iyang mga Iningles nga komentaryo. Ang nakaapan lang ani sa iya, sa iyang in-law o in-love, ug sa mga Bandido sa ato kay mga baga ni kaayo sila ug mga nawong.
Kung ako pa John Smith/ Angry/ Puta Talkative, motago na lang siya sa buho sa kagang. Kay dili na matulon ang iyang kinaiya ug iyang buhat pagpakadaut sa atong tanan taga Naval. Tikong na lang seguro ang kuwang ani gikan sa iyang mga tinamay.
December 29, 2007 10:34 PM
585. Kumbati said..
Putative 581:
I guess your opinion is dependently one sided. But, as Admin said in blog #182 that it is “your personal observation†then we have to pay due consideration on it.
I just want to give you something to ruminate on. The BiliranIsland.com is presently undertaking a blog discussion about the death of late Atty. Danilo Parilla. Before, they made a poll asking the bloggers “ if the death of Danilo Parilla was politically motivated†Then, majority who joined the poll said yes. Do you think that BiliranIsland .com is pro-Parilla? Please explain out in detail your response and don’t do it in broad terms.
December 30, 2007 1:32 AM
586. anonymous said…
KKK 575:
pastilang ayoha gyud nimo pagka-ulo si putative uy! wa gyud katingug-morag dili na talkabitve kay tagsa nalang mo blog!
Hasta pod ang kang Delta, wa na siya ka sumpay!!! he he he he he!
clap clap clap clap clap para sa tanan nga mga freedom fighters!
December 30, 2007 9:46 AM
587. Multo said…
Glassgow 562:
Sa a2 pa, kn unahon pod ni chong ang iyang nga dumadapig, parihas ta diay gihapon sa mga espina nga maoy unahon ang ilang ma tao.
Kon mao na maayo pag nga espina nalang ko kay sigurado pa nga dagko ang ilang mahatag kay hapit na mapuno ang ilang bulsa. Ang mga chong ky buslot pa ang ilng mga bulsa tingod kay wala pa sila kabawi sa ilang gasto last election.
" kami pabalik na, ikaw puponta pa"
December 30, 2007 10:06 AM
588. glassgow said…
Kamabaw ba sa imong panlantaw tawon oi.Naasa man ka samtang nagtudlo ang titser ninyo sa values education,nag cutting classes ka no? mao wa ka kabalo kung unsa ang mga filipo attitudes.Di ba kung naka utang ka ug kabubut on sa usa ka tawo,maningkamot jud ka makabayad sa ilaha.
Sa akong bahin gitagaan la ug pabor ni Rep Chong iyang Supporters ug djutay mura ba ug labaw ug gamay sa kadaghanan,apan wa niya kalimti ang kadaghanan kay iya gi apod apod ang tanang brgy. sa mga proyekto, ma iya or madili na dumadapig, ang gilantaw ni Rep Chong para sa kaayuhan sa tanan,...
Dili parehas sa mga Espina,mahinumduman la mo na iyang supporters kung kinahanglanon na!Niya ang ilang bulsa ang gipa tambok hehehehe..ingnaa ko Multo kung diin ba ko nasayop!
December 30, 2007 1:19 PM
589. putative said...
Admin 582: Good, honest starting point. So the sympathies of the site founders and most of the contributors are with the Chong party. I have no problem with that.
I knew Danny. He was my lawyer and more than that. I mourn his passing as much as anyone outside his family. His death was a difficult tragedy to bear. But I must ask why does it constitute a political crisis?
I would think that statement implies you think the Espinas guilty of murder. And I would ask what compelling reason for that? I know the outlines of the case are suggestive in a way, but that's a long way from serious suspicion, let alone an intelligent conclusion. I have looked at this deeply. I know people close to the situation, and I can see nothing other than political opportunism in the "knowing" charges again Espina and the signs around Naval that say "Justice for Danny".
Maybe you think I shouldn't open this issue because it is emotional, but it really does underlie much of what is happening today.
BTW, the blog about the death of Danny on BiliranIsland.com is no longer about that. And in looking at earlier posts there, there wasn't much of substance.
December 30, 2007 2:14 PM
590. putative said...
Vigilant 582:
You said in post 572 that Frs. Marvyn & Benji were speaking against Espina. I think that does imply during an election that they were favoring the opposition. In any case it is well know that they openly supported the Chong party from the pulpit and elsewhere - holding special masses before the election for that purpose, sponsoring an anti-vote-buying rally for the Chong party only, passing out pre-marked ballots from the prayer vigil stations on election day, praising Glenn Chong for not buying votes from the pulpit after the election. You probably also know that there have been charges of further unethical conduct regarding the election, which I won't pass judgment on and won't detail here. I don't think you can deny that the Catholic church had a strong position in this election. There was a large sign in front of the Cathedral that said "Say No to Vote Buying", which seems to imply that if the church or a priest endorses a party or candidate they are giving their blessing as being free of vote-buying, not to mention free of corruption, malice, prevarication, etc.
December 30, 2007 2:38 PM
591. Tamsy said...
Alagad itong mga pro Espina, mga weird ug alyas. Ang syahan, anonymous, niyan, Capri man diay, yana, Multo naggyud. Itong isa naman, from Angy naging Putative.
December 30, 2007 7:48 PM
592. multo said…
intoy, kagamatoy gyud nimo ug utok! ky nag-ingon diay ko nga mga corrupt ang mga Espina? taka man lng ka bai!
Glassgow, unsa kaman uy! glassgow o Gago? katamayan nimo. kay ikaw a bitaw nag-ingon nga unahon ni chong ang iyang mga tawo! unya moingon dayon ka kamabaw sa akong panglantaw! wa ka ba malipong!
December 30, 2007 8:12 PM
593. Kumbati said...
You ask us on blog 563 "Do you not allow real dialogue on this site?"
Now that we are giving you a real dialogue, then you did not reply on my blog #585.
Will, i will give enough time to make up your mind!
December 30, 2007 9:24 PM
594. Anonymous said…
KKB 580:
ingon ka nga gipahibalo na ni Putative ang site na ito sa Biliranisland.com. sigi ko ug basa didto wala man lagi.
Sigi ko ug basa sa imong blogs coz i like your idea pero buwa-on ka man di ay! he he he he!
December 30, 2007 9:44 PM
595. KKB said...
Lalo ka man Anonymous, Capri, Multo, Angry 2 ug uban pa.
Ang akong post nag ingon nga didto nimo gi anunsiyo sa biliranisland.com ang imong bag-ong alyas nga Putative, puli sa Angry, nga gihimo ni Tamsy nga Puta Talkative.
Palihug ipa translate ug utro ang una nakong post dinhi kang Men?darna, Ran Online ug Juliet Rubio, arong maklarohan ka.
December 31, 2007 5:15 AM
596. putative said...
kimbata 594 & 585
You challenged me to answer your post 585 (in detail), so here's what I have to say about that. Actually I think the question you refer to on BI.com was a good question to ask. It's useful to know where people stand on that. But very dangerous to think people's subjective opinion means anything in terms of a basis for real suspicion. I think people's opinion is more influenced by public rhetoric than the facts of the case. If there is a basis for accusation, then please tell me what it is.
You also ask if I think BI.com is pro-Parilla/Chong. I think a lot like this site there are a few indications that site management leans in that direction, but minor. I think they are committed to allowing a real dialogue. They have been very gracious to allow me to post there, but before that it was pretty much a "bashing party".
December 31, 2007 6:33 AM
597. Glassgow said...
Multo nag ingon;
Glassgow 562:
Sa a2 pa, kn unahon pod ni chong ang iyang nga dumadapig, parihas ta diay gihapon sa mga espina nga maoy unahon ang ilang ma tao.
Kon mao na maayo pag nga espina nalang ko kay sigurado pa nga dagko ang ilang mahatag kay hapit na mapuno ang ilang bulsa. Ang mga chong ky buslot pa ang ilng mga bulsa tingod kay wala pa sila kabawi sa ilang gasto last election.
" kami pabalik na, ikaw puponta pa"
December 31, 2007 7:58 AM
598. handbook said...
Lain ang libro ne Glenn chong.
hahaha.sakto pud ka sa lain bahin inintsik iyaha libro.di ko kahibawo mobasa ana so
tan awon lang nato nya kinsa unya mas corrupt,mas abusado..
abangan ang susunod na kabanata.
December 31, 2007 11:23 AM
599. php said...
anonymous 387
kung wala ka na lain ma estorya ayaw pataka.wala ka ebedensya.imoha pagdaut lang.
wala ka nauwaw sa imo kaugalingon.
nalipay ka nakastorya ka pakadaut deri sa imong isig katawo.
imong pamilya kaha perfecto?paila kinsa ka kay kung ikaw na pod kaha sutian sa uban tawo pakadaut sa imo pamilya malipay kaha ka.
ayaw iapil ang pamilya ne coun Jun.
kanang lehitimo issue mao ibatbat deria.
happy new yr sa sponsor ine(Canada).
pls.ayaw na ipost mga panulti deri sa mga freedom fighters na mga hilas na kaayo.
December 31, 2007 11:59 AM
600. php said...
anonymous 397 post diay deli 387
kahilas nimo bya.
December 31, 2007 12:03 PM
600. php said...
anonymous 397 post diay deli 387
kahilas nimo bya.
December 31, 2007 12:03 PM
601. Tabili said...
php 600:
"pls.ayaw na ipost mga panulti deri sa mga freedom fighters na mga hilas na kaayo."
alagad ito si php, gihalasan sa mga gipanulti diri sa mga freedom fighters pero waray hilasi sa gipanulti ni Moggol nga bakla sa Radio. Sus, klaro jud nga hawod kay bisan diri sa website gusto kusog modektar, pwe! pwe! pwe!
December 31, 2007 3:23 PM
602. Vigilant said…
putative 951:
Your post:
"You said in post 572 that Frs. Marvyn & Benji were speaking against Espina. I think that does imply during an election that they were favoring the opposition"
Your observation is very subjective by using the words "I think". You make conclusion out of subjective observation which I believe not acceptable because lack of probable cause.
1.I have a question for you! If i say something that MacDonald is not good for me, do you think that i am supporting Jolibee?
2. Do you have any evidences as what you siad that the priest "holding special masses before the election for that purpose, sponsoring an anti-vote-buying rally for the Chong party only, passing out pre-marked ballots from the prayer vigil stations on election day"
You know Mr. putative, if you can prove this then I will salut you!
December 31, 2007 4:53 PM
603. anonymous said…
31, 2007 4:23 PM
604. Vigilant said…
putative 951:
Your post:
"You said in post 572 that Frs. Marvyn & Benji were speaking against Espina. I think that does imply during an election that they were favoring the opposition"
Your observation is very subjective by using the words "I think". You make conclusion out of subjective observation which I believe not acceptable because lack of probable cause.
1.I have a question for you! If i say something that MacDonald is not good for me, do you think that i am supporting Jolibee?
2. Do you have any evidences as what you said that the priest "holding special masses before the election for that purpose, sponsoring an anti-vote-buying rally for the Chong party only, passing out pre-marked ballots from the prayer vigil stations on election day"
You know Mr. putative, if you can prove this then I will salute you!
December 31, 2007 5:13 PM
605. Vigilant said…
animous 602 ug php 601:
Kalooy pod nimo uy, ikaw ramay gadayig da inyong kaugalingon!!!
Ug mas makalooy pa gyud ka kay bisan ug nasayod naka kon kinsa ang popular nga DARNA na MOGGOL, marag patay malisya malang ka.
ako pa sa imo no samtang magsulti si DARNA nga MONGGOL sa RN moabay ka sa iya ug magsigi ug pakpak aron naa siyay cheering squad bisan ug ikaw rang usa. Maayo nalang naa siyay ikapabati sa mga tawo nga tinood gyud nga supporter nga walay bayad kay kanang iyang mga supporter nga taga bukid ,iya man gud nang binayaran. Unya, ang iyang mga boys nga uban wala pa mabayari!
December 31, 2007 5:16 PM
606. Vigilant said…
Glassgow 598:
Very good man ang imong tubag kang Multo, capri, anonymous, php, handbook, etc.
Mao na nga wala na silay permanent nga alias kay wa may ikabuga.
December 31, 2007 5:21 PM
607. putative said…
Vigilant 604:
If everyone must either eat at McDonald's or Jolibee, then yes, to criticize one is to support the other. However, in this case, the support was much more direct than that.
The three items I mentioned about the election, are not secret. Does one hold a secret mass, a secret rally, or pass out sample ballots in secret? These things are well known, especially the anti-vote-buying rally which had many people in attendance, including priests and the bishop. I have heard from many that special masses were called in the mountains in the few days before the election, and the attendees were practically instructed to vote for the Chong party. Some people were offended. The two fathers also wrote published articles which clearly supported Glenn Chong. Isn't it true that the two priests you mention were rather open in their support of GC? And as I've said, I'm not criticizing them for this support, it's probably their right as long as there's nothing unethical (like helping with vote-buying, or instructing BEC employees to campaign for a party), just pointing out that in supporting a candidate or a party, they commit the church to take on the role of a campaigner not an impartial arbiter.
December 31, 2007 9:28 PM
608. Kumbati said…
In your post #581,you addressed me as "Kimbati" and I just ignored it, maybe it was typing error but in your post #597, you addressed me again as "Kimbata". Well, I dont know if you want to redicule my alias or you want to make me something seem absurb as what other bloggers did for you.
Unsa man nabatian ka sa ako or nabataan ka sa ako?
You said in blogs #597 "If there is a basis for accusation, then please tell me what it is."
In your blog #570, you allegely said "Since the stated purpose of this site is to support the Chong party,"
Do you think that it is not a direct accusation without objective bases?
Again I will ask you if there are stated "word for word" that this site is to support the Chong party.
If you can't find any words, then next time you have to use " I think, this site is to support the Chong's party" because you bases are only the article and the poll.
Happy new year to all!
December 31, 2007 10:42 PM
609. putative said…
kumbati 608:
It was not my intention to disparage your alias. I apologize for that impression. Just in going from the bottom of the screen to the top of the screen, I misremembered the spelling. Please note how many people here and on the other site have disparaged me and my alias in any way they can, with no specifics to their rationale for disparagement.
What I said about the pre-disposition of the site was not intended to be negative. It was part of a question, and I thought I had seen something more directly to that effect. But I must have been mistaken and I apologize for that too.
January 1, 2008 7:53 AM
610. KKK said…
Right after election, Coun. Jun Del Rosario was revealing information over Radio Natin that priests and nuns were distributing money to buy votes. Do you think that what he said is true?
Im sure you will pay attention to my request for definite knowledge you acquired from Jun del Rosario’s statement of intent because I know you want real conversation in this forum as what you said in blogs #563!
January 1, 2008 8:01 AM
611. KKB said…
Nagpakita lang na nga kini si Putative forenjer na siya. Wala makasabot sa mga lawom nga meaning sa gipanggamit nga alyas sa Freedom Fighters. Kung kahibawo ug Binisaya, lisod malimtan nang alyas nga Kumbati uy!
Basaha ra gyud nang iyang mga postings, morag dili familiar sa mga developments sa Biliran labot lamang sa iyang pagtoo nga putli ug matarong ang pagkatawo si JDR, ang dautan ang mga tawo nga mokontra sa iya.
Hahaaayyyy ...
January 1, 2008 12:47 PM
612. putative said…
kkk 610:
Allegations of impropriety by the church is obviously a very sensitive and serious subject. Your question appears to be sincere, so I will give you a frank answer.
You ask if I believe what Jun said was true. I have to answer "yes", and I don't say that lightly.
I can tell you that after Jun's comment on the radio citing reports from party associates, not only he but his family received a rash of very strong messages, including threats, from people who apparently were defending the church from criticism and not interested in whether the allegations were truthful (or maybe they just thought it couldn't possibly be true).
I can also tell you that subsequently, rather than public statements, communications in this matter were sent to senior church officials, who have expressed no interest in investigating the matter. That is essentially the reason I am willing to comment further at this time.
I have spoken with witnesses, as has Jun, but I can't promise that any witnesses will come forward or speak publicly, for reasons you may understand. I am confident they would speak privately to a senior church representative if such were interested.
It should be noted for clarity that in the eye-witness allegations, the priests and nuns were handing out money in envelopes early Monday morning, the day of the election, in the poorest areas and saying something like "this is a gift from your friends, Glenn Chong and Susan Parilla". Some might argue that such a gift is not the same as vote-buying. However, I don't think there can be any doubt as to the intention in this matter, and this scenario is included in the legal definition of vote-buying.
I can also tell you that Father Marvyn, from the pulpit in the cathedral in his homily shortly after the election, said the reports on the radio were false. In the same homily, he also (at least by implication) praised Glenn Chong for not buying votes.
January 1, 2008 3:11 PM
613. Vigilant
this is your post:
“If everyone must either eat at McDonald's or Jolibee, then yes, to criticize one is to support the other. However, in this case, the support was much more direct than that.â€
My answer:
Your Hypothesis is Contrary To Fact: arguing from something that might have happened, but didn't.
You know, I ate sometimes in Mcdonald’s and Jolibee’s only if KFC is inaccessible or filled with costumers. Did I say that I’d like Jolibee better than Mcdonald? How could I promote Jolibee with in fact, I don’t like too? You better ask me first whether I like Jolibee or not?
Your problem is this, you’re jumping into a conclusion without proper investigation, is that proper?
January 1, 2008 3:17 PM
614. kkb said…
Bag-o na ang tuig, bag-o na pod unta ang atong hisgutan dinhi. Nganong mao ra man gihapon ang giputak ani ni Puta Talkative.
Kini si Angry/ Puta Talkative, mora ug ang initial ani niya S.G. Morag duna ni silay sabot ni Darna nga pakawot-kawot. Kanang I scratch your back, you scratch mine ba.
Ang sabot, morag mao ni. Dayegon niya si Darna kutob sa iyang utong, bahala na ug duna o wala bay mutuo sa iyang gisuwat. Ang importante nga mabasahan ni Darna ang iyang pagdayeg.
Unya iya usab dauton ug wala tuo ang nagkontra kang Darna, labina gyud si Rep. Chong. Iya usab gidaut si Dr. Borrinaga sa blogs tungod lamang sa artikulo niini bahin sa volcanic eruption. Kung dili ka modayeg kang Darna, therefore kontra ka sa iya. Kung dili Jolibee, McDonald, kana lang duna, walay labot ang mga karenderia ug restaurant. Mao na ka kitid ang iyang panghunahuna.
Isip balyu, atakehon ni Darna ug kasagabay ang mga pari, madre ug mga relihiyoso, labina gyud na si Bishop Bactol. Anitan nang obispoha para kang Angry.
Duna toy blog nga gisuwat si Angry nga dunay pasumbingay nga tingali nagsuporta siya sa programa sa radyo ni Darna. Unya nag-ingon siya karong bag-o nga si anhing Gov. Danny abogado kono niya. Unya dili siya kahibawo mag Binisaya, nagsalig lang siya sa translation ni Men?darna, Ran Online, Puki-aw, Juliet Rubio.
Sige tigo-tigo ta karon kung kinsa ni Angry nga Puta Talkative.
January 1, 2008 4:04 PM
615. putative said...
Vigilant 613:
I don't quite understand what you're saying. In what way am I arguing from something that might have happened but didn't?
January 1, 2008 8:11 PM
616. Kumbati said…
Putative #609:
This is probably the most sincere and straight-up-no-nonsense apology that I have ever read coming from you. Your apology and your resulting actions are admirable.
I encountered many bloggers before who just disappeared like bubbles once their agenda are defeated.
Everybody keeps doing it, but some people just don't get it - some agenda will always be superior (or best suited for a specific task) for some individuals, for others, not.
Bashing the ones that does not suit your taste is indeed childish and gives any concrete contribution to anyone reading.
That being said, I must mention that I respect your maturity in this matter.
January 1, 2008 10:16 PM
617. Kumbati said…
KKB 611 & 614:
Insakto bitaw ka nga kini si putative maayo gyud pagka brainwash ni Darna. Unya hambog pagyud kaayo mao nga among pagbigyan. Maayo nalang gani kay nangayo ug pasaylo mao nga naka score ko ug usa kay magpataka man lang ug putak-putak, talkative gyud. Usahay ang iyang ipanulti walay limitation. Kaingon siguro niya sibugan namo.
Bitaw thanks again for coming in.
January 1, 2008 10:27 PM
618. putative said…
kumbati 616:
You mention bloggers who disappear like bubbles. Recently I asked a friend why there were relatively few posts from people opposing the predominant irrational pro-GC stream on these two sites. The answer I got was that several people have made posts, but they get so much vile unexplained name-calling in response, and there is no apparent interest from the GC side in having a substantive discussion. I would not call getting someone to shut up a defeat. It is very difficult for most people to keep going in the face of purely malicious name-calling, which I have to say is about all I see from the Chong supporters.
Please note that on the other site, I have challenged bloggers to address what can be done about corruption beyond voting for a candidate who says he is less corrupt. For all the anti-corruption language from the Chong camp, they don't seem to be interested in addressing corruption in any systemic way. GC himself said he doesn't need my suggestions.
You call me brainwashed, and I would say the same of you. The question is - how can we determine which one is right? The answer is to exchange views with good intentions. Name-calling is not part of that process. The primary criticism I have of Glenn Chong is his extremely ill-intended name-calling. It is not a sign of a person with honor or intelligence. And this characteristic seems to have been picked up by his followers.
January 2, 2008 8:28 AM
619. Delta said…
During the 2004 national and local election, late Atty. Danny Parilla and Gerry Espina, Sr. ran for mayor in Naval. Gerry Espina, Sr. won with slim margin. However, we believed that there were election fraud happened because we heard that Atty. Mejarito, head of the COMELEC Biliran, was found in the barangays during and after counting. Then, one of the teachers was confronted by Frs. Benjie and Marvyn because she wont allow all the watchers to get inside the polling center while election was going on but it was already late. Now, I ask you, do you believed that Gerry Espina, Sr. was guilty of election fraud?
January 2, 2008 8:32 AM
620. diehard said…
kkb #596.
Basaha pag-ayo ang imong post #580. kkb said...
Admin 577,
Si Angry ra pod and nagpahibawo nga duna diay ni nga blog. Mao nga gisuwayan nako pagbisita dinhi.
Tua na, gipahibawo na niya didto sa luyo nga Putative na kono ang iyang bag-ong alyas. Nasakpan gihapon ang nagtakuban nga tagulilong dako. :)
Klaro man kaayo na nga sulti nimo ba “Si Angry ra pod and nagpahibawo nga duna diay ni nga blog. Mao nga gisuwayan nako pagbisita dinhi.†Na unsa ka ba uy, dili kalang maka angkon sa imong sayop!!
Ako pa nimo, mag-eninglish ka aron naa moy face to face argument ni putative total mayo man ka mo-english ba. Morag tinalawan manang imo kay imong mang birahan si putative patalikod man. Kasabot ka iba na kasi kapag na-itranslate kay basin mga bugok pod nang iyang mga translator, basin ang igsoon ra pod na ni Jun.
Believed lang gyud ko ni Gimini kay bisan baluktot ang iyang idea pero mo-eninglish gyud kay may-ikabuga man pod. Ako may nag post sa #595.
January 2, 2008 10:06 AM
621. intoy said…
naunsa ka man ba? ayaw panghilabot kon unsay gusto isulti sa uban. kon gusto ka magtagalog, bisaya, ilokano, waray, ilonggo, french, chinese.....bahala ka! dikatdor mang kang dako!
January 2, 2008 11:55 AM
622. kkb said…
Diehard 620,
Pasagdan na lang seguro nato ni si Putative kay nangita lang na siya ug kinsa ang maiyang madaug-daug, unya tambakan niya ug tamay ug mga racist nga komentaryo.
Gipantayan bitaw siya ug Iningles nga kumbati sa usa ka blog ni Dr. Borrinaga, iksiw man lagi siya. Nanghambug siya nga kuwalipikado kono siya mo critique sa volcano scare nga artikulo, pero dihang gipangayo ang iyang credential, ning iksiw na pod ang iyang estorya.
Abi seguro ani ni Angry/ Puta Talkative ug wa siya matighi o mailhi kung kinsa siya. Duna koy tip sa blog No. 614, sige tigha kono kung kinsa ni siya. Ang iyang initial S.G.
January 2, 2008 11:59 AM
623. anonymous said…
Im just wondering why did you not reply yet to Delta’s question to you in blog 619? Nahadlok ka sa mga espina?
January 2, 2008 1:37 PM
624. putative said…
Delta 619: (since I have been asked to address this issue)
I have heard various allegations about improprieties in that election, some quite different from yours, and I'm not in a position to make a judgment or say anything authoritative, as I was out of the country at the time of the election. But I can offer some general observations:
A watcher is not just anyone who wants to watch vote counting. Election watchers are appointed by a party, represent a party and act in the interest of a party. I believe only one is allowed per party at a precinct, and what they are allowed to do is strictly defined. To allow anyone else into the voting or counting process is very dangerous. So for what reason should the priests you mention have been admitted? Was there no watcher present for Danny's party? If you or I had asked in, should we have been admitted? Absolutely not. It is not only illegal but a real problem to allow extra watchers. I know of a case (in a different area) where unauthorized watchers forced their way into a counting and did great damage, so that the votes could not be counted - because they thought the counts in that area would not favor their candidate.
Do you have any real evidence of impropriety? If not, one just has to say that a close election can go either way.
January 2, 2008 3:01 PM
625. putative said…
kkb 622:
First of all you call me racist. For what reason? This is just more of your infantile name-calling. I argue that Glenn Chong is the racist one. Read his post on the other site about poor people being stupid (#3 & #4 in blog 17). Dr. Borrinaga also called me racist, without bothering to explain. And I asked him to explain.
Your information is in error. It is Dr. Borrinaga who terminated the conversation about his article, not me. He refused to answer my arguments. Furthermore, his article was very unprofessional. He cited hearsay evidence to support his conclusion, when he could have checked the source (i.e. the recording of Jun's broadcast). No responsible journalist would do that. He also blamed Jun for the volcano scare without explaining what Jun might have said that was so bad. He said in his first sentence Jun was alleged to have made the prediction, when not even his enemies accuse him of personally having made a prediction. He has not answered these charges, except to say he is confident of his sources. If that is the case, then why has no one from the Chong side who are making great accusations, including "terrorism" from Glenn Chong himself (he says the charge was initiated by an unnamed priest), never produced the recording of the broadcast that they say is available? Why? Because there is no indication of ill intentions in the broadcast. They would rather call names than be responsible.
January 2, 2008 3:05 PM
626. kkb said…
Puta Talkative,
Saba uy! Mora na lang ta ani ug guba nga plaka. Gi suwat na nako ang tubag nganong gitawag ta ka nga racist. Mao ni ang imong gamit nga mga pulong - bigot, hypocrite, malicious, Cong (as in Viet Cong), ug uban pa. Kahibawo ka ug unsa ang gipaibot (aw gipasabot diay) ani?
Nanghagit ka ug ingon nga academically qualified ka mo criticize sa volcano scare nga artikulo ni Dr. Borrinaga, unya pagpangayui sa imo ug credential, ningtulibagbag ka.
Maayo ka pa gyud mopa dismular. Sa tubag nimo kang Delta, nag ingon ka nga "I was out of the country at the time of the election." Kay kwenta nia diay sa among nasyon karon? Wa uy! Gusto ka mobalik, pero itsa puera ka na.
Ayaw pagpanaway sa muta sa ubang tawo, kay naay usa ka bagul nga uling diha sa imong agtang, nag-awas nga sip-on ug kugmo sa imong ilong, ug nagkayabkayab nga dahon sa kamunggay sa imong ngipon.
January 2, 2008 3:07 PM
627. Vigilant said…
Putative #615:
this is your post:
I don't quite understand what you're saying. In what way am I arguing from something that might have happened but didn't?
My response:
I don’t know if you did not really understand what I really meant or you just want to pretend. However, I will illustrate it step by step so that you will understand it well!
In your post #591, you said:
“Vigilant 582: You said in post 572 that Frs. Marvyn & Benji were speaking against Espina. I think that does imply during an election that they were favoring the oppositionâ€
In my post #604: I asked this question:
“I have a question for you! If i say something that MacDonald is not good for me, do you think that i am supporting Jolibee?â€
In your post #607, you replied:
“If everyone must either eat at McDonald's or Jolibee, then yes, to criticize one is to support the other. However, in this case, the support was much more direct than thatâ€
Then, in my recent post #613, I said:
“Your Hypothesis is Contrary To Fact: arguing from something that might have happened, but didn't.
You know, I ate sometimes in Mcdonald’s and Jolibee’s only if KFC is inaccessible or filled with costumers. Did I say that I’d like Jolibee better than Mcdonald? How could I promote Jolibee with in fact, I don’t like it too? You better ask me first whether I like Jolibee or not?
Your problem is this, you’re jumping into a conclusion without proper investigation, is that proper?â€
So, I said that you are arguing from something that might have happened, but didn’t because you are making conclusion without proper investigation. You immediately jumped to a conclusion without proper inquiry. You know why? Because you categorically said that “ If everyone must either eat at Mc Donald’s or Jolibee, then yes, to criticize one is to support the otherâ€
Nevertheless, you must examine something first in great detail in order to understand it better or discover more about it if it is happening or not, did I say that I like Jolibee? so how could you make such conclusion that to criticize one is support the other?
January 2, 2008 3:22 PM
628. putative said…
vigilant 627:
I am not pretending anything.
I can understand your position that to criticize one party is not necessarily supporting the other (if that's what you are saying). This is a point that doesn't warrant belaboring. However what I was saying was simply if you must choose either A or B, and someone says "don't choose A", are they not by implication saying "choose B"?
What is the conclusion you think I am jumping to without adequate investigation or examination?
January 2, 2008 6:40 PM
629. Kumbati said…
Putative 618:
You said “You call me brainwashed, and I would say the same of you.†Did you mean to say that I am brainwashed too?
I supposed, we would start another argument. What are your bases of saying that I am brainwashed too? Would you mind to elaborate it further?
January 2, 2008 10:08 PM
630. anonymous said…
Maygitulis man diay sa Atipolo, Naval gahapon ug gipatay pa gyud, mga Tambis Family.
New year nga new year pero samok gyud karon ang Naval. Imbis nga nagmalinawon ta kadyot kay wala mag-ingay ang monggol nga bakla, karon subo kaayo nga gitulis na ug gipatay pa.
Kining klase sa mga panghitabo usa ka drug related accident. Mga 10 years ago, malinawon man gyud ning Naval. Pero karon, kasamok ba. Postahan man mobalik na pod na ug tagawtaw ang bakla nga Monggol after few days. Kanus-a pa kaha kita maka angkon ug tinood nga kalinaw.
Please give us break naman..... gusto namo ug kalinaw bahala ug pobre ta basta malinawon lang.
January 3, 2008 10:12 AM
631. Diehard said…
Kung drug-related ning tulis-patay sa Atipolo, dili seguro muputak ani si Monggol. Kay ngano? Siya ra poy mubulikwat sa ilang racket. Asa man siya mohuthut sa iyang hithit?
Atipolo? Sumala kinsay dagsa dinhing barangaya nga may kargadang hithit? Amahan ni ug anak ha!
January 3, 2008 12:05 PM
632. diehard said…
KKB 626
Tan-awa ra ito si Putative, patuga-tuga ug pangutana kon nganong gitawag mo siya ug racist, unya sa imo nang gisaysayan sa iyang pagka racist, wala na katubay. Naglisod siguro ug translate ang iyang mga sexetary kay lawom man pod nang imong bisaya uy. he he he he!
Pro tinood man jud na mga racist na sila kay insakto man jud ang imong giingon nga nakatamay sa ato.
maobitaw nga sa una, pro espina man ko ba pero adto ko ningbutar kang Cong. Chong, ang governor ang akong gibutaran pod apil na si jun. pero karon dili na ko molaban ana sa ila kay gihilisan ko aning gipanulti ni putakti aw putative diay.
January 3, 2008 12:11 PM
633. kkb said...
Kung drug-related ning tulis-patay sa Atipolo, dili seguro muputak ani si Monggol. Kay ngano? Siya ra poy mubulikwat sa ilang racket. Asa man siya mohuthut sa iyang hithit?
Atipolo? Sumala kinsay dagsa dinhing barangaya nga may kargadang hithit? Amahan ni ug anak ha!
January 3, 2008 12:12 PM
634. intoy said...
Moingon na pod nang lagas nga upaw nga sa una wala may tulis ug patay sa akong panahon.....
Kay kon musolte na pod siya ana basin mabato na gyud nako siya bahala ug mapriso ko.
January 3, 2008 1:16 PM
635. anonymous said…
Sukad na supal-pal si glassgow ni handbook #599, wala na magpakita ug usab, usaon man nga giingan man gud nga iba ang libro si atty chong kay chinese book man. he he he!
hayyy patuga-tuga ug comment, manalaw man diay bebe!!!!
January 3, 2008 2:17 PM
636. Glassgow said...
Intoy 634
Nahinumdom ka adtong gihinganlan ug IMONG ba kaha to,kadtong pusher na gipusil dool sa white rose,Di ba tawo man to nila pawiks,murag ila ra tong gi unay kay klaro naman kaayo sa publiko unya daghan na ug nasabtan parte nila..,purya kabantad ang kalag
January 3, 2008 2:24 PM
637. Glassgow said...
Kadtong commentaryo ni handbook kinalsada man tawon to oi!,mura ba ug wa katamak ug college,...
pero just for argument sake i will answer his comments in this manner.
di makamao mobasa si handbook sa tawlibro ni chong kay basi di jud kamao mobasa hahahahaha...
Busy tawon ko sa trabaho anonymous, 12 hrs/per day & 7 days a week tawon ring akong work...modalikyat la ko dinhi sa blogs pagbasa pag refresh sa akong mind hahahahaaha...
January 3,2008, 5:16 PM
638. Tabili said...
Alagad ito si pawiks, kon mosulti sa radio mahitungod sa obispo, very malisyos ang tunada. gihagit pa gyud ang obispo nga motubag diha sa iyang programa ug gi-aghat pa gyud ang naminaw nga kon naa moy nasabtan ani nga kaso tawag sa iya, naghatag pa gyud ug cell#.
Hoy pawiks wala kamiy pagtoo nga tinood na kay ito si grienke sira ulo basaha ra gud ng response ni fr. Benjie sa biliranisalnd.com.
Nangong dili man hinoon nimo badlongon ang imong juniora nga Gerry bak ug itong unrecognized nga anak si Mongol, kay noted na sila mga mopick-up ug boys, wala pa gani mabayri ang uban.
Kahilas bya nimo uy, sa dili ka pa manghilabot sa uban, unaha ng imong bakuran ug hinlo!!!!! kabaga gyud nimo ug nawong!!!
January 3, 2008 8:58 PM
639. tabili said…
Alagad ito si Diehard #632, gi ngalan man si recist ug putakti wala na hinoon mopadayon sa iyang "real conversation" basin wala pa na interpet ang blogs ni KKB sa iyang mga lady. Basin nahadlok napod nga makapangyo ug sorry kang kumbati. he he he he!!! katawa mga people!
January 3,2008 9:11 PM
640. kkb said…
Tabili 638,
Ambot no kung gisakyan to sa mga listeners ang hagit ni Pugak diha sa Radyo Nila? Kay ang isyu sexual molestation man, maayo to ug dunay ningtawag unya gibatbat hinuon ang gibuhat bahin niini ni Pugak mismo, Dok Rabbit, ang kaluha, ang anak babaye, ug ang juniora. Alegre unta to, segurado pawungon gyud to ni Pugak ang iyang celfone. :)
January 4, 2008 7:20 AM
641. putative said...
kumbati 629:
You asked me to elaborate, so I will. First of all, what is your basis for calling ME brainwashed?
I am the one who gives specific justification & explanation for my statements & position, you are the one who does not - together with Glenn Chong and the rest of his supporters.
Brainwashing is not a good or precise term, but you are the one who used it. My impression is that you call me brainwashed because I oppose Glen Chong. To me, there is no rational reason anyone would support GC, given his well-documented absence of honor, integrity, decency, etc. So the only explanation I can see for supporting him is some irrational process like "brainwashing", or possibly just a poor understanding of the concepts of reason & morality. Isn't it interesting how many of his supporters see themselves as religious? They must have a very strange definition for religious faith.
Most of my criticism of Glenn Chong has been on the other site. So just let me say here - can anyone deny that he calls his opposition terrible names like illegitimate, gay, brain-damaged, traitor, delusional, terrorist and more - malicious, slanderous, defamatory, bigoted, names without any substantive explanation or reason? Can anyone deny he publicly accused his political adversary of murder with NO substantive rationale other than some kind of shared fantasy? Can you deny that he cynically exploited the death of Danny Parilla for his personal agrandisement?
I have lots of reasons for saying GC is a terrible, dishonest, immoral person. Can you deny what I say?
I know you think he opposed a corrupt dynasty. But even if that's true, does it give him a right to be so blatantly malicious & immoral?
As a minor example - Just recently on BI.com he said his justification for calling JDR all those terrible names is that Jun said he lied about being the author of a bill, when in reality he was one of several co-sponsors. Guess what - he did lie. There is a big difference between being an author and a co-sponsor, and apparently GC thought the populace is not smart enough to understand the distinction. GC is not willing to take responsibility for his own mis-statements. He attacks the one who exposes him instead. If he were an author of this bill, proving it would be easy.
January 4, 2008 11:55 AM
642. KKK said...
Putative 612:
this is part of your post:
"You ask if I believe what Jun said was true. I have to answer "yes", and I don't say that lightly."
For your information,last September 9, 2007 at 8:30 AM, as usual, Coun. Jun Del Rosario uttered words in Radio Natin and he said “ I know I am guided by Godâ€. Nanigingting ang akong dalungaan sa pagka dungog nako niya, so I send text to his cell phone “ Jun, after election you said that priests and nuns were distributing money to buy votes, do you believed that you were guided by God?â€. You know he replied immediately and this was his response “I accept that I have some lapses, please forgive meâ€.
This is his Cell # 09282229088. You can verify this to him. I was able to save the message. If you want, I can send it to your cell phone, just give your #.
January 4, 2008 11:57 AM
643. admin said...
To all our bloggers!
We are very sorry because there are some problems of this site going on.
We dont know yet but we will try to retrieve all the posts!
Our apology for inconvenience!
January 4, 2008 12:05 PM
644. KKb said...
Puta Talkative,
Sa akong pagkahibawo, dunay kaugalingong cheaper medicines bill nga gi-file si Rep. Chong sa Kongreso. Gi incorporate ang iyang version sa main bill, mao nga nahimo siya nga co-sponsor sa napasa nga balaud sa Kongreso. Ayaw paglipat-lipat ang mga bloggers dinhi, kay dili mi mga libat.
Wala ka pa ba matunghi nga diha ka na sa TV Patrol sa ABS-CBN niadtong usa ka adlaw, unya diha ka na pod kagahapon? Pagpuyo ka na uy!
Sa makausa pa, ayaw pagpanaway sa muta sa ubang tawo, kay naay usa ka bagul nga uling diha sa imong agtang, nag-awas nga sip-on ug kugmo sa imong ilong, ug nagkayabkayab nga dahon sa kamunggay sa imong ngipon.
January 4, 2008 12:08 PM
645. anonymous said...
Wala kaha na ma hacked sa mga bandido?
January 4, 2008 2:05 PM
646. putative said...
kkk 642:
Please note that Jun is NOT my primary source of information about vote-buying by priests and nuns on election day. I have received eye-witness accounts from other people. However, I did discuss this matter with Jun recently and I can tell you he still maintains that what he said on the radio was accurate. I have not asked him specifically about the message you indicate. But at the time you mention, he was very concerned about threats against his family, and I believe it was his intention to quiet the public outcry and pursue the matter through other means within the church. Perhaps he wanted to conduct further investigation. Notice he didn't say in the message that what he claimed on the radio was not true.
If you know some nuns, I suggest you ask them what they know about this. They might be evasive, but I doubt they would lie. You can also ask them about passing out pre-marked sample ballots at the prayer vigil stations on election day. You might also talk to people privately in the poor areas in and around Naval about early morn on election day. You probably know the areas I mean.
January 4, 2008 2:07 PM
647. anonymous said...
I am sure that KKB is correct when he said that you are racist because you were not able to reply his previous post, get me?
January 4, 2008 2:26 PM
648. KKK said...
putative 646:
you said "If you know some nuns, I suggest you ask them what they know about this. They might be evasive, but I doubt they would lie."
Who do you think are liar, jun del Rosario or the nuns?
January 4, 2008 2:48 PM
649. kkb said...
Duna ra ba ni abilidad ning mga Bandido dinhi sa ato sa pang-hack ug website basta matambakan na sila. Gibuhat na ni nila sa biliranisland.com, sa Hometown Naval guestbook, ug uban pa.
Bantayan nato. Kung ma retrieve man ngani sa admi ang mga nawagtang nga posts dinhi, unya nawala na ang gipang post ni Puta Talkative ug iyang mga kasagabay, lagmit ila ning ideya.
Sila gusto ug away ug diskutir dinhi. Unya malupigan ngani, moatras unya mangguba ug website. Dili sport. Mga talawan.
Hadlok na ni si Puta Talkative karon, kay nailhan na siya ug ninggimaw na ang iyang ikog. Na mawad-an na gayud ni si Darna ug tig suporta sa pambayad sa iyang tagawtaw sa radyo.
Sige, i translate na pod ni mga supsup-tary ngadto kang Puta Talkative.
January 4, 2008 2:51 PM
650. ron said ...
KKB 644
Ok, I decided to research further the bill Glenn Chong claims to have authored. He mentioned bill #1199 in a post on BI.com. The bill was actually written by Representatives Antonio A. Del Rosario (2nd District, Capiz) and Joseph Emilio A. Abaya (1st District, Cavite). Glenn Chong is not listed as an author; however, according to a news article about the bill: "all the LP [Liberal Party] legislators agreed to co-author and vowed to work vigorously for the immediate passage of House Bill Nos. 1199 and 1755" (which were later merged with 35 other similar bills). What this means is the party passed a motion to make all party members honorary co-authors - apparently the rationale Glenn Chong uses to claim authorship. He was not an author in a functional sense, and certainly his claim of authorship is mis-leading. Technically, bill 1199 was never modified to list the whole party as co-authors as it was replaced by another bill. So Jun's research is accurate, but there is a far-fetched rationale that Glenn Chong is using. One would have to say GC's intention was to give people the impression he did some specific work that he did not do.
The link is: http://www.liberalparty.ph/news/News_LP2007/LP%20house%20united%20pushing.html
Now, does this warrant Glenn Chong calling JDR a whole host of vile names, as Glenn Chong claims?
January 4, 2008 6:02 PM
651. kkb said...
Hahaaayyy Ran Online ug Puta Talkative,
Buklo lang gihapon mo sa bag-o ninyo nga alyas. Kanang Ron, minubo ra na sa Bibiron, ug variation gihapon sa Tubo (o buto ba to), Bikini, Puki-aw. Ang inyong bibiron wala sa dughan sa babaye, dia sa ubos sa pusod sa lalaki. :)
January 4, 2008 6:14 PM
652. question said...
Admin: How can I send an email to the site admin?
January 4, 2008 6:15 PM
653. admin said...
question 652
I cant understand what you really mean?
if you want to send your email, just write it here, like: my@yahoo.com
January 4, 2008 6:26 PM
655. question said...
My question was this - how do I send an email to admin without posting it to the blog? I don't see an email address for admin.
January 4, 2008 8:56 PM
666. putative said...
anonymous 647
No I don't get you.
What is your rationale for calling me racist? Several people have jumped on this bandwagon, including Glenn Chong with not a word of explanation. Seems to be a common argumentative technique in his neighborhood. Don't know what to say? Just call the adversary bad names. Maybe you all should try a school in a different neighborhood, start about 3rd grade level.
January 4, 2008 8:57 PM
667. kkb said...
Puta Talkative 666,
Natungod ka gayud sa magic number sa demonyo, and 666 ... he, he, he! Natakdo na gayud ang sima sa imong ikog. :)
Ako ang nagtawag sa imo ug racist, ug ningsunod lang sila anonymous ug si Rep. Chong. Akong gi qualify ang una nakong pagtawag sa imo ug racist. Unya akong gihubit ug otro ang akong mga basihanan, per your request. Wala pa diay i translate sa imo? Kalooy sab nimo uy.
Wa gyud diay utang buot ang mga tawo nga imong gi saburnohan aron makapadayon sila ug tagawataw sa radyo.
Hoy! Ron, Bikini, Turbo, Men?Darna, Ran Online, hain na man mo? I translate na ni ngadto kang Puta Talkative!
This is my personal email: lozenge2000@yahoo.com
Putative #624:
We have solid evidence to support this accusation. At 3:00 PM Frs. Benjie and Marvyn went to Brgy. Villaconsuelo because they received text message that all the watchers were not allowed to enter inside the polling center. So, when Frs. Benjie and Marvyn had arrived there, they reprimanded the BEI. I know the name of this teacher but for obvious reason I decline to disclose it now.
Then, in Brgy. Capinahan at 2:00 AM after election, Mr. Mejarito, the comelec head in biliran province was identified giving instructions to the watchers and BEI while they gathered the ballot boxes. Then, for your enlightenment, I am not pro-chong but pro-Parilla. I existed as political leader before Atty. Chong had joined the political arena. However, we are very grateful that he joined our crusade to seek out for justice of late Danilo Parilla’s brutal death. As of now we are not yet sure, if the mastermind of his death will be captured but once the espina dynasty political power will be totally demolished in our province, then, it is tantamount of saying that justice is achieved at last.
Delta 669:
This is getting boring. You did not read my post on this very carefully. If you have evidence, then by all means, take it to the proper authorities. Why have you not done that? What does my opinion matter? As I said, I am not defending Espina or anything about that election. But what you say just doesn't make sense as "evidence". Are you saying the the proper watcher was not allowed? No. You are only saying that extra watchers were not allowed, which is proper. All watchers represent a party, and the law does not want more watchers for one party than the other so there are limits. Watchers are specifically designated by a party, and there is no such thing as an impartial watcher. It looks to me like the term watcher is being improperly used to incite people who don't understand the law. When you say the Comelec head was giving instructions - what's wrong with him talking to people? Seems part of his job, unless he said something improper, but you seem to have no knowledge about what he said. Maybe he said don't allow extra watchers because it's against the law. I'm not defending the Comelec. I also suspect there is corruption in their ranks, but I have no evidence for that, and neither do you based on what you said.
You seem convinced there was a mastermind in the death of Danny. What evidence do you have for that? That Glenn Chong says so? Why do you think justice is not being served presently? There is not even a reason so treat Espina as a suspect. maybe you think Biliran would be better off without Espina(s), but accusing someone of murder with no evidence is not a moral way to do that.
You are grateful to Glenn Chong for what? Maybe his immoral name-calling, slander, misrepresentation, incitement, exploitation, etc? I don't get how anyone can think of him as a good person. I would think Susan in particular should be offended by Glenn Chong's callous and cynical exploitation of Danny's death.
Putative 670:
This is part of your post:
"But what you say just doesn't make sense as "evidence". Are you saying the the proper watcher was not allowed? No. You are only saying that extra watchers were not allowed, which is proper.
My response:
Where you there? While not call Fr. Marvyn if this is true or not? We brought it already in proper forum when DP filed election protest. It is documented. What I am trying to tell you is that when we have some accusations, we have evidence!!!!
Now, when you accused the priest and nuns gave mony to buy votes, do you have evidence?
alagad ito si putative pataka lang ug tubag nga dili tinood an ginsiring ni delta!
Maupay ha im putative, tawagan mo ito si Fr. Marvyn, ito ang tel # 500-9355.
Ang Pk ana ni KKK post # 668, waray ka pa mo response, Why man?
Puta Talkative 670,
Kinsa ba poy dili ma boringan anang imong argumento dinhi uy. Balik-balik, balik-balik. Kanang imong mga isyu nga gibulikwat karon, dugay na nang gidiskusyonan ug gitubag sa mga blogs. Duna nay husga ang mga tawo bahin niini.
Kung gusto ka mo apelar, ngadto sa Court of Appeals o sa Supreme Court ba hinuon, ayaw dinhi sa blogs parliament.
Pamati nako, gikapuyan na ang imong mga sinuhulan nga translators sa imo, kay wa na gyud maka-gets sa bag-ong mga isyu. Kung ako pa nimo, bawion pod nimo ang imong saburno sa ila, nga maoy gigamit sa ilang pagtagawtaw sa radyo ug pagsamoksamok sa mga blogs.
May God bless and keep Putative far away from us! Mao nay akong New Year blessing sa imo.
Pahawa na Satanas, numero 666!
erratum, Post 671:
Where you there
should read:
Were you there?
We brought it already in proper forum
should read:
We already brought it to the proper forum
Delta 671:
This is my final word on the "watcher" issue. I was just commenting on what you said. All you have said is that some people you describe as watchers were not admitted. And all I'm saying is there is nothing necessarily improper about that. It is not improper to deny entrance to people who want to watch. Quite the contrary. It is also not improper to deny entrance to designated watchers, if one watcher from their party is already present.
Glad you have evidence. My question is evidence of what?
You say - do I have evidence about the priests and nuns distributing money? I've already covered this. I have evidence enough to convince myself that it happened - conversations with eye-witnesses. And the Catholic church has been contacted with information that eye-witnesses will speak to them privately in an investigation.
Possibly the priests and nuns didn't understand that what they were doing qualifies as vote-buying, but it does.
January 5, 2008 6:06 PM
676. Kumbati said
putative 675:
If you have evidence about vote buying then bring it to the proper forum because you are talking with nonsense.
By the way putative, we are not done yet when you called me brainwash. Im out of town for two days that is why I was not able to continue the conversation. Im just tired.
Hala, naunsa man tawon ning abogado ni Darna nga putative, pataka man lang ug saba-ay, dili mani abugado abugago man! he he he he he!!!
After reading all your posts, I come to believe that your argument is infected with racist virus. I am not in a position to point it out to you but I noticed that when someone makes a dispute seems slur, puts someone down because they belong to different group, or anything hateful because of someone's attitude or idea, then his whole agenda is racist approach.
January 6, 2008 4:06 AM
679.putative said...
Kumbati 676:
As I already said, the evidence has been submitted to the proper forum - the Catholic church - and they have chose to turn a blind eye. I won't speculate on their motivation or lack of motivation.
You attempt to give us real conversation in this site but I felt sudden amazement after two days when I got no reaction from you intend to deal with my question in post #668.
Silence means you have uncertainty in your mind whether the person you want to shield on is either a liar or pretentious.
668 is the wrong number, do you mean 667, where you say I am demonic because my post was number 666? Let me say - No, I am not a demon. Does that answer it?
If you're talking about calling me a racist, I looked back through your posts, and I don't see a rationale for that. If there is one, perhaps you would care to repeat it for clarity?
putative 646:
(this is my post in #648:)
you said "If you know some nuns, I suggest you ask them what they know about this. They might be evasive, but I doubt they would lie."
Who do you think are liar, jun del Rosario or the nuns?
kkk 682:
1) As I said, my information does not come primarily from JDR.
2) To my knowledge, no nun has denied the activity described. Have you spoken with a nun about this?
January 6, 2008 2:49 PM
684. KKB said...
Puta Talkative 666 + 17,
Dili lang bitaw si JDR ang source sa imong information. Ang numero uno nga source nimo mao ang Capitol gang pinaagi kang Dok Rabbit, nga nakahimamat nimo sa America.
Pero ikaw karon ang numero unong funder sa programa ni JDR sa radyo? Mga pila na ka tuig?
Abi nako sa una nga si Bactol lang ang dakong babag sa imong pagbalik sa Biliran. Dili man diay. Ang imo man diayng kaso ug ang Bureau of Immigration ang imong problema. Sorry, pero walay mahimo ani ang mga Bandido. Giuwat ug gihuthut ka lang ani nila. Undang na ani uy, kay makaarawod nga giwaldas lang nimo sa walay pulos ang kuwarta sa imong mga sponsors.
January 6, 2008 3:48 PM
685. putative said...
kkb 684:
As I said before, you have me confused with someone else. I am not the person you seem to think I am. But then speaking without knowing what you're talking about is your standard method.
January 6, 2008 7:14 PM
686. KKB said...
Puta Talkative,
Makita man gihapon ni ang imong katag. Kung ako pa sa imo, muundang na ko uy. Kay sa dili madugay, dunay seguro mo report sa Federal Bureau of Investigation sa America pagpa imbestigar sa fund traffic gikan sa imo nga posible gigamit para sa destabilization moves kontra sa mga bag-ong politiko nga tagdumala dinhi sa Naval ug Biliran pinaagi sa blogs ug sa radyo.
Putative 628:
Going back to our argument, you said:
“I am not pretending anything.
I can understand your position that to criticize one party is not necessarily supporting the other (if that's what you are saying). This is a point that doesn't warrant belaboring. However what I was saying was simply if you must choose either A or B, and someone says "don't choose A", are they not by implication saying "choose B"?
What is the conclusion you think I am jumping to without adequate investigation or examination?”
This is my response:
I said that you are jumping to a conclusion without proper investigation because you are missing the Point: Drawing the wrong conclusion. In other words, lack of logical sense.
hayyy.... na unsa na ba intawon ka Talkative aka putative, bisan klariks na gyud nga irrelevant nang imong argument, mopalusot pa gyud ka uy!!! mao nga giingnan ka ni anonymous # 678, nga your argument has been infected with racist virus!!!
Putative #675
this is your post:
“This is my final word on the "watcher" issue. I was just commenting on what you said. All you have said is that some people you describe as watchers were not admitted”
For me, this issue is still unsettled, I don’t care if that is your final word because it is very inconsistent. Did I say some people describe as watchers? What I said is that ALL WATCHERS from both parties were not allowed to ENTER INSIDE THE POLLING CENTER.
By the way, you asked KKK on your blog # 683 “ Have you spoken with a nun about this?”
Now, I will ask you, did you inquire Fr. Marvyn about this watcher is issue that I brought out here? If you haven’t yet, then, I will urge you call him. According to the document that we have, Mr. Pirito Matugas in Brgy. Villaconsuelo was the one who send information to Frs. Marvyn and Benjie, and the teacher involved in this case was Mrs. Mocorro. If you are after to know what really happened then why not investigate them, you can find the truth there, otherwise, You are just acting as Blabbermouth of Jun Del Rosario.
dont expect nga ito si putative motawag kang fr. marvyn kay mabisto gyud nga iyang pagkatawo kay mogawas man gyud ang telephone # niya. So, masakpan gyud nga siya diay si Steve greinke, ang amerkano nga BAKLA. Mao nga molaban gyud siya kang Darna kay parihas man sila ug dugo!
kahilas bya gyud nimo Putative uy! Si Steve Greinke man diay ka???
admin, how could i post picture here?
ask lang:
Thanks for your interest! actually, we dont accept any pictures to be posted here unless it is very relevant in relation to support your arguments. Otherwise, we encourage you to do it in biliranisland.com.
Thanks again!
Delta 689
No you did not say that all watchers from both parties were not allowed. Frankly however, I know of clear abuses from other elections that have never been addressed - probably worse than what you describe. It is extremely difficult to get Comelec or anyone else to take any interest in improprieties after an election is decided. And what recourse would there be?
No, I have not called anyone. I am not investigating this election. I was only commenting on your comments. I told you I don't know much about this election.
Why do you call JDR a "blabbermouth"? Are you like the rest of the Chong followers who like to call names without reason? That's not a very responsible thing to do.
Gikapoy ra gihapon si Puta Talkative. Gihalhal na.
Ayaw mi ug akusara ug name-calling uy. Kamo ra si Darna dinhi ang nagbaylo-baylo ug alyas. Kamo ray nag name-calling sa inyong kaugalingon. Ang ako lang dinhi mao ang pagpangita ug lingaw ug kataw-anan sa inyong mga bag-ong alyas. Inyo na nang problema nga naglit-ad lit-ad. Daghan na hinuang kataw-anan namo dinhi tungod lamang sa nabuklo ninyong mga alyas.
Duna toy nangutana ug motigo ko ug numero sa lotto. Sige, tayai ang 7, kay tingali mogawas na ugma.
Dako na man gud ni ang gasto ni Puta Talkative sa panghuthut ni Men?Darna. Sanglit morag lisod na makabiya. Ang nakapait lang kay mora ug kuwarta sa mga Amerkanong Katoliko ang gigamit sa pag-atake kang Bishop Bactol.
Nagdamgo lang intawon ug udtong tutuk ang mga funding donors. Morag mao gihapon seguro ang source sa kuwarta nga gigamit sa kulto nga gimugna ni Darna, diin nakausa nagpaila siya nga High Reverend siya. Naa pa ngani gibitay nga dakong tarpaulin ila Lito Ang.
Na hala, Puta Talkative, mora ug gigisa ka lang sa kaugalingon nimong mantika. Padayon pagyatak sa imong dalan tipangadto sa kapildihan.
Putative 683.
You said:
“1) As I said, my information does not come primarily from JDR.
2) To my knowledge, no nun has denied the activity described. Have you spoken with a nun about this?”
This is my rebuttal:
1. If your source of information does not come primarily from JDR, then can you provide us names as a source of your information? It is very important to verify the accuracy and reliability.
2. There are more than 20 nuns in the Diocese of Naval, do you think I am crazy to go around and ask them individually about this vote- buying case you allegedly accused them? I would challenge you again to name names so that I can personally ask them.
You must proved that knowing the odds of vote-buying is much easier than accessing one's success in election. So don't try slithering out of this one. The rest of your argument is immaterial, since you never prove anything.
You only make conjecture yet offer NOTHING to support your argument.
You are obviously tainted by negative propoganda. Before you pass judgement do your due diligence into the positive and negative claims. Then come back here an give your personal impressions. Otherwise, that proves that there are enough stupid people to say nothing but garbage.
Tinood jud nga gikapoy na si Steve Greinke aka putative. wala lang halhala, bahag ng ikog kay wala na katubag. Sa una, mutubag na dayon!
he he he he! garbage man ka ha, ingon pa ni KKK?????
January 7, 2008 5:56 PM
697. KKB said...
Mosamot na ni karon pagbahag ang ikog ni Puta Talkative, kay naa nanginlabot na ang mga former seminarians sa Palo seminary sa debate sa ato didto sa kaluyong blog. Kana si Osmond Ornales, usa ni ka advertising executive, ug si Jun Cinco sa Inquirer, gamit na ang ilang ngalan sa panginlabot.
Matira na ani karon ang matibay, ug duna nay matumba nga kamada ug mga diskarte.
Ang nakaparat lang aning tanan kay kung maipit na ngani ni si Puta Talkative, mo plea dayon ni ug insanity, pareha sa gibuhat niya sa una. Pero dili gad tuho buang, kung basihan ang iyang mga blogs dinhi. Kulanto lang (sige Men?Darna, i translate dayon ang meaning ani).
Maayo bitaw ipa imbestigar ni tanan, labina ang kalabtanan ni Darna ug sa mga Bandido (apil si Pugak ug Dok Rabbit) niini nga demolition job kontra kang Bishop Bactol ug pila ka mga tunog nga pagkatawo sa ato. Basin tibway makita ang katag.
January 7, 2008 7:26 PM
698. putative said...
kkk 695:
I have no obligation to prove anything to you. I said I have personal knowledge and that eye witnesses would speak to church representatives privately. They are understandably afraid of people like you. The internet is not a court of law. If it were, Glenn Chong would be in big trouble.
If you want to conduct your own unbiased investigation, I can suggest how to go about it. Or you might talk to church reps about why they are not interested in conducting an investigation. What happened is not exactly a closely guarded secret. You don't give money to lots of people without lots of people knowing about it.
If you want to think what I say means nothing - fine. Your prerogative. My communication is not aimed at you anyway.
kkb: You're right I am getting tired of this discussion. I've said what there is to say, and you and GC are non-responsive. You are so irrational there is no point in such a non-substantive interaction. You can call the sky purple, but that doesn't make it so. The winner of a debate is not "the last person standing" as you seem to think.
January 7, 2008 9:56 PM
699. Intoy said....
Tua na tino0d gyud nga ningbahag na ang ikog ni puta kay wala kuno siyay obligation to prove anything. it means that is very irresponsible statement. Tan-awa, giingan podni Vigilant nga ang iyang argument lack of logical sense, wa gihapon katingog ang talkative.
Puta Talkative,
Diay usa ka komentaryo didto sa usa ka blog bahin sa imo:
"The accuser has no credibility. He has more fingers pointing at him than to the accused. The media should have checked the source before publishing his allegations otherwise it is pure sensationalism..."
Wala pod kay integrity makig debate dinhi uy. Nanghagit ka ug debate nga nag-ingon nga qualified ka manaway. Pero sa pagpangayui sa imo ug credential, ning-uklo ka. Credential pa lang ha? Wala pa ang ngalan.
Unya kinsa man ang imong mga gipandaut ug gipang insulto. Mga tawo nga dagko ang katungdanan sa sosyedad - kongresista sa Biliran, obispo sa Simbahan Katoliko, ug award-winning propesor ug peryodista. Between them and you, kinsa may tuuhan sa mga tawo? Of course, dili ka. Bisan pa ug paluyuhan ka ni Men?Darna, Pugak, Dok Rabbit, uban pang mga Bandido Estranghero sa Biliran, ug sa classmate kono ni Dok Rabbit nga producer sa Malala na Kaya sa TV.
It is plain and simple. You did not have an iota of credibility and integrity to make your accusations here.
Ininglison na lang ni nako basin dili translateton ug iyot ni Men?Darna.
January 8, 2008 5:42 AM
701. KKB said...
Biyaan na lang nato ni si Puta Talkative.
Bahin sa tagna sa lotto, ninggawas ang gitagna nga numero 7 sa four digits.
Sunod, ang numero 25 lagmit mogawas ni ugma.
Good luck!
Uy dia man pod diay diri si Stephany aka putative. Kulilat man ang iyang mga argument. Gikapoy na daw siya, usaon nga maglisod man siya ug prove sa iyang mga gipangsulti nga puro bakak man gud. Kay ang tawo nga wala sa kamatooran dali gyud nga pul-an....
January 8, 2008 11:16 AM
703. KKK said...
Putative #698
You said “I have no obligation to prove anything to you.”
If you don’t have any obligation to prove anything to me, then why you allegedly said that “Do you not allow real dialogue on this site?” on your post #563. What do you mean by real dialogue?
You accused the nuns and priests for buying votes last election, so, you have an issue here and you need to prove your allegations. To say you don’t have any obligation to prove anything is an unethical alibi. You just want to justify the vagueness of your allegation which is intentional. If you can’t prove anything then I have enough reasons to call you BLABBERMOUTH.
January 8, 2008 11:24 AM
704. vigilant said...
Putative #698:
You said to kkk 695:
” I have no obligation to prove anything to you. I said I have personal knowledge and that eye witnesses would speak to church representatives privately. They are understandably afraid of people like you. The internet is not a court of law.”
Well, I want to agree with you with some clarifications:
In your previous post on biliranisland.com, you said:
69. Angry
December 4th, 2007 at 8:03 am
Congr. Glen Chong has said in this place and on the radio (again yesterday) that Jun del Rosario is the illegitimate son of Gerry Espina. Charlie Chong has said the same thing publicly on the radio. Maybe Mr. Chong should add “onmiscient” to his resume. Like much of what Mr. Chong says, this is purely malicious slander, that serves his own self-centered interest at the expense of others. What evidence does the Chong family have?
124. Angry
December 10th, 2007 at 7:53 am
Has anyone gotten the tape of Jun’s program from the radio station when he mentions the volcano? In our system of law, it’s up to the accuser to prove their accusations, not up to the accused to prove their innocence.
Now, you said that “ the internet is not a court of law”. Then why you asked two times from the camp of Atty. Chong to prove their accusation? I noticed that there are inconsistency of your statements, that is why I told you on my previous post that your argument has no logical sense.
January 8, 2008 12:49 PM
705. putative said...
kkk 703:
As I said before, when the Catholic church conducts an investigation, the charges will be verified.
You do not know what dialogue means (or alibi). A dialogue is an exchange of views. Remember this began by someone (Delta I think) asking me what I thought of the allegations about vote-buying by the church. So I answered that question. I said I have spoken to witnesses and that witnesses will speak to the church in an investigation. That will have to be good enough. You want someone to come forward so you can bash them as you have bashed everyone else.
Please note that you didn't ask Glenn Chong to prove that Gerry Espina was a murderer, or that JDR is the illegitimate son of Expina. (and many more irresponsible assertions). Why hold me to a different standard?
January 8, 2008 12:53 PM
706. KKK said...
putative #705:
in your post # 683.
"2) To my knowledge, no nun has denied the activity described. Have you spoken with a nun about this?"
so, you asked me if I have spoken with the nuns about this.
Now I told you to name names so that I can verify your accusation against the nuns. then, you said that you dont have any obligation to prove my accusation.
Then, on your last post, you said again, " You want someone to come forward so you can bash them as you have bashed everyone else."
Are you sure that I will do that to the nuns, which i respected so much?
That is another nonsense alibi. I told you that I am not crazy to ask them individually. I really want to investigate this, that is why I challenge you to name names so that I can go diractly and ask them. But sense, you cant name names, then, I have enough reasons to bash you as blabbermouth!
If i bashed anybody here it's because they deserved it and you deserved it too. But priest and nuns are holy people and I respect them so much.
Stephany Grienke a.k.a Puta talkative:
Kon naa kay nasabtan nga madre nga involved sa vote-buying, isulti kon kinsa na sila? aron maka too ang mga tawo. Parihas lang mo ni JDR nga bakakon!!!
January 8, 2008 2:09 PM
708. Putative said...
You say if you have bashed anyone here it's because they deserve it. I disagree. You don't even have the decency to explain your malice.
I said it on the other site, and I said it here before, and I'll say it once more - I am not who you seem to think. You have no regard for truth or reason. Like Glenn Chong, you just say whatever pops into your head that you think will disparage. That is the very definition of malice.
January 8, 2008 2:52 PM
709. tabili said...
alagad ito si putative, ang pakiana ni tamsy wala hinoon batona, ang paglambigit sa iya kang greinke mao hinoon ang gitubag.
Niyan, napahiusa lang balit hi ak, kon ngano nga iya man pod nang tubagon nga diri mana naka address ha iya? Well, a guilty person is always defensive!!!
January 8, 2008 10:19 PM
710. tabili said...
Alagad ito si Vigilant, gi-oraorahan ma gyud ug bisto ito si putative ha iya pagsering nga, diri daw court room itong internet amo nga diri siya responsble to prove ha iya acusation sa mga madre na nag vote-buying. Pero, ha Bl.com, iya man diay nga gipangayoan ug evidensya ang mga pro chong. Siguro court room hitong Bl.com. he he he he!
January 8, 2008 10:29 PM ___________________________________
711. putative said...
You are not interested in knowing the truth, nor is the church. The truth is easy to ascertain.
January 9, 2008 8:15 AM ___________________________________
712.Glassgow said...
Mapakiana agad la ako ha m, kun ini hi putataive asya ba ini an padi didto ha may lupa naukoy,.
Kun amo ini hiya bangin asya ini hiya ang gnreklamo na gnpakita ha TV ha abs cbn..
Di ak nangangalimot adto kay nakakita ak ha video, basta an lalaki na nakilal an ko adto na ginmolestiya adto na padi ( basi ha reklamo ) usa na hi Vicbor Sanosa.Mga brother brother liwat adto hra na time ha ira simbahan.
Tas may iba pa na nagreklamo.
napakiana la ak kun asya ba gud ini.
January 9, 2008 8:18 AM ___________________________________
713. Anonymous said...
What kind of truth, illogical truth? same with your illogical argument?
January 9, 2008 9:04 AM
714. intoy said...
Glassgow 712:
Mao na siya ang imong giingon pero dili na siya pari, brother na siya ug lawas,pero ang kasingkasing maypagka sister ug ang batasan may pagka lucifer.
Kanang imong gipanganlan, iya nang mga membro nga iya ra pod ug giunay pag molestiya.
January 9, 2008 11:15 AM
715. Tamsy said..
Bright boy diay gyud ito si putative kay wala man ko mangutana sa iya kon siya ba si Stephany Greike unya mao man hinoon ang iyang gitubag, nga dili daw siya.
Ang ako hinoon nga pangtutana, wala niya tubaga!!
Putative 708:
So, it seems as though you aren’t really interested in my motives and you’re allowing your own ignorance and malice to cloud your inconsistent thinking which is lacking of common values in moral principle. The problem is your argument seems more breed in abstinence than common sense …At least I know how to justify the coherence of my moral standard.
kkk 716:
You're right, I'm not interested in your motives. Explain whatever you want. Like the others you say things about me without justification. You have no interest in morality or getting at truth, only in vindicating your point of view.
January 9, 2008 4:08 PM
718. putative said...
Anonymous 713:
If I say you are illogical, I will point out your flaw in logic. You seem to use the term illogical as a general term of disparagement with no rationale. You accuse me of illogical truth. You might consider that all or at least most truth is illogical. Gravity is not logical, nor is the existence of God. Logic and truth exist in separate domains.
January 9, 2008 4:16 PM
719. anonymous said...
If you think you are not illogical then prove it. vigilant is charging you about that, may I refer you to his post #687 & 704...
I would challenge you to prove the existence of God without logic.
January 9, 2008 10:29 PM
721. putative said...
Empogs 720:
Can you prove the existence of God WITH logic? If the existence of God were provable, then faith would be meaningless. That's my point. Truth is a descriptive, not deductive.
January 10, 2008 6:43 AM
722. Empogs said...
If truth is a descriptive not deductive, do you mean to say that faith is objective?
Anonymous & Vigilant
You make a good point about proving allegations, reconciling with my earlier statements, and I want to reply to it responsibly.
Reharding my allegations about the nuns and priests distributing money on the morning of the election:
1) I assert I have seen the evidence, i.e. have spoken with eyewitnesses. (I have seen this several times.)
2) An offer has been made to present the evidence, the eyewitnesses, to the proper authority - the church, but they like you are not interested in knowing the truth.
In the realm of this venue, for me to say I have seen the evidence is sufficient to speak responsibly. If you don't believe me, that's your problem. Why would you believe a witness? (BTW, maybe a witness will come forward.)
You say you are reluctant to ask a nun as I suggested. I would say that means you don't want to know the truth.
Concerning my challenge to GC about evidence -> has Glenn Chong said he has evidence of Jun's parentage? He has said nothing to indicate his accusations are more than malicious speculation. (Note that Gerry Espina didn't even come to this area until long after Jun was born.) Now JDR has announced he will do a DNA test with his real father to prove that Glenn Chong is a liar and worse - a malicious liar.
January 10, 2008 8:24 AM
724. KKK said...
putative #717.
1. You said " Like the others you say things about me without justification."
On my post 706, i called you blabbermouth because you cant prove your allegation. What do you call a person who exposed unreliable facts?
2. You said again "you have no interest in morality or getting at truth, only in vindicating your point of view."
What is your basis that I have no interest in morality or getting at truth?
Empogs 722:
No. That's not implied. Not sure what you're getting at. I think it's easier to use gravity as an example to illustrate general principles about truth.
January 10, 2008 2:44 PM
726. putative said...
kkk 724:
1) I think you have your pejoratives confused. I said I have personal knowledge, that I have spoken with witnesses. That is proof - and it is absolutely convincing to me. I think you mean to call me a liar rather than a blabbermouth. Actually blabbermouth is simply someone who reveals things best not revealed, secrets etc. In that sense, I'm probably guilty.
Remember this began with you asking me my opinion. I simply gave you my opinion and the reasons for it.
2) You defend the church without knowing the facts. That implies lack of interest in knowing what really happened.
You say: "Who do you think are liar, Jun del Rosario or the nuns?"
That implies you have a statement from a nun denying the involvement of nuns. Is that so?
Has Glenn Chong or Susan denied this happened? I think they won't because many of their supporters would know they are lying.
January 10, 2008 3:06 PM
726. Vigilant said...
Putative 723:
this is part of you post:
"You say you are reluctant to ask a nun as I suggested. I would say that means you don't want to know the truth."
My response:
You better clarify your statement because I never said that I am reluctant to ask a nun?
I think you are just making speculation. Aren’t you?
Putative #723"
This is your post:
"An offer has been made to present the evidence, the eyewitnesses, to the proper authority - the church, but they like you are not interested in knowing the truth."
FYI, im very much active in the church activities and last election i was PCRV volunteer. That is why i was really wondering about this issue that you brought out here. By the way, where did you lodge this issue, in local church or national or international?
vigilant 726:
About speaking with nuns, it was kkk 695 who said "do you think I am crazy to go around and ask them individually about this vote- buying case?" I didn't mean to direct that comment to you. If you are really not reluctant to ask a nun, I would like to know what some of them say about this. I would think that within the community of nuns it would not be a secret. You have to be careful about the wording. Fr. Marvyn did deny that the church was involved in vote-buying (I'm told). I must presume he meant that he didn't consider the activity in question to be vote-buying. The question has to be about distribution of "gifts" from named politicians preceding the election.
kumbati 727: Quite a few copies of the complaint were delivered shortly after the election (I didn't say by me) - all 3 levels, including several arch bishops and the papa nuncio. No reply has been received.
BTW, you might also ask your friends at BEC if they received any special instructions about the election.
January 10, 2008 11:35 PM
728. Empogs said...
putative 725:
you say that truth is descriptive, so how do you classify it, objective or subjective?
Empogs 728:
What trap are you trying to lay for me? And what difference does it make? That is a sophomoric question, not a true dichotomy. Is gravity a subject or an object? Both terms have multiple meanings and are not exclusive. There are also different kinds of truths.
this is your previous post #646:
you said "If you know some nuns, I suggest you ask them what they know about this. They might be evasive, but I doubt they would lie."
Base on your statement, “ I doubt they might lie” that is why I asked you “ who do think are liars, Jun del rosario or the nuns?
Then, on your post #683:you aid, “As I said, my information does not come primarily from JDR.”
Then, I told you on my post #695:
“1. If your source of information does not come primarily from JDR, then can you provide us names as a source of your information? It is very important to verify the accuracy and reliability.
2. There are more than 20 nuns in the Diocese of Naval, do you think I am crazy to go around and ask them individually about this vote- buying case you allegedly accused them? I would challenge you again to name names so that I can personally ask them.”
And, on your latest post 726 addressed to me you said:
”You say: "Who do you think are liar, Jun del Rosario or the nuns?"
That implies you have a statement from a nun denying the involvement of nuns. Is that so?”
FYI, I don’t have any statement from the nuns. Again, I will reiterate my plea; I am not crazy to ask them individually? I don’t have any idea of whom I might ask them first? Im sure this allegation is very serious, and if you want me to know the truth, please tell me who is who? I told you already that there are more than 20 nuns in the diocese of Naval. I hope I made myself clear.
You said:
“Concerning my challenge to GC about evidence -> has Glenn Chong said he has evidence of Jun's parentage? He has said nothing to indicate his accusations are more than malicious speculation. (Note that Gerry Espina didn't even come to this area until long after Jun was born.) Now JDR has announced he will do a DNA test with his real father to prove that Glenn Chong is a liar and worse - a malicious liar.”
I think you deal with it to a wrong person. This is to be addressed to Atty. Chong and not just to any blogger here. Im sure this is not our concern, this is you personal concern, so would you mind to direct it to the concern person.
However, we share the same vision and these are the kinds of freedoms worth fighting for but it does not mean we are responsible for his own action.
KKK 730:
When you say - which one is lying, it implies that they have made contradictory statements. As far as I know, they have not. Other than that, I don't really understand what you're saying. Why would you have to be crazy to ask a nun? You don't have to ask them all, just a few. Like I said, I doubt it is a secret within the community of nuns.
If you want the witnesses to come forward, then you should press for an investigation by the church. It is a common and responsible journalistic practice to be unable to name sources. Ask Dr. Borrinaga. (He may think that's what I disagreed with him about, but it isn't.) Actually, I'll see what I can do about this, but I can't promise anything right now.
Delta 731:
If you defend Glenn Chong, then his malicious lies are your concern. However, this stream started as a challenge to my level of evidence, with you (or someone) pointing out that I had criticized GC's lack of evidence, so to address your concerns about me I felt it was appropriate to use the same comparison you used. And since this site is largely about defending Glenn Chong it is appropriate to present an opposed viewpoint.
Tell me again what freedoms you are fighting for, I seem to have missed that part. Was it the freedom from responsibility, rationality, integrity, morality, or decency? Please set me straight. Maybe it was freedom from the tyranny of "no parking" signs, or the oppressive requirement of having a license for cock fights?
January 11, 2008 4:35 PM
733. Kumbati said...
Putative 728:
You said "Quite a few copies of the complaint were delivered shortly after the election (I didn't say by me) - all 3 levels, including several arch bishops and the papa nuncio. No reply has been received."
Now, if your statements are reliable, then provide us a copy so that we can post that here. this is the email ad of the administrator: lozenge2000@yahoo.com
I want to read that document too. If possible, provide us a photo copy. You can scan it, im sure you have your own scanner. If you dont have, do it at the interenet cafe.
Putative 729:
I am not trying to trap you into providing a useful answer. I am trying to lay the groundwork for questions which will be based on the previous statement you made mentioned about truth. I think this harsh charge is a product of your much more malicious intent.
January 12, 2008 7:01 AM
735. KKK said...
Putative #732:
You said, “When you say - which one is lying, it implies that they have made contradictory statements. As far as I know, they have not. Other than that, I don't really understand what you're saying.”
Going back to your post 646, wherein you said “if you know some nuns, I suggest you ask them what they know about this. They might be evasive, but I doubt they would lie.",
This set of statements leads to conclusion that the nuns are liars. That is reason why I ask you, who do think are liars, Jun del Rosario or the nuns?
Then, you said “if you want the witnesses to come forward, then you should press for an investigation by the church.”
Let me back up here for a minute. What is my basis that I should press for an investigation by the church?. Am I the plaintiff? In every allegation like this, the plaintiff bears the "burden of proof". The plaintiff needs to prove each element just by the greater weight of the evidence, i.e. beyond a reasonable doubt.
FYI, the only nuns I knew in the diocese of Naval are the poor clares nuns, do you think it is ethical to ask them about this issue?
Empogs 734:
I do not believe my intent is malicious. My intent is to express what's happening, and to point out the things Glenn Chong is doing which I truly believe are malicious. If you think I am speaking with ill intent, please be specific about how & why you think I am doing that. I promise to consider what you say.
I'm not being evasive about your question of subjective or objective. Subjective means relating to (a characteristic of) the person speaking or thinking, and objective is something you talk or think about. A subjective opinion is a personal opinion, the opinion of the subject. So I guess what you're asking is - is truth personal or universal. One sometimes hears the expression "it's true for me". So my opinion on that would be truth must be universal. Gravity does not behave differently for different people. And I do not think there are different Gods depending on one's conception of God. But there may be certain kinds of truth that relate only to the person speaking.
Some philosophers (like Heidiger)have argued that nothing exists (nothing is true) except as a product of the language used to describe it. Plato says we all live in a cave and only see shadows (i.e. shadows of the truth).
January 12, 2008 10:10 AM
737. Delta said...
Putative 732:
My previous post 731 is understood precisely that the issues you brought out here are not our concern. So, what is your justification for charging me “if you defend Glenn Chong, then his malicious lies are your concern”?
I think you are not only speculating but your common sense is wondering inside the vacuum of rational doubt.
This is your post to Kumbati #609
“What I said about the pre-disposition of the site was not intended to be negative. It was part of a question, and I thought I had seen something more directly to that effect. But I must have been mistaken and I apologize for that too.”
Now, you said it again “And since this site is largely about defending Glenn Chong it is appropriate to present an opposed viewpoint.” Your opinion is very weird!
Do you want to know what this freedom worth fighting for? This is about the freedom of political oppression maneuvered by the Espina Dynasty. And this effort was already working before the time of Atty. Chong. Our group as freedom fighters had existed long time ago since the time that the Espina dynasty oppressed the people in Biliran.
Kumbati 733:
You completely misinterpret what I said. I said I doubt nuns would lie - that means I don't think that nuns would lie. When I said they might be evasive - that means they might say they don't want to talk about it, or that they don't know. I was certainly not accusing nuns of lying or suggesting they might lie.
Actually an investigation by the church is not like a court of law. It is not only up to the people who make an accusation to prove it, the church tries to determine the truth. This would begin with simply asking the people involved what happened. A court has procedures and rules that don't apply to an investigation. Certainly one element would be for the complaintant to present evidence. And it would not be improper for a concerned Catholic to ask the church to take steps to determine the truth.
Do I think it's ethical to ask nuns? Yes. I don't see why it wouldn't be. Maybe it would be interpreted as an accusation, but properly it is not. My way is always to treat priests and nuns as regular people, and some have been very good friends.
Error - my previous post (738) should have been directed to kkk 735, not Kumbati)
Kumbati 733:
I don't have permission to publish the entire complaint. There are some issues in it I have not discussed, and would not want to make public at this point. A complaint of this nature is not necessarily a statement of proof as much as in some respects a expression of concern. The part of it about the "vote-buying" by priests and nuns it very similar to what I have said here.
Delta 737:
What do you think I'm speculating about? Is it speculation to say that Glenn Chong calls his adversaries malicious evil names that are not true? Just listen to him, or read what he writes on BI.com. Is this ok with you? You do defend Glenn Chong - even in this note.
What I said about the site was not accusing anyone of anything improper, just observing that except for me, most of the posts, articles, etc. are in favor of Glenn Chong. That was not contradictory with my earlier apology.
You talk about oppression & Glenn Chong speaks of tyranny. I have searched to see what this means, and I don't see anything specific - except the no parking signs in front of his family store and a sense of paranoia about the great raid on the cock fight. There are some references to Espina having "goons". Now GC is the one with body guards who act as goons, he is the one people fear.
Whatever it is you think the Espinas guilty of, does not justify the actions & methods of Glenn Chong. He is seriously malevolent. He should be in jail for the things he says (along with his father against whom the charges are even more serious), and quite possibly he will be. Most of the invective against Espina comes from GC and it's just rabble-rousing generalities.
I'm not saying there wasn't graft & corruption. I don't doubt there was. That is not unusual in the Philippines. Even if Glenn Chong is less corrupt (which I personally doubt) he does not have the right to say the things he says.
January 12, 2008 1:46 PM
742. Delta said...
Dont speculate again that I am defending Atty. chong, or else prove it!
What I am trying to defend is our cause, because our cause is the prime mover of this struggle.That our cause is a noble one. The reason we are here is one worth fighting for. A cause that has been the most costly and sought after cause in our small span of existence on our little website. Bought in blood and paid for by those brave enough to give the ultimate sacrifice to obtain it.
I am talking of freedom. one word but yet countless words could never capture it's true meaning or power. "For those who have fought for it, freedom has a taste the protected will never know."
Ironically, you will find the biggest outcries of pro-espina, like you, to our cause from those who have had no experience and haven't had to fight for freedom. I challenge all of those who are daring enough to question such a noble cause to come and better join our fight.
January 12, 2008 2:11 PM
743. delta said...
FYI,no parking signs in front of his family store and a sense of paranoia about the great raid on the cock fight is just a tip of the iceberg.
I copied and paste below, the summary of what the Espina dynasty has wrecked in our province. It was made by a blogger Aquarius from bl.com:
"The presence of a family political dynasty in the infancy stage of Biliran has contributed to its negative growth which has resulted to Biliran being ranked as Number 9 among the top ten poorest provinces, Number 1 most malnourished province; and included in the top 20 most hungry provinces in the entire Philippines. This is compounded by the complacency of the Biliranons in its state of political and economic affairs.
The Espina Dynasty has succeeded in maintaining tight control over Biliran due to the lack of active and political opposition. Moreover, the occupation of the members of the Espina Dynasty of the top elective positions has totally eliminated check and balances good governance must have to be effective.
The underdevelopment of Biliran is primarily caused by the unprecedented scale of graft and corruption and wanton abuse of power perpetrated by the Espina Dynasty. The Espina Dynasty has also caused the loss of independence of Biliran's public institutions including the Department of Education, to discharge its functions of serving the public. The heavy reliance on political patronage has resulted to hiring employees on the basis of its political support to the Espinas. Employees for example, are hired on what they call "15/30" wherein the hired employees only report for work twice a month. That is on the 15th and 30th of the month to collect their wages.
Biliran is littered with unfinished projects. It is alleged that a total amount of P1.77 Billion pesos have been granted to Biliran over the 12 years of the Espina Dynasty rule and yet not even 30% of the equivalent amount of funding is translated to completed projects. Standard Operating Procedure , commonly termed as SOPs account for the misappropriation of government funds from a minimunm of 25% to as high as 60%. It means, for a project costing P100 Million pesos, a minimum of P300 Million are already lost even before the project implementation starts.
The Espina Family came to Naval, Biliran 12 years ago with virtually nothing like what they are now. In a span of 12 years, the Espina Dynasty has turned themselves to multi millionaires as evidenced by their ownership of the following:
1. Mansions
2. Resorts
3. Construction business
4. Retail Business
5. Lotto Outlet
6. Commercial buildings
7. Agricultural properties
8. Condominium units
9. Lending and investment company
10. San Miguel and Coca Cola Distribution which were taken from Dr. pastor family.
11. Fleet of luxury vehicles including jet skis. Congressman Gerryboy Espina drives an P8 Million pesos Corvette sports car
12. Undisclosed amounts held in banks and shareholdings.
All these after only 12 years, In contrast, Biliran is No. 9 poorest province, No, 1 most malnourished and among the top 20 most hungry province in the entire country.
The Espina Dynasty is currently under investigation on a pending case of graft and corruption filed by Atty Glen Chong in October 2006. In spite of the Espinas' devious effort to get an alleged clearance certificates from the Office of the Ombudsman in Quezon City in March 2007, the fact remains that those certificates should not have been issued in the first place as the Espinas are awaiting trial for plunder in the Office of the Ombudsman Visayas, where Biliran is under its jurisdiction. Gerry Espina Sr, the head of the Dynasty has used his influence to get those dubious clearance certificates."
January 12, 2008 2:33 PM
744. Kumbati said...
Putative 340:
I'm really baffled by your statement that you cant publish that document here because you don’t have permission. What a pathetic explanation offered to justify the inaccuracy or lack of probable cause of your claim?
It sounds strange. This is a classic example of the weakness of "objective" for accusing the priest and nuns on vote-buying issue. Next time don't make an implicit argument if it is fictional. It is better for you to concede the limitations of your claim. However, let the readers of this site string together the series of facts around a loose hypothesis and leave it to them to infer what you cannot prove.
January 13, 2008 11:17 PM
745. anonymous said...
Katawa man lang ko sa tubag ni putative nga ethical daw kon pangutan-on ang mga poor clairs about involvement sa mga nuns sa vote-buying.
Nag-pasabot lang gyud na nga wala kini si putative maka ila kon kinsa ang mga poor clare nuns. Dili man gani na sila maka gawas sa ilang monastery unya mo-apil pa ba hinoon ug vote-buying.
Ko imo ning isubmit sa corte, dismiss agad without further notice. Kumedyante man diay ka putative uy. Mastin-aw pa sa lapok nga ang imong gipanulti wala gyuy credibility kay ang imong presenya wala diri nagpuyo sa Naval. Kay kon nia ka pa karon sa Naval kaila unta ka kon kinsa ang mga poor clares. Maayo lang ning imong argumento diri butangan ug title BELIEVE IT OR NOT.
kumbati 744:
Believe what you want. I tell the truth.
January 13, 2008 7:16 AM
747. putative said...
Delta 743:
I could address you comments at great length. However, let me just say this:
As long as you think corruption is a product of specific people at the province level, you will be powerless to do anything about it. If you do not address the basic issues of corruption, you will simply have a series of corrupt politicians and all of your sacrifices and struggle will be in vain.
January 13, 2008 7:33 AM
748. KKK said...
Putative #748:
Thanks for clarification. In my case, I am not that good conversant in English. I grew up in the province wherein we never used English as a primary language because my parents are not educated well. When I was young I only speak visaya. Some of my playmates were using other native Philippine language which is waray-waray because their parents came from Samar, so how do you think I could learn the international language if this is my environment. Actually, I finished my college degree at NIT. But I’m proud to be at this institution, sooner or later it will be elevated to university through the effort of our very own Rep. Chong. Im happy that he won last election because I voted and campaigned for him. He is my idol.
Presently, I worked in Cebu, and don’t have time to make some investigation. However, I requested a classmate of mine before who worked now at CSN ran by the nuns, to ask the them about this issue of vote-buying. Then after an hour, she replied that the nuns denied their affiliation to this issue. The nuns said that it was concocted by Jun Del Rosario to justify Gerry Espina lost by big margin. If Jun Del Rosario is sincere of his statement, then, the nuns challenged him to bring it to court and they are willing to disprove it.
KKK 748:
Why would you have your idol be someone who is a bigot and tells malicious lies? Can you deny that Glenn Chong and his co-hosts say on the radio very bad things that are false, malicious and bigoted, not to mention paranoid? Look at his statements at the blog on BiliranIsland.com. If you think malice, bigotry and lying are ok, then you are less well educated than you think, and less moral. If you think he doesn't do that, you are not paying attention.
January 13, 2008 10:23 AM
750. kkk said...
If you think that I am less moral because I consider Rep. Chong as my idol, then you are worst immoral because you defended Jun del rosario ang Bakla nga immoral ug anak sa babae nga Immoral si marilyn! I am game now!
post 750 is addressed to Putative a.k.a Puta Talkative
Hindi pa tayo tapos Putative. Don't try to provoke me into this, because I don't succumb to provocation. I'm waiting for you response but i got no reply, after 1 hour. Im hungry and want to take something but I will be back after an hour.
tabili said...
Alagad ito si Putative, wala na man mobalik! morag bahag naman gyud ang ikog! basin nag conference pa sila ni JDR ang Darna nga Mongol.
Nagplano na pod kon unsaon nila pag counter attack si KKK. He hE he! abangan ang sunod na kabanata!!!!!! Kay morag nag-tika init na ang mga post.
ikaw naman putative you better mag ask ka ng apology kay atty. chong para mokalma si KKK. Pwerte mang gyud nimong sayopa uy, moingon ka nga less moral si KKK kay idol niya si Rep. Chong, kinsa man diay ang iyang himoon nga idol si MOGGOL nga tinood man na nga immoral, iya mang gi-angkon sa RN nga bakla siya!
January 13, 2008 7:56 PM
754. Putative said...
All of you just call evil vile names without justification and without explanation or rationale. You do not know what you're talking about and you should be in jail. You are now a very bad and immoral person like your idol. You sound like Boy Ty. You are lower than slime.
You and Glenn Chong have said nothing substantive about JDR, except to express your bigotry. If you think God rewards that, you are in for a big surprise.
Friendly advice: You better be careful where you make your accusations. Certain people would kill you without hesitation and without regard for consequence for what you just said.
Do not bother to reply. I will address nothing else to you.
January 13, 2008 8:01 PM
755. kumbati said...
Putative 746:
You said "Believe what you want. I tell the truth"
O common, dont ask that because i've been waiting for it long time ago. Just go ahead and tell the truth about vote-buying. If you can name names, place and time, much better. I need detail information!
Naunsa na man ni si Puta Talkative 754? Nanghulga na man ug bloggers dinhi. Wa seguro makontento nga si JDR nangulo sa pangbihag ug mga manok sa Atipolo. Karon, ang Putat na ang manghulga ug ihaway, dili na lang bihagay. Ninggimaw na gayud ang ikog ni 666. Hinumdumi, dili ka ra ba taga dinhi.
January 14, 2008 7:00 AM
757. putative said...
Kumbati 755:
I have already given the truth. What you do with it is up to you.
January 14, 2008 9:33 AM
758. putative said...
KKB 755:
I threaten no one. I just point out that many people, if you call their honorable mother, wife, sister or good friend a whore, will make every effort to kill you for it. What would you do?
In many parts of the world, including this one, if you utter those words unwisely, you had better be prepared to kill or be killed. To most, penalty would not matter.
January 14, 2008 9:53 AM
759. putative said...
Furthermore, Glenn Chong, Charlie Chong, and Boy Ty have done this on the radio.
January 14, 2008 9:59 AM
760. KKB said...
Puta Talkative,
Bag-o ka pa lang salta dinhi. Wala ka mahibalo sa tanang mga nanghitabo dinhi sa ani nga blog ug sa BI.com.
Kung imong suhiron ang tanang mga blogs, makita nimo nga kanang imong gilabanan nga Darna mao ang tigpasiugda sa tanang pandaut ug pantamay dinhi sa blogs, gamit ang iyang nagkadaiyang alyas, ug sa radyo usab.
Ang kanang gibuhat sa nagpakabana dinhi mao lamang ang pagpanagang sa mga tamay ug tamparos ni Darna ug ni Pugak sa radyo. Mobingga pod usahay kung makalugar.
He who sows the wind reaps the whirlwind.
January 14, 2008 11:08 AM
761. Vigilant said...
Putative 754.
this is your post:
"All of you just call evil vile names without justification and without explanation or rationale. You do not know what you're talking about and you should be in jail."
Are sure, we will be in jail? What is this harassment? How about you putative, do you know what are you talking about? Do you have any justification when you’re accusing the priest and nuns for vote-buying? Until now we are waiting for your claim to be substantiated, but you can not provide anything. Is that a“real argument” you’re talking about?
January 14, 2008 2:58 PM
762. KKK said...
Putative 754:
You already do make personal attacks; in fact, it seems to be the only way you know how to argue. I guess I wouldn't expect anything different from someone as resentfully driven as yourself. Your Intimidation can take the form of direct threats to us and it provides an idea that you’re confrontational and violent.
Oh, boy! I am really frightened and scared of! That is why I have no other choice but to give justification about the immorality of JDR and his mother dear, Marilyn. If I will be scared and frightened again, I might include the other two daughters Jing and Flor. Putative, who else do want me to be justified,? Do you have more suggestions? If you need more justification to be included here, don’t hesitate to intimidate me again so that I will be frightened and will make justification in detail, starting from Calubian, guess who? Then , Maripipi, Of course in Naval, in case I forgot something, then just remind me by assassinating my fears that will enhance my ego to be more justifier!
January 14, 2008 4:41 PM
763. Kumbati said...
putative 757:
You said "I have already given the truth. What you do with it is up to you'
Where in the hell you mentioned this truth about vote-buying issue? The only truth you were talking is about God and gravity! Is it connected to vote-buying?
an accusation which can not be proven legally, cant be considered as truth but purely malicious propaganda to justify the fact of losing during election.
January 14, 2008 10:44 PM
764. Anonymous said...
subra ka na man, hindi lang tungkol sa truth of gravity at God ang sinabi ni putative. Putative, tried to illustrate ang tungkol sa objective truth at subjective truth. Pero tungkol sa vote-buying na ina-acuse nila sa mga pari at madre, walang na sabi na katibayan, kon sino intong mga madre at pari, at saan ito nangyari, sa Naval ba, o sa ibang lugar, naa silay mga document nga gihimo dili pod nila masubmit ang maong document. hambog lang ito si putative.
Putative 758:
You say this: I threaten no one. I just point out that many people, if you call their honorable mother, wife, sister or good friend a whore will make every effort to kill you for it. What would you do?
When you accuse KKK as immoral, bad boy, ect, without good reasons, do you think that his parents will not be insulted and will make every effort to kill you for it?
You are charging KKK as immoral, bad boy, etc. because he considered Rep. Chong as his idol while you condemned Atty. Chong as bigotry, immoral, etc. when he called JDR as Darna, Moggol, illegitimate son, ect. and this accusation is not substantive as you said. Now, you even consider JDR as opposite to Rep. Chong, who is worst immoral because he is picking up boys, he accused the nuns and priest for vote-buying last election without supporting evidence and he even changed the meaning of BEC as “Bactol Economic Corporation”. Is your judgment reasonable?
The value of the term "bigot" is that it names an immoral behavior. It holds people accountable. To argue that a policy is bigoted, but who are you to condemn Rep. Chong as bigot?, Did you adopt the principle of moral relativism? We call JDR as Darna, Moggol, etc, behind policy of his irresponsible statement because his cause is not moral one. Those who actively opposed JDR, you considered us as the lowest, most despicable sorts of beings. And while it may be always be politically wise for us to speak the truth, it does no good for you to censor the words coming from our mouth because you don’t have any idea how this problem came to its existence . Hindi mo alam kong ano ang DULO AT PUNO at pangyayaring ito
You can't expect Putative to consider JDR as immoral when he engaged in homosexual relationship because he is a foreigner and gay marriage is considered as moral in foriegn countries like United State. So, what do you expect?
Paradoxically, it is immoral for Putative if you call JDR as Darna which connotes gay attitude! That is why he called KKK and Atty. Chong as bigot, immoral and bad boy. This is a classic example of very low moral standard
Way klaro ni si putative, kay imbis siya ang mangulat sa mga freedom fighters, siya naman hinoon ang nagulat. Hayyyy, maglaho naman yon samag bula!!!!!!
Ang tawo kuno nga kusog moatake, pero guilty dali ra mawad-an ug bili ang iyang gipanuti.
Mao man kini ang usual nga nahitabo sa blogs. Sa una, sa Bl.com, I remember some bloggers like Reason, Scots, King leonidas ug diri pod nga site, sa una si Whisky ug karon si Putative, wala gyud molahutay. Mga maayo raba mo argue, maayo ang comand sa english. they had enough reasons but lack of facts and convictions.
Wala ta kasabot ug gisoholan lang to sila para dependihan ang mga Espina. Unya kay talonan man, mao nga gipa-undang sa sponsors kay wala may mopalit sa ilang products.
Ingon pa ni Delta, " Freedom is our noble Cause". Tinood na, mao nga ang mga freedom fighters molahutay gyud because we fight with convictions. Sila kay they fight with corruptions. In other words, that is their bread and butter.
You guys distort everything. There is no point in interacting with you. BTW, your definition of bigotry is way off and that's not all. Have a nice life - or not.
January 16, 2008 9:16 PM
770. Kumbati said...
If there is no point in interacting with us, why are you reacting, are you guilty?
January 16, 2008 10:16 PM
771. Delta said...
Putative 769:
this is part of your post:
" You guys distort everything"
My reply:
What do you think we are distorting about? There’s nothing you had presented here except your non-sense accusation. The truth of it is, you made some comments that literally nauseated us in the previous posts. It had to turn off my computer and walk away to get myself settled again, You're like a child, whining about some imagined wrong-doing, YOUR facts are skewed, and that's a fact. You don't HAVE any facts, you pretend to be intelligent, there is nothing but a bunch of garbage, and you're eating it with a spoon -- a big one. Enjoy your garbage. Your posts show that your attitude is that you must enlighten the ignorant masses, because you believe that you’re knowledgeable. But buddy, you haven't got a light, What nerve do you imagine that we distort everything-- You're so vain, don't you ever have any creative thoughts?
You got no point in interacting with us because you got no point at all. All your arguments were pointless.
Maayo gyud nimo pagka ulo si putative. Ang tawo nga walay insakto nga tumong, wala gyuy paingnan. Mao ng giingon nga missing in action!
Sana, No retreat no Surrender, pero siya, puro retreat at surrender.
Ningkiat naman pod diay si DARNA ang MONGGOL kay iya man diay nga gi-intrview si Steve sa iyang program. tinood diay gyud ang giingon ni KKB nga sila ang nagpaluyo sa mga gipanulti ni Stephany.
I heard from reliable source na magsalita na si Bintay sa ilang love affair ni Marilyn ang ina si JDR. Maayo unta kay kini si DARNA maayo lang manghilabot sa uban maayo ra ba ug tinood, pero kanang iyang inahan dili niya ma badlong. Hulat lang Jun kay naa kami bumba nga ipalabas!!!!!
January 18, 2008 8:21 AM
775. Tamsy said...
Kini gud nga Bakla natong konsihala, parihas lang ni sila Steve aka putative nga ang ilang buhat, ipahid nila sa uban aron ingnon nga malinis sila.
Sukad lang miabot ning baklaa sa Naval, samok kaayo. Dili man gud nila madawat ang kapildihan mao nga gusto gyu sila mobalos ug ang obispo pa gyud ang ilang gipontariya. Kini ra ba ang atong obispo, neutral baya ni siya kay kon mohisgot siya sa politika, dili ra ba gyud ni siya mongalan ug partido katulad ni Fr. Marvyn ug Benjie kay ila gyud nga nawong nawongon nga mga Espina. Bisan ug naa sa ilang atubangan, dili sila malisang. Pero kining atong obispo, very general ang iyang presentation. Siya pa hinoon ang gibirahan sa mga bandido nga mga ungo!!!
Nabuklo na man si Darna, iya na lang gayud gipadayag nga duna diay silay kontak si Stephanie. Pero bisan pa, morag duna gayuy illegal sa mga gibuhat nila, nga puwede dunay ma priso. Kinahanglan ipa imbestigar kung duna bay gigamit nga kuwarta sa mga Katolikong Amerkano pinaagi kang SG nga gigamit ni Darna pag atake sa mga pari sa Radyo Nila dinhi sa ato. Kung tinuod ni nga tigo, masikop dayon ni sa FBI. Pero US citizen nga Biliranon o Navalian ang mo report niini, dili ta puwede ang mga Bisdak (Bisayang Dako) nga nia sa Naval.
Salamat sa imong post. Actually, one of the JDR's classmates before sa CSN, nangistorya nga kini si Darna mao nga wala maka tiwas ug eskewla sa cathedral kay nasakpan sa CR nga nakipagsex ug lalake. Ako paning e-verify sa mga madre kon tinood ba.
January 18, 2008 10:35 PM
779. Tamsy said...
kagahapon ba nagyawyaw man ang Monggol sa RN nga kining iyang gibuhat nga pag-interview kang grienke wala daw labot siya ug ang politika. Gusto lang niya mag-invistigate sa kaso ni bishop Bactol.
Unsa man kaha ang tumong ni DARNA pag-investigate sa kaso ni bishop nga mismo ang higher church autority nag-investigate naman! ang international and national media, ila naman ning gitratar ang kaso!
Gustolang gyud aning amaw nga Bakla nga e-sentionalized ang issue ni bishop. Kining gihimo ni DARNA pang-intriga raman gyud ni. Walang magawang matinong programa unsaon nga wala namay motoo sa iya mao nga ang obispo na pod ang iyang lisanglisangon, sama sa iyang gihimo sa mga taga bukid nga iyang gihadlok sa linog. KA BAGA GYUD NIMO UG NAWONG JUN WALAY BOOT.
Bantay ta, mga Insurectos. Kay ningbalik na pod si Angry/ Puta Talkative sa BI.com. Tagalog na bay! Magtikalawgaw na pod ni ang diskusyon dinhi. Kay atong Binisaya, i translate nila Men?Darna kang Angry/ Puta ug binayabas nga Ininglis. Unya ang iyang tubag nga Ininglis, i translate pod ug binayabas nga Tagalog sa iyang mga sinuhulan. Ang resulta ani, utan bayabas. :) Na! Malingaw na pod ta ani.
Nabasa bitaw nako ang iyang post nga tinagalog klaro kaayo nga dili pure tagalog kay masabtan man gyud nato ang tagalog nga mosulti ug ang visaya nga magtinagalog.
Ang iyang style sa pagtubag kay defensive man kaayo, mao pod na ang style ni putative, the only putative which cannot be recognized by itself through its bias presentation of truth.
Dili gyud nato malikayan nga adunay mga tawo nga wala maglantaw para sa nterest sa kadaghanan. Kini si JDR, klaro man kaayo nga mao ray gihuna-huna ang interest niya sa politika. Kay ningreact pag-ayo siya tungod sa statement sa mga kaparian nga gihimo agi ug supporta sa obispo. Nahisgotan sa statement nga gibasa sa mga parokya, nga kining maong hitabo karon sa pagpakadaut ni SG sa atong obispo gipaloyohan sa politika. Actually, wala gyud nganli ang espina dynasty pero morag klaro nga sila ang na-igo. Mao nga gusto ni JDR nga usbon ang maong statement pinaagi sa wagtang sa pulong nga gipaloyohan sa politika. Pero, sa akong pagtoo dili na kana mausab kay dako ang pagtoo sa simbahan sa Naval nga ang mga Espina gyud maoy nagpaloyo sa tanan.
coming from a reliable source, na si Pawiks gi-operahan sa throat mao nga 1 week na nga wala sa iyang gi-usap-usap nga mga buwa. Mao nang iyang gaba pagkahuman niya dauta sa bishop Bactol.
wala ka bay balita kon ngano nga tulo na kaadlaw nga wala na magputakpuak si DARNA nag bakla nga Monggol? Wala ba kaha usab to maoperahi kay basin na warak ang baba kay naka um-om ug dako nga batota.
I got a chance to talk with one of the nuns working at the CSN and she told me that she cant revealed anything about my inquiry in relation to JDR SEX SCANDAL while he was studying in their insitution before. It is a confidential issue that is why she provided a negative comment in order to protect the integrity of the victims. But, incase we can secure a court order, then the school administration is willing provide the correctness of information.
rs & intoy:
Wala na bitaw kuno mag sibya ang unrecognized father nga si Gerry sr. ug ang illigitimate son nga si DARNA sa RN. Wala man koy time maminaw ana sa ila, naa lay mosulti sa ako.
Kon tinood ang giingon ni RS nga gi-operahan basin tinood na kay iya man tong gisabya daw sa una nga may throat problem siya. Basin ug ningbalik ug ning grabe pagbiay-biay niya kang Msgr. Bactol. Mao ng giingon nga ang gaba dili magsaba.
Kumbati 785:
I think the message behind your post emplied positive result of your inquiry that JDR was involved with sex scandal in CSN, am I right?
Sa tinood lang, malinawon karon ang Naval nga wala na magtagawtaw si Pawiks ug Darna sa RN. Maayo gyud unta kon dili na kining mga buaya mo bolik sa RN kay mao ni sila ang naghatag ug kasamok sa atong lugar. Masmayo gyud unta kon mamahawa ni sila aron wala na gyuy samok.
Very well thought-out and written post! But for me, the presence of the Espina dynasty is not the main reason why our province undergo this king of political crises. We should also to consider the presence of political ignorance and self interest of some politicians.
Action, not words. is required… I believe we all have a stake in this and therefore a lot of responsibility. People need to do something each and every day for the benefit of Biliranon…
Whatever it is you do, in your own area of strength, ask yourself:
What - must be specific and sustainable (giving fish against teaching to fish)
How - does it contribute to the long term goal
Why - questions your motive (selfish or selfless). The latter is preferred!
When - obviously today
Where - where-ever you are
Who - apart from yourself, who else will you get to do the same
Plan in the morning, execute during the day, and assess results at night. If we get people doing this daily, for just a year, I bet you we’ll have marked improvements.
The best answer is usually the simplest!! Let’s focus on the goal, not the obstacles.
Remeber, It’s good to be optimistic, but then again you should also always have your feet on the ground.
anonymous 787:
FYI, the nun working at the CSN doesn't say yes or no. She just told me, " I have no comment. If you want to know the truth, you can secure a court order then, we are willing to provide the correct information".
BTW, You can inquire it to his classmates before in CSN.
January 24, 2008 9:37 PM
791. Kumbati said...
Delta 789:
Good points. Very thought provoking. Which is a good thing because first thing we need to understand is that politics are very complicated. Vested interests, truths, untruths, red herrings, malice, history. The bulk of the matter is below the surface. The more open minded we are, the more we are willing to listen and share to other opinions, the better our chances of sailing these unpredictable seas.
Delta & Kumbati:
I have the same observation with you guys.
As for the Espina dynasty it is just another demonstration of, let’s be frank, poor political leadership and political cowardice. Tan-awa ra gud ning ilang syle nga ang tanan nilang political leaders, like the vice governor, board members, mayors and SB, apil na ang ABC president ug mga capitan, kini sila tanan nag-tan-aw ug utang nga kabobot-on sa mga Espina.
Precisely, these politicians have credited their respective position from the Espina. Such overt political strategy is seen as a tool for rewarding and enforcing loyalty; loyalty is the criterion for selecting a person rather than more merit. The selection process may be seen as more on political patronage.
This looks to be the same form of political system, where the Espinas are leveraging its power for party to gain more family political advantage. For this reason that Political Patronage can consequently be seen as one of the possible major cause of corruption in our province. If these problems will not be addressed properly, its effect in our economy will be worst than ever.
KKK asa ka naman uy! magparamdam ka naman? Basin gipabaril ka na si putative! he he he he!
Anonymous & to all freedom fighters:
I was out of town for several days. But, some of my friends told me thru txt message that Putative was no longer posting again. So, I never bothered myself to post for a while. anyway, I will be posting regularly again.
I heard that Gerry Sr. is recovering from his throat operation. Pagbalik adto subra naman ka hambog, kay gidungog kono ang iyang mga pag-ampo mao nga gidugangan pa ang iyang kinabuhi.
Ayaw lang niya tanggapin ang kasabihan na " ANG MASAMANG DAMO AY MATAGAL MAMATAY"
Ning-agi ko ganina sa cathedral, daghan man kaayo naka sabit nga mga streamers to support bishop BActol against the immoral accusation of Grienke. Siguro napahiya ngayon si Pawiks ug Darna kay nagpakita man ang mga katawhan ug supporta sa atong mahal na obispo.
Mao nga kagahapon sa sibya ni Darna, wala na maghisgot sa mga intriga nga ilang gisakyan kang grienke aron siraan ang atong obispo.
Makonsensya ka na man Pawiks ug Monggol dahil kayo ang mga immoral.
Intoy, tinood ka gyud nga ang dapat ug angayan gyud unta nga imbitigahan kini si Lagas ug Darna kay mao ni ang mga immoral. Ang latest nga gikabu-agan ni Darna mao ang usa sa mga candidates for Mr NIT ug kini usab si pawiks, lantaran na kaayo ang ilang relationship ni Regie bisan ug dako pa kaayo nga buhi ang iyang asawa.
Anonymous 796:
Mao bitaw nga nadaut gyud ang akong boot pag-ingon ni Putative nga immoral si Atty. Chong kay miingon siya nga si Jun anak ni Gerry Espina without basis ug iya pod nga gitawag si Jun nga Darna.
Ug tungod lang ani immoral na dayon si Rep. Chong? wala niya tagae dakong gibug-aton ang BINUHATAN ni Jun nga mopick-up ug mga lalake???
That is a classic example of very low moral standard. Tan-awa asa na si Putative? wala na magpakita kay maayo man siya pagka-ulo.
Under dialysis daw si Pawiks, dili klaro kon naa ba sa Manila or USA. Kon tinood ni nga balita medvyo taas na ang chances nga matipok itong kawatan ng bayan.
Mao na kining panahon nga mapiangan na gyud ang bandido espina kay ang ilang puno mautod naman. Lagot ka Darna kay mahanaw nalang ang imong tinood nga amahan pero wala ka pa gyud marecognized, ay...wa gyud kay masunod nga mga inhiritance sa mga corruption ni pawiks billion ra ba ka na....
Nagyawyaw naman pod ang bungangira nga monggo kay nagfile na daw siyag complaint sa committe on ethics against Rep. Chong kay ginganlan daw siyag darna ug M.A.
Ang masmaayo gyud unta nga kasuhan, it0 is JDR kay being SB member siya unta ang model pero kining iyang act of homosexuality kay ang iyang mga victims are ready to testify, usa ka immoral ug dili angay nga panig-ingnan labina sa mga kabataan. It might be one of the basis para sa pagahimoon nga recall.
For me, the proper case to be filed against JDR is child abuse and that is creminal case. Im sure, most of the victims are under age. So, most likely this would be a serious case that would disqualify him from running his office as SB member and he will be disqualified too to run again in any political election once he would be proven guilty for child molestation.
May naka sulti ko nga taga higatangan kay nakasamok man ang ilang barangay oficials kay ang kapitan nag over pricing man adtong fiesta unya maayo kuno bagka buklo.
Miadto na sa Naval ang contra partido aron mosumbong. Pero ma white wash gihapon na kay naa may governor nga molaban sa ila aron dili modako ang kaso. Ingon pa sa usa ka kagawad nila nga kaanib sa ilang kapitan, wala gani kuno ma priso ang mga Espina nga million ang corruption kana pa kahang ila nga wala ra mag 5,000?
agoy, kalisod gyud sa atong kahimtang kay follow the leader man diay.
Alagad itong mga Espina. Moa-bot gyud ug subra 30 ka streamers ang gidikit ron sa Cathedral agig support sa atong obispo, pero walay gikan sa kampo Espina. Klaro gyud nga sila ang nagpasi-ugda anang kasamok karon nga gipasumangil kang bishop Bactol.
Ito si Moggol maoy ilang gisugo pag-padako ani nga issue. Ito nga Monggol ang gaba ani labaw pa sa kamatayon. MAAYO DA KONTA SA IMO JUN DELI ROSARIO....
Annymous 801:
Sultii ang mga taga Higatangan nga modool sila kang Rep. Chong aron matabangan sila basin masuspended ang maong capitan diha. Asa mani nga barrio sa Mabini o libertad? Pero ang mga capitan diha kay puro mga Espina ug diha nga lugar nakakuha ug dako nga buto ni Vice Mayor Teting Curso mao nga napilde si Atty. Villordon. Mao nga kon dili mo intervene si Rep. Chong, dili gyud na actionan sa mga SB kay ila mang mga tawo. Kay kon dili pa na nila mga tawo, dugay ra na si Darna nagyawyaw sa RN.
Iya man gani nga gibirahan si Mayor Parilla sa dihang iyang gipalagpot sa trabaho ang mga Sweepers sa Naval kay mga hubya.
Karon nga naka published na ang statement sa mga kaparian sa Diocese of Naval aron sa pagsuporta sa atong mahal nga obispo Filomeno Bactol, ato na gyud maklaro kon unsa ka banyaga kini si Stephen Greinke ug ang mga Espina.
Kay kon wala pa unta sugnore sa mga Espina si Stepahny dili unta ni modako nga issue. Na hala, Darna pagyawyaw na pod sa RN kay wala man kay lain mahimo kon dili mga pagsamok-samok sa Naval.
Kahilas baya nimo nga moingon ka sa una nga nagbag-o ka na pero ang imong gibag-o di ay ang imo raman mga boys!
Kumbati 803:
Didto ni nahitabo sa Brgy. Mabini sa Higatangan ug ang ilang kapitan didto mao si Jesus Demetrial. I heard also from Boy Ty ug Ben Ricafort nga ang iyang 6 kagawad ningbali na, wala na molinya sa mga Espina kay nahalata na gyud nila nga corrupt gyud kini nga kapitan.
naka bati bitaw pod ko kang boy ty ug ben ricafort nga mingbali na kuno ang 6 niya ka kagawad.
Nag-ingon man sila boy ty ug ben ricafort nga ang bag-ong capitan sa Imilda nga si Hutara ning baliktad na sa mga Espina kay nadala sa mga pasalig. Pero sa tinood lang, mao nga ningdaug ni nga capitan kay ang mga tao sa Imelda wala nay gusto sa mga Espina. Actually, sa 2004 nga election, gamay ra kaayo ang daug ni Pawiks kontra kang DP kay ming saad man ang mga Espina nga ila dayong ipasimento ug tiwas ang dalan kon modaug sila right after election. Pero, natapos nalang ang term ni Pawiks wala gyud madugangi ug simento ang dalan mao nga ang capitan nga pro Espina pilde pod.
Mao man gyud na ang tinuuhan sa mga Bandido, nga kung ila na ang mga kapitan ug mga opisyales sa barangay, ila na pod ang mga tawo. Pero nabuklo ni sa eleksiyon sa 2007. Halos ila tanan mayor ug tanan kapitanes ug opisyales sa barangay. Pero nakadaug gihapon si Rep. Glenn ug Mayor Susan. Pagbuut to sa mga tawo, nga nagpakita nga usa lang ang botos sa mayor, usa ra pod ang sa mayor, ug tag-usa ra pod ang sa mga opisyales, bisan pa ug unsa kadagko ang ilang baba ug ulo.
Anugon bitaw nga ningbaligtad si Jutara. Gipasaligan seguro siya ni Dok Rabbit nga himoon nga administrador sa iyang mga yuta nga napalit ug nailog, o ilugon pa, sa Barangay Imelda. Parehoon seguro ni si kapitan sa amahan sa Mongol nga maoy tagdumala sa yuta ni Pugak sa Tabok. Aw, kay asa man diay musundog ang anak nga kiriwan, kon dili sa tatay ra pod.
Atong hinumduman nga luyo sa mga pagarpar sa mga Bandido, ang mga taga Lico, P.S. Eamiguel, ug Imelda dunay kasabutan nga walay pinalitay sa barangay election niadtong Oktubre. Ningdaug ang ilang mga opisyales tungod sa maayong kabubut-on sa ilang mga lumulupyo. Mao nga kung ningbaligtad si Jutara sa Imelda bisan kon ang iyang mga tawo wala na makauyon sa mga Espina, morag iya-iya na lang ni. Sanglit bahala na lang na siya kung ningsulod na ang poder sa iyang ulo. Usa ra man na siya ka botante sa sunod election.
It's blessing in disguise gyud ang pagbalhin ni Max Jutara sa kampo sa mga BUAYA NGA ESPINA kay I know Max Jutara as YFC district leader. Im not a couples for Christ member pero daghan ko ug mga kaila nga mga couples before nga misulti sa personality ni Max. Taga Lico mana siya unya active sa YFC. His credibility as YFC is very poor. In other words, he is not credible. Maayo gyud nga mibalhin siya kay basin siya pa ang makadaut sa kampo ni Rep. Chong. That is good for him..
Glassgow 712:
May ada lang hi ak e-clarify ha im kay nag sering man ka nga ito hi Victor Sanosa victim ni Bro. Steve sa homosexual act. kay as far as I know, pastor ito si Vicbor sa born again? so paano siya na bictima ni Steve?
pwerte man gyud nga pagmahay ni Darna sa iyang mga kauban sa SB kay wala na siya supportahe sa iyang uban nga mga proposed bills. Paano, na tagam na ang mga uwat niya nga mga kauban kay gibasura man ang cockfighting bill sa dihang ning abot sa capitol nga sponsoran ni Monggol.
Mao na, kay subra sa iyang kahambog, bisan ug wala gi-aprove sa mayor kay daghan ug mga prohibited, gi-overide dayon sa SB without proper consideration. Maayo pa ang taga bukid nga SB, Primo Tambis nga didto lang permi sa iyang uma, naka sabot pa kon ngano nga wala aprobahi sa Mayor.
Pwerte gyung lapara sa atay ni Monggol sa dihang na overide dayon kay maayo man niya pagka-uwat ang iyang mga kauban ug nagtoo pod siya nga iyang mauwat ang sa provincial level. Monggol gyud !!!!!!!
Hala mga SB nga kauban ni Monggol, ayaw na gyud mo ug pauwat kay halata ra ba gyud nga mga owaton mo.... gikataw-an lang mo ni Darna!!!!
Anonymous 812:
Mao nga wala na mosupporta ang mga kauban ni Darna sa SB kay nahadlok pod na sila nga maapil sa recall.
Pero, daghan man diay mga project ni Mayor Susan nga para sa mga Barangay nga gibabagan sa mga SB ug maoy nag lead si Roselyn.
Hinoon, nag-ingon man sila boy ug ben nga hutdon gyud ni sila ug apil pagrecall.
Hangtud karon wala pay official statment gikan sa kampo espina kon unsay kahimtang ni Pawiks. Sabi ni Doc Gov, sa dihang gipangutana siya, nagpamedical check up lang kuno ang iyang daddy. Well, kon tinood man ito, im sure nga dili siya motago kay iya man gyud nga ipanghambug nga very healthy siya.
Ingon pa sa mga critic sa mga Espina nga ila gyud nga gitago pag-ayo ang tunay na health condition ni Gerry, Sr. kay basin moingon ang mga tao na ito na ang carma sa ilang amahan nga walay batasan ug corrupt pa gyud!!!!
Dili lang gayud magpasapaksapak ang mga Bandido sa tinuod nga kahimtang sa panlawas ni Pugak. Makapila na ni sila ka higayon nagpalutaw ug tsismis niari nga natigok na kono ang lagas. Apan wala gayuy ninggimaw nga simpatiya sa iya dinhi sa blogs. Ngani duna hinuoy nag ingon nga nagtilok na sila ug kuwitis ug fireworks, andam andam kung mababaan ang mga buwaong dako. Nadugangan seguro ang ilang pundo nga kuwitis, sobra sa New Year.
February 7, 2008 12:40 PM
816. Kumbati said...
Kadumdum ko last year, bulan to sa Marso, miadto ko sa Cebu, kasakay nako ang Capitan sa usa ka barangay sa Cawayan, iya ko nga giingnan nga Patay na daw ang Lagas na Espina. Ako siyang gitubag nga sigi man ko kadungog ana nga news ilabina sa internet pero wala may klaro. Pero karon, ingon siya, morag tinood na gyud kay kauban niya sa politika ang nagtxt. Wala nalang ko mo comment kay ila ra ba ni nga capitan. Pagbalik nako sa Naval, didto ko sa merkado, hala kay didto man si Pawiks, mingsuroy, nituyok dayon ko sa luyo sa may tindera sa karne. Nakurat ang tindera, " naunsa man ka pre, mora man ka ug nalisang" ako siyang giingnan nga "naay multo nagsuroysuroy". Pagkakita gyud niya kang pawiks nga moagi na, ingon dayon siya "hala ingon nga patay na?".
Dako lang ang akong katingala nga wala gyuy bisan usa nalang ka tawo nga moingon nga mayor maayong buntag. Morag wala silay nakita, maayo pa ko kay daghan pa motawag, "sir palite mi ug isda"
KKK & Kumbati:
tingali, karon ila ng siguradoon nga patay na ang lagas ayha sila mokalat ug mga information aron dili ma sila maduhan nga nag drama lang.
Two things; one, if the Espinas have moral decency, they should exit gracefully from Naval dahil isosoka na talaga sila sa Naval. People in Naval are considering them as "trapos".
Two, they only people who importantly acknowledge their political presence are those who are politically corrupt& those politicians whose vested interest are for own development, usually of a gradual kind, toward achieving a goal or reaching a higher political position even not to the top-level post.
you got a good points. Tan-awa kana si Polpol Casas, kon wala na magpa-ito2x sa mga Espina dili na mahimong ABC president karon, morag siya man siguro ang sa sanguniang panlalawigan? im not so sure. But infairness naman sa mga Casas, their family are having a good reputation in NIT and in Naval. I know them kay gikan man ko sa NIT. Dili nimo lisod doolon ug motabang gyud sa mga students.
Lent pa man unta karon pero na una man ug kabanhaw si Pawiks, wala ra ba maghisgot nganong nawala siya sa kahanginan. Usually, kong nagbakasyon siya, iya man gyud nang isulti nga didto ko sa America. Pero basin tinood gyud tingali nga under dialesis na siya mao nga wala lang niya hisgote kon diin siya.
Tuloy na gyud ang atong penitensya kay ang dyablo sa atong lungsod mipatima-aw na pod. Kuarta na pod ang gihisgutan, ingon pa ang demonyo nga nagtental kang Hesus " ihatag ko kanimo ang bahandi sa tibook kalibotan kon mo luhod ka kanako".
Kini si Pawiks dili na kinahanglan nga moluhod pa kay ang demonyo na maoy moluhod sa iya nga bahinan siya ni pawiks sa bahandi nga iyang na corrupt sa Biliran.
Maayo nalang kay nasabtan ni Rep. Chong ang loan nga 150 million nga himoon sa atong bootan daw kuno nga Gov. Doc. Mao kini ang iyang gihisgutan sa RN sa programa ni boy ty and ben ricafort.
kon wala pa kini mabuklo nga loan,
dako na pod unta ang atong utang diin ang mga katawhan ang magbinayad pero ang magpahimolos ani mao ang mga espina ug ang ilang mga aliados.
Ka baga ba gyud ug nawong ning mga buaya karon sa atong probinsya. Sa paghawa ni pawiks sa municepyo sa naval, dako kaayo ta ug utang kay gipalit sa Dam truck ug Fire Truck nga wala ra ba gyoy gamit kay niadtong may sunog sa Naval wala makapawong kay walay nozzle. Ug didto gyud mismo si pawiks maoy naghawid sa water hose aron magpabelieve sa mga tawo kay mag-election man to. Pero gikantyawan sa mga tawo kay hinay kaayo ang tubig mao nga ningpauli nalang si pawiks nga napahiya.
February 11, 2008 2:22 PM
822. anonymous said...
intoy 821:
Kaganina gi discuss man ni JDR, ang popularly known as Darna, ang initiated loan by the government of Biliran under Gov. Roger.
The presentation is objectively good kay para man sa kaayohan sa atong probensya ilabina ang atong hospital. Ang ako lang nga comment, wala pagani ma settle ang problema sa corruption diha sa atong provincial hospital, karon mag loan naman for another corruption. The 50 million intended for the improvement of our Hospital, maayo gani kon naay mga 10 million nga maidapat diha. Ang Espina ra pod ug ang ilang sidekicks ang makinabang. Another 50 million is allocated for low coast housing projects para sa mga government employee, pero im prety sure nga this project para lang pod sa mga empleyado nga identified sa mga Espina.
Pero nganong init gyud ang boot ni REp. Chong ani nga loan kay wala nila pasabta ang mga tawo, naa man untay silay programa diha sa RN ANG SIBYA SA PROBINSYA, pero wala man gyud na nila hisgote bi? Ila lang ning gisekreto maayo nalang kay nasabatan sa atong very energetic representative. Karon lang ni nila gihisgotan sa radio sa dihang gibrought out na ni Rep. Chong.
Ka mga baga gyud ug nawong niining mga panuway!!!
Actually, ganina kay lunch break man that is why i personally heard JDR. Nakatawa lang ko sa iyang pag-ingon nga makig-uban siya kang atty. Chong pagbantay sa niining mga project nga intended ani nga loan para walay corruption nga mahitabo. His statement is very categorical that there were corruption sinvolved in previous government project sa governor. He he he he! si Monggol ra pod ang nagbisto!
Love is like standing in wet cement, the longer you stay the harder to leave and you can never leave without leaving your marks behind.... HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY TO ALL BLOGGERS!!!
Love is a language that every heart speaks, it is an emotion that every heart feels, it is a hope that every heart trusts, it is a vision that every heart dreams, Happy valentine to everybody!
For me, LOVE is not a game that we play on it, but LOVE is a game that take part on it! Have a BLESSED VALENTINES DAY TO ALL FREEDOM FIGHTERS!
Vigilant 823:
Ang lisod lang dinha sa atong hospital kay dili gyud ka makapa-admit diha kon wala kay kuarta. Dili ka pwede mangutang sa ilang pharmacy kay wala daw stock. Pero ang mga tambal tua tanan sa Capitol.
Kon ila nga ipa-upgrade kay magloan mankaha ang governor, samot na nga dili na gyud ta ka patambal diha kay mahal na gyud kaayo.
hasta gyung katawa sa monggol kaganina sa RN! ug ang iya konong pagkinatawa may unod! unsa kaha nga unod? bitaw, tinood man siya. Matud pa sa usa ka panultihon, laughter is a good medecine, but dont laugh alone dahil iba na yan!!!!
unya, iyang gihisgutan ang pagpahinundum sa mga tawo ilabina sa mga batan-on nga dili nila kalimtan nga kon wala ang mga Espina, wala kitay gym, wala masimento ang kadalanan, walay naval mall! Ayon ko ani uy!
Pero, Darna, ayaw pod ug kalimti nga kon wala pa ang kuarta sa Biliran dili makatukod ang governor ug Biliran Garden Resort, kon wala pa ang kuarta sa Biliran, dili maka tukod ug mansyon ang mga Espina, walay mga sakyanan nga nindot ang mga Espina. Mao ng imong tagaan ug dakong bili kay kanang mga project nga imong gihisgutan nga nahimo sa mga Espina, nagtoo kaha ka nga dili na mahimo kon wala ang mga Espina? kabaga gyud nimo ug nawong?
Pero ang tinood lang, kon wala mahimo nga governor si Roger, dili na makatukod ug Biliran Garden Resort!!!!! sa totoo lang! ayaw palabi uy kay wala kay karapatan nga mosulti ana kay dili ka taga Naval, tinood nga napili ka pero imong gibayaran!!!!
Sa tinood lang! mingtaas gyud ang akong dugo sa dihang gi-biay-biay sa bakla nga Darna si Atty Glenn! pwete gyud nakong basula nga naminaw ko sa panuway nga amaw! maayo pa unta ug kilatan ito nga tawo kay walay mudo!
Basin ug kaingon siguro niya kon walay mopusil sa iya. Sa tinood lang, movolunter gyud ko. Ako ang moposil aning bwesit nga JDR!!!!!!!
Alagad ito si Darna, kon mokatawa sama man gyud ug BROHA! bwa ha ha ha ha ha! bagay man pod sa iya! lumabas na ang tunay niyang pagka tao! may lahing demonya talaga! Mga kampon si SATANAS!!!!
Somebody informed me about the statement said by JDR this afternoon during the program of Gerry Sr, Pag-usapan Natin. Daghan bitaw ang na itok sa iyang gipanulti ganina, especially when he maligned our very own Rep. Glenn Chong!
This guy is getting worse, I hope Atty. chong would file him a case, pero ingon man siya nga nangutana land daw siya kon tinood ba nga ang project ni Atty chong nahulugan sa Lube, nabuak na? wala man kuno siya mandaut. Pero, nganong iya manang ipangutana sa kahanginan? i'm sure, he has a malicious intent, so, Atty. chong has a lot of libel ground to sue him!
Ah, dili na diay libelous karon kon mangutana lang, actually wala ko kadungog sa iyang progrma but a friend of mine informed me thru text messages what Darna said yesterday against Atty Glenn. So, naa lang koy pangutana kang Monggol, kay dili bitaw libelous kon mangutana lang ta, di ba?
JDR, tinood ba nga kanang imong igsoon nga si FLOR, ang naminyo sa foreigner, gilomloman ug former priest kaniadto? Kini pangutana lang ang ako kay wala man gyud ko kakita kon nagjerjer ba gyud na sila ni Flor ug ang former priest. Dili sa nako nganlan ang former priest kay nakalimot ko sa nganlan, mangutana pa ko. to be continued pa!
Anonymous 833:
Kaila man ko kon kinsa nang expriest nga giingon mo. If JDR na Monggol will refuse to response, then i will take this opportunity to answer you question. It's the talk of the town mana sa una ba!
Well, you are now the new whistle blower in this blogsite. he he he he!
Anonymous & KKK:
katawa man lang pod ta ninyo uy! tungod sa ka gaga aning bakla nga konsihal jdr pati hinoon ang iyang mga igsoon nadamay. Mao gyud nang hugaw sa politika, sosoriin ang lahat, matira ang matibay at mapahamak pati mga inocente. It is his prize of being BUNGANGERA. Hala bira mga kasama.......
Pwerte gyud nga pangugat ni Darna gahapon sa radyo kay wala man gud mo pirma ang mayor sa gihimo nga petition to approve the 150 thousand loan sa atong gobernador.
Kaingon siguro ni Darna nga mauwat niya ang mayor ana nga loan. ka-uwat niya, kay wala gyud niyay balatian, kita na pod ang mag-abaga sa pagbinayad ana.
anonymous 883
hoy kung kinsa kaman paila.nagpataka ka lang storya ha about sa sister ne konsehal Jun.wala kaman gane nakaila sa priest unya nakastorya ka ana.para lang jud no makapandaut ka sa pamilya ne jdr.demonyo kang dako.paila.sigi kay denamitahon ka namo na ya mga amiga.
d ka dapat padugayonining kalibutana.
834 kkk
talk of the town before?hahaha.wala intawon me nakadungog ana.hingsakay sad ka dah.kadautan na jud ninyo intawon.pangumpisal mo uy.maayo nalang maibanan n ainyo mga sala.
wala nalang jud moy lain mabuhat deria.bisan wala mopaila si kinsa,dapat mauwaw mo sa inyo gpansuwat deria na subra na.walay kamatauran ug wala moy ebedensya.
anonymous 837:
uy nasuko man si miga, nga nangutana man lang gani ko ba? ingon pa ni MOGGOL nga JDR, dili man daw libelous basta mangutana lang. Unya ingon pa jud to siya na "naunsa ba kini si Glenn, nangutana lang gani ko kon tinood ba nga ningliki ang iyang project sa dihang nahulugan sa lubi, unya kasohan naman hinoon ko sa libel". Maayo gani si Atty Glenn kay kasohan lang niya ang MONGGOL pero ikaw kay imo man jud kong ipadelamita basta magpa-ila ko. Hala ka masuko jud ana sa imo si MONGGOL kay bad man ka ba? bad man gani si Atty. Glenn nga iya lang kasuhan ang MONGGOL ikaw pa kaha nga mangdelamita na gyud? Pag-paila pod day ha?
anonymous 838:
Look who is talking? Hain may maayo diri mi magsulti sa internet o sa radio sama sa gibuhat ni JDR nga dinha niya paka-uwawan ang obispo, mga kaparian, ang mayor ug si Rep. chong? abir unsa man imong ika sulti? naa pa koy kuarta nga ikabayad sa Radio anha ko mouslti sa Radio aron isulti ang akong gipangsulat diri. Moingon ka nga hingsakay ko kang anonymous 837, no way, will you mind to read my previous post kon unsay akong gipangsulat mahitungod sa Family ni JDR?
FYI, it's because of my posts that putative was scared to post again!!!
IIWY, you better go to villalon and ask the people there, and the answer of your question is there! dont force me to reveal it in detail! OK ka lang?
yesterday, I was able to listen the program of boy ty and Atty. Chong. Rep. Glenn discussed in details why he is against of the plan by our governor to make this 150 million loan. His points are very valid and convincing. But im sure the governor and Espina dynasty with their allies will do everything to materialize this plan by hook or by crook.
Busa, maayo gyud nga moapil ta ug bantay niini by educating the people that this loan will hamper the economy of our province, then the hospital is no longer for the poor.
Mga Espina dili na ninyo mauwat ang mga tawo karon mosukol na gyud mi...
To all bloggers:
The recent issue of 150 million proposed loans under the provincial government of Hon. Dr. Rogelio Espina, provincial governor, provides confusion among the Biliranons. We need your opinion regarding this matter. Listen to our PODCAST at Homepage and leave comments. Thanks for your continued patronage.
Wow! may podcast na man diay diri, its really good idea aron makadungog pod ta sa ilang ipanulti coz sometimes I dont have time to listen to Rep. Chong kay School days man gud na siya nga especial program. Salamat admin!
Maayo unta kon ato ni siyang maipa-bot sa mga katawhan ilabina sa mga mag-uuma nga walay time maminaw kay tua man intawon sa ilang panginabuhi mao nga permi masunog ang ilang nawong sa kainit sa adlaw.
Klaro man kaayo nga gisulti ni Rep. Chong niadtong sabado nga mao nga nasunog ang iyang nawong kay nag-inspection siya sa iyang mga project. Pero gituis man ni darna ang issue ug iyang gi-ayoayo intawon ug binatabata nga pag-biaybiay kay ninggamit daw ug lotion para moputi mao nga nasunog ang nawong. Tan-awa karon di ning samot kasuko sa iya ang mga tawo.
Didto sa Surigao City may usa ka block timer nga commentator unya naka ihi sa iyang pantalon tungod sa kalisang kay gisulong sa iyang usa ka listener kay nasuko sa iyang gipanulti sa Radyo. Basin mahitabo pod ni sa imo Darna, ayaw ug salig day sa mga Espina kay hapit na matapos ang ilang mga adlaw sa Biliran. Kwanggol gyud kang baklaa ka. Maayo unta ug kilatan ka nga panuway!
My lola told me a while ago that during the sencan gathering, the gov. doc roger was their guest and during his speech he made mentioned that our congressman Glenn chong was doing something to prevent him from performing his development project.
This is a misguided information and totally black propaganda against Atty Glenn. People who are not aware of what is happening in our province like rampant corruption would be deceived. The problem here is that the governor spoke with gripping effects. magaling talaga mag-inartista. Moingon dayon na siya kon naay mangayo ug hinabang " putang ina itong mga pulubi" pero sa atubangan " inay, lola, kumusta na po kayo" then he used to hug them, mo mano pa, damo lang!
Sus, ang kalolowa aning tawhana, wala pa gani mamatay, pero tua na sa emperno! parihas lang ni sila ni monggol!!!!
Mi-ingon man daw ang magaling na governor sa Biliran na kahit ano pa ang gagawin ni Rep. Glenn, no one can prevent him from pursuing that 150 million loan, gagawin raw niya ang lahat na paraan to make the plan materialize by hook or by crook.
wow! kalood gyud paminawon ni JDR nga Monggol kay modonate daw siya ug kuarta para sa simbahan sa Naval. Sus, kini nga bakla dili lang baga ug nawong wala pa gyoy delicadesa kay tapos niya paka-uwawe ang obispo ug ang mga pare, karon iya ng hayloon ug kuarta kay kaingon sigoro niya nga iyang mauwat ang simbahan sama sa iyang pagpanguwat sa iyang mga kauban sa SB.
I will strongly sugggest sa atong obispo nga dili gyud na ipadawat kay after all, iya ra pod ng paninglon kon masuko siya.
Intoy, is that true? o c'mon wala na talagang moral balance si Darna, he is acting as an idiot. Maybe he was enfluenced by PGMA na binibgyan ang mga obispo ng pera para kakampi sa kanya.
Look, nothing is new in politics, everybody is going to be trapo. They are doing eveything to maintain their political status quo.
katawa lang ko ganina ni Monggol kay kalit man lang ningtagalog ug sibya! he he he. Unya ingon pa niya wala daw siya kapaminaw sa programa nila Boy Ty ug Ben Recafort mao nga iyang gipatxt ang mga listeners. Apan human niya ipa togtog ang ilang teamsong ni Eric, ningkalit man lang ug serit pagsulti ug iyang gibirahan pag-ayo si Rep. Chong in tagalog sa gipangsulti ni congressman. So, natingala mi kon diin siya ug information nga wala man siyay gibasa nga txt, as he usually did it? after an hour may nagtxt sa ako nga ang gipanulti ni Darna sa RN is scripted, galing daw sa mabait kuno nga governor doc. Mao diay nga sa iyang pagsugod, nagtagalog na siya para dili mahalata. Talagang gigamit lang nila itong bakla nga Monggol! bat hindi sila ang magsalita???
anonymous 849:
I got a chance to listen JDR yesterday. I was thinking that it was the governor who was speaking over the radio natin dahil ang boses ni JRD parang ang governor talaga. That is why, I have a lot of doubts that JDR is really the unrecognized son of Gerry Sr. Kaya, until now, JDR can't file libel suit against Atty. Chong dahil lalabas talaga ang totoo. Once, JDR bring it to court, the judge will request for DNA test. Then, it will be the time that the truth will come out.
I hope, Admin will podcast that program so that I have a chance to listen to it. Kon totoo man yan na kaboses ni JRD ang governor baka ginagaya lang niya dahil feel na feel man niya nga tawagin siya nga anak ni pawiks. He doesn't care if his mother will be charge as immoral. Anyway, noon pa na man ay talk of the town na that his mother is a SYOTA NG BAYAN. Kaya, siya mismo, kahit anong itawag sa kanya dinedma lang niya talaga. Na imune na siya sa mga moral issues na nasangkotan ng kanyang pamilya
Kining Monggol nga Konsihala is talking without sense. Ingon siya nga si Rep. chong ang angay nga basulon kon dili madayon ang fishport sa Naval para mobarato ang isda. Agoy, yabag gyud! unsa man ang iyang basihanan nga mobarato ang isda kon naay fishport? Kana bitawng merkado, nangutang si lagas para sa extension nga pila to worth 6 million? aron daw maka display ug vegetable product ang taga bukid, karon ang pangutana, ning brato ba ang baligya sa merkado? sus, bisan pag kinsay pangutan-on, wala gyud! Ako pay mayor diha, ipaguba ko na siya kay init kaayo. Wala gyud nay gamit!
Karon moingon si Darna nga mobarato ang isda kon naa nay fisport, mosamot hinoon na ug ka mahal kay simpre pangayoan man gyud ug bayad ang modisplay diha?
Ang pangutana, kinsa karon ang magkabagood ug bayad sa utang?
Ang bungangira nga Bakla sa kahanginan nagyawyaw na pod ug way tumong. Naka dawat daw siya ug more than one thousand ka text ug iyang gipasumanginlan si Rep. Chong nga maoy nanghatag ug laod sa mga tawo aron etext siya. Unsa man lang kahay pagtoo niining baklaa sa mga taga naval, dili maka afford mopalit ug load?
Kay mao manang ilang mga buhat mao nga ila usab ipahid sa mga taga Naval. Ang tawo gani nga guilty, dali gyud moback fire.
Mao bitaw nga sa blogs, tagsa ra gyud nga mga pro Espina ang mo post kay wala may suhol. Dili parihas sa mga freedom fighters nga andam kanunay mogahin ug gamay nga amount to fight for a cause. Tan-awa si PUTATIVE, klaro man kaayo to nga sinohulan kay kong wala pa siya suholi aron lang molaban kang darna, dili to siya moundang ug posts bisan pa ug birahan ang inahan sa nagsweldo sa iya.
There is no point in arguing with people who have bad intentions, and are not very smart. To any unbiased person who stumbles onto this blog - The people who post here say much that is malicious slander, that they do not know to be true - a very evil practice. This blog is the lowest form of interaction (as is the one on BiliranIsland.com).
Puta Talkative 855,
Huwat na lang pag abot sa FBI pag dakop sa imo tungod sa fraud ug uban pang pagkalapas sa inyong balaud. Naglit-ad lit-ad ka na baya ug website, pero sakspan gihapon sa mga freedom fighters dinhi.
pabay-e nalang na si Putative, actually, he doesn't even know what he is saying. He cant even make a distinction bet.good and evil. That is why he accused Rep. Chong as immoral coz he said bad words against JDR like darne, monggol, illigitimate son, etc. and he considered JDR as morally good who used to pick up boys for sexual purposes.
Mao nga wala na siya pansina sa mga freedom fighters diri. His argument is nothing but garbage!!!!
kabati lang gyud nako knag JDR sa RN ug iya na pod nga gi-ayo-ayo ug kulata si Atty. Chong kay dili daw sport nga tawo didto sa fiesta sa Brgy. Anislagan. Wala man gud mogala si Atty. chong sa dihang mi kuracha si Darna. Sila kuno mi Gala sa dihang mi kuracha si Atty. chong. Kay ang tuyo unta mao ang pagtabang dili puro pamolitika lang.
Well, may point man si darna, pero dili kaha ang ila pakitang tao or klaro nga maoy pamolitika lang kay aron ingon sa mga tao nga sport sila nga partido.
Yabag gyud ni nga bakla, kay kuno puro lang pangdaot ang gihimo ni Atty. Chong. Pangdaut diay nang mosulti ka sa tinood? Kay kon dili ni Atty. Chong isulti ang tinood ngadto sa katawhan, siya ra usab ang angay basulon kon magpadayon lang gihapon ang corruption sa mga Espina ug walay gihimo si Atty. Chong aron masumpo kining ilang mga pangpangawkaw sa atong panalapi sa goberno. Kay mao ra ba ning usa sa iyang mga saad nga adunay check and balance sa atong goberno. Mao ning hinungdan nga ako mismo mibuto sa iya kay wala na akoy salig sa dynastiya kay walay check and balance. So karon kanang iyang pagyagyag sa mga panghitabo sa atong polika ilabina sa bando espina nga magloan na usab 150 million usa na sa iyang mga saad nga adunay check and balance sa atong goberno.
just want to comment of what JDR said in RN this afternoon. Ang iya daw nga gipanulti sa Radio is just only a reminder to our congrssman. Really? Darna, dont speak in jest, if you think you can fool us, no way! Kon talagang pagremind lang ang intention mo or nagtatanong kalang, why you have to make it in the radio? pwede mana nimo text kang atty. Chong because you have his cell #? we know your bad intention, gusto mo siyang siraan kahit ang mayor natin. hindi kami mga gago na katulad mo, na ginagamit lang sa mga espina! Tanga!!!!!
pawiks, pataka man lang ka ug sabaay uy! ipasukod gad didto ang project ni Rep. Chong kon unsa ka taas ang gia-bot sa 100 thousand. Then, I will challenge you to make that kind of project with the same amount kon parihas ba ang kalig-on ug katas-on?
Parihas lang mo sa imong anak sa gawas nga si darna, nga pataka lang ug putak!
Sandigan affirms Joey Marquez jail term over broomstick case
03/13/2008 | 12:17 AM
Sa pangalawang pagkakataon, kinumpirma ngayong araw ng Miyerkules, March 12, ng Sandiganbayan Fourth Division ang hatol na "guilty" sa aktor at dating mayor ng Parañaque na si Joselito "Joey" Marquez at tatlong iba pa sa kasong graft.
Nauna nang nahatulan ng guilty sa parehong kaso sina Joey, Silvestre de Leon (city treasurer), Marilou Tanael (city accountant), at Ofelia Caunan (officer-in-charge, general services section) noong Agosto 30, 2007, base sa resulta ng imbestigasyong ginawa ng Commission on Audit (COA) sa bilihan ng mga walis-tingting para sa general services department ng Municipal Government of Parañaque. Naganap ang bilihan mula January 1996 hanggang September 1997. Mayor ng Parañaque si Joey mula 1995 hanggang 1998.
Ayon sa pag-iimbestiga ng COA, lumalabas na overpriced ng P462,708 ang 31,334 na "extra-sized" at 24,098 na "extra-large" na walis-tingting. Dinagdagan ng P4 ang presyo ng "extra-sized" habang P14 naman ang itinaas ng presyo ng "extra-large." Hindi rin diumano dumaan sa regular na proseso ng public bidding ang bilihang nangyari, ayon pa sa COA.
Ang kasong graft ay may kaparusahang anim hanggang sampung taon na pagkabilanggo at pagbabayad sa nawaldas na pera ng gobyerno. May limang bilang ng graft ang bawat isa nina Joey at mga kasama niya.
Kung napriso si Joey Marquez ug mga kauban tungod sa over pricing sa mga walis tingting nga ilang gipalit, im sure nga sunod mapriso itong mga corrupt sa atong province sa Biliran.
Gamay ra gyud unta ni nga kaso ni Joey pero gitinood gyud sa atong justice system. Kon naapiktohan ang kanhi sikat nga artista, unsa pa ka ha kining atong corrupt nga governor DOC ROGER ESPINA ug ang iyang amahan nga si Gerry ug ang ilang mga treasurer ug kauban sa pagpalit nianang over pricing nga mga gamit sa hospital, mga projects ug ang dum track, daghan pa kaayo.
Maayo unta kon maapil usab ning monggol nga bayot nga konsihal JDR aka darna.
Thanks for the update, I know, times will come nga mapriso ra gyud ning mga espina. Karon lang, kapalan gyud sa mukha. The Espina cant argue point by point with the issue presented by Rep. Chong about the 150 million loan. Ang ila lang alibi is because of politics that is why Atty. Chong is doing this.
Tinood gyud nga yabag labina si JDR, coz i was informed that he promise for the trasfarency for this loan. Kon tinood na, ngano man nga dili man niya sulti-an ang governor nga he must open the book of the Capitol's income and expense aron masabtan sa mga tao kon asa naka paingon ang 210 million nga IRRA sa province yearly. Mao ni ang una nga buhaton ni JDR aron maka too ang mga tao sa iyang sincerity.
So, kon magawa ito ni JDR, then, I will campaign for the aproval of this loan.
Kalooy gyud sa governor gahapon uy! apil na si JDR kay gi boooo man sa mga tawo sa Naval during sa consultative meeting para sa himoon nga 150 million loan sa PROLEND.
Natolala man ang governor sa mga pangutana ni Rep. Chong! sus, nahilaw-hilaw ang smile sa bootan daw nga doc gov.
Ang monggol nga konsehala, wala na mosulti ug usab siya man unta ang emcee, iya nalang gihatag kang Aldren kay maayo gyud niya pagka uwawe sa dihang gibooo, he he he he!
Diha mo makita darna kon unsa ang sentemento sa mga taga Naval sa imo. Kaingon siguro nimo kon nalipay ang mga tao sa imo, wala ra ba gyud. Kon ako pa adto, bation nako ug ka-owaw, pero unsaon baga man gyud ka ug nawong!!!
Tamsy 864:
Gahapon ba, suko kaayo ang monggol sa radyo kay wala kunoy batasan ang mga taga Naval kay wala daw respitoe and governor, elected public official daw, unya highest position pa gyud sa atong province.
Diha si darna nasayop, kay dili gyud ko pure nga taga Naval, taga tabok man ko, nia ko dinhi kay nagbusiness. Ang taga Naval is very respectful, peaceful ug friendly. I never heard nga naay balay diri nga batoon or magpinusilay. Adto ka tabok, ilabina sa una, samok kaayo, ilabina sa buhi pa si anghen manly enage ug ang iyang igsoon, may they rest in peace. Daghan kaayo ng diha sa tabok nga mga hawod kaayo, bisan karon. Sa Maripipi, pila ka pari didto ang gibato. Pero diri sa Naval, wala gyud ko ana ka obserbar nga mga panghitabo. Kon gibastos man ang governor gahapon sa NIT, he deserved it ilabina si JDR.
I was listening to JDR yesterday and his subject matter was about the report concerning the poverty incident of our province as it was reported that we are dramatically improving economically. Well, the truth of the matter is that, who made this report? What are the bases? JDR was overwhelmed with this nonsense report. This is in relation with the national report that our country is economically growing. However, there is a lot of objection coming from the people that the economic growth is only in the media but until now, the people are living in the fang of starvation. This kind of report attracted a great deal of people negative comment.
Then, JDR said that we must be objective every time we make some negative comments to our government especially to the Espina family, kay dili daw mouswag ang atong ecomiya kon corrupt pa ang mga Espina. Well, let us consider nga tama ang report about the economic progress of our province but we must also consider the economic growth of the Espina Family. If the espina is not corrupt, then, the economic growth of our province had increase more and more not only twice but ten times.
I cant really understand what kind of moral judgment JDR has it. He cant even find any negative side of the espina government. He is always showing to the public that they are good and honest leaders. This kind of behavior something I find frightening because his moral values are defective or shall we say having a moral disorder. I believe a safe and prosperous country must be built upon the foundations of good moral values. Whether helping achieve this means by being objective or by some other means, it needs to be addressed.
Kumbati, mao bitaw nga ako motoo jud sa mga sinasabi nila boy ty ug ben ricafort nga ito si Darna yabag jud. Ingon pa nila ang guitar nga yabag na bisan unsaon ug angay yabag jud. Anyway, he grew-up with an immoral family kaya you can't expect a good fruit from bad tree.
The easter message you had posted here is very dramatic and very suitable in our present situation in Biliran. I was realy touched especially when you singled out the death of DP. I do hope that his brutal death will not happen again. I know, it was politically motivated. I know Rep. Chong is doing his best and his political motivation is unselfish interest coz he stands on the side of the people, but the life and leadership of of DP is irreplaceable. If it is impossible to attain justice here on earth, im sure, there will be justice in heaven. Happy Easter to all!
Happy Easter...
Easter is a time of love,
of family, and of peace.
It is a time when we say
a quiet thanks for all that we have
and for all that the future holds.
Easter is a feeling in our hearts
of hope and faith and trust.
It is a day of miracles;
a day when our dreams seem a little closer;
a time of retrospection for what has been, and anticipation of all that will be. And it is a time for remembering with love and appreciation the people in our lives who make a difference...
people like you.
Alagad ito si Aldrin, kon magsalita maayo lang mamantay sa kang Atty Chong, boy ug ben. Ingon pa niya nga undangan na unta ang pagdina-utay sa politika kay mao untay onahon ang mga programa sa governon. Unya iya pa gyud nga gidayed si Gov. Roger " O paminawa ninyo si governor, ang iyang gihisgutan dinhi mao ra gyud ang iyang mga programa sa capitolyo" unya ang governor nga bootan, ming dako pod ang atay. Pero ang sunod nilang gihisgutan mao ang mga scholors sa Ched nga wala na daw makapadayon sa ilang scholor grant kay dili tawo ni Rep. chong.
Kon atong tan-awon pag-ayo, dili ba pagpangdaut mani sa atong congressman?
Aldrin uy, tagae naman ug unod ang imong gipanulti nga dili ta magdinautay aron usab ang mga kabataan nga naminaw sa imo, makatoo sa imong mga gipanulti. Ikaw ra baya ang nag-ingon nga dili maayo nga sumbanan sa mga kabataan kon permi lang ta magdinautay sa radio?
kon dili pa mo mang daut kang Atty. Chong, nganong imo mang gi-anounce sa una nga ang iyang ig-agaw nangrape?
Kamo raman ng kusog mangdaut diha ba? si Atty Chong iya lang gitubag ang inyong mga accusation sa iya. Yabag man diay gyud ka nga tao!
Tabili 870
wa ko kadungog ganiha da sa sibya nila gob.sayang kaau,
pero ang akong nahibaw an hungihong sa pagkatawo ni Aldrin,.na kung ma high gali na siya sa druga, mangulata ug asawa,.mao sa na ako ikasulti sa karon.
Anonymous 871:
Sa ato pa tinood diay gyud na nga tsismis nga ito si Aldrin ba addict! Oh no.... ka ingon man ko man ba ug tarong ito na tao kay kon manulti mora man ug maykalidad. Unya unsa ba diay nga addict man kaha ug mangolata pa, Agoyyyyyy! pwerting dimalasa baya sa asawa no?
For heaven sake, sana ito ang unahin ni JDR pag invistigate, di ba? Hala baya, maayo unta kon masabtan ito ni miss trani kay siya man ang head sa DSWD para iyang maprotectahan ang asawa kay buttered wife man diay ni.
Tamsy 872:
Si aldrin dili na tinood na taga Caraycaray,dili sad na taga isla sa Biliran, taga Tacloban na siya...
Ang asawa ra ana niya ang nagpakaon sa iyaha,na naa sa fisheries nagwork isip guidance councilor, niya kulatahon pa jud niya, Ka way uwaw jud,niya karon kay nakadikit lagi sa capitolyo,feeling dakong tawo na sad.
pagkapait ning dili taga isla sa biliran ang manghawod sa atong lugar.
Anonymous & Tamsy:
I know Aldrin personally. I met this guy many times. What i knew is that, he is not only a drug user but drug pusher too. Dont expect that Jun del Rosario will investigate this matter because they belong to same group. Kanang iyang programa nga "BAD ka GOOD ka" is only intended for the opposition. Once he will notice that there are drug pusher or user who are supporters to Rep. Glenn, then that is the time he will make action against it. Tan-awa ra kon unsay nahitabo sa sabong, ang iyang giparaid ang ila ra ni Charlie? naay mga illegal gumbling diha, like in Higatangan, that is every sunday afternoon. Karon, iya bang giparaid?
Anonymous 873:
Hoy tinood ka nga ang guidance councilor sa fisheries, si Joy Caing, asawa diay na ni Aldrin, nganong Aldrin J man lagi na siya? dios meo, ka iro naman ito nga babae, guidance councilor pa na man hiya, pamsibag wife man hinoon. Asa naman nakapaingon ang iyang guidance counseling!
Kumbati 874:
bahin anang sabong,
naa poy sabong naa sa biliran , every saturday to siya, kana ganing pangadto nata sa leyte2, bag o ta mosaka sa bilran bridge, lingi sa imong tuo, naa kay makita na buwangan diha.ambot kung illegal bana siya pero matud sa mga sabongero, tari2 ra kuno na. kusog ang tari diha kay naa ang banga, taga leyte,calubian,ug tag biliran.
wa jud ko kadungog na gi mention an ni Jun del rosaryo.pwede ba diay duha ang buwangan sa biliran?
kumbati,intoy & Tamsy
Kana si Aldrin,mao na palabi jud na ug papel sa Gobernor, kay wa manay lain kapasi ingnan, Huna hunaa baya ninyo pag maayo, syudad jud ng tacloban, daghan ug mga opportunity didto, pero wa jud siya ...Iya jud gipili diri sa atong probinsya...
Kada paghot anang Aldrin sa radyo,duna pod nay siyay gasang makuha sa Gobernor.Ningkamot jud na siya ug dayeg bisag di na angay idayeg, Saon nala kung wa siya makuha suportar sa Gobernor, wa na sad iyang bisyo...labi na siguro ug mawala na sa pwesto si Gob, Asa nala kaha na siya ibutang...
Di ba hilig si Gobernador sa termino na PERA LANG ANG KATAPAT...
Iyang mga suporters naka ingon ana kay di man manglihok kung way kwarta...so mao na ang iyang mga SUPORTERS maapil sa tawag PERA LANG ANG KATAPAT...PAghot Aldrin para daghan ka ug kwarta ...
Intoy 875
Screen named ra ng Aldrin J..
pero CAing jud apelyedo anaa.
Para niya siguro nindot pamation ang b Aldrin J...shortcut mana siya sa ALDRIN JOLOG or ALDRIN JOMOLS heheheehe
Thanks sa mga info mo. alagad ito si Aldrin, kon magsalita parang sino. Sering pa niya kay miss trani sa una nga maayo daw ang ginagawa sa DSWD dahil ilang gitagaan ug dakong pagtagd ang mga youth para dili raw ma biktema sa mali na landas, katulad ng drug addiction. Itong mga torotot sa mga espina puro walang mga credibility lalo na si monggol.
Sabi nila galing raw ito si aldrin nagtrabaho sa bombo radyo, tinood ba to?
Hello guys!
Sa una sa diha pa ko sa Naval, nakita nako ini si Aldren, sa iyang panagway daw may pagka addict gyud. Kay, sa boarding haus, na koy mga kaboardmate nga mga drug users. Kon ma high nagani sila, mausab gyud ang hitsura. Thats why im so familiar with the drug addict physical appearance.
That is why, i have a lot of reasons to agree of what Tabili said na walang mga credibility ang mga torotot sa mga Espina. Kay ang ilang gipanghire nga mga body guards puro man mga exconvicts.
Sabi pa ni Darna, wala tay enough evidence nga ang mga espina ang nagpapatay kang DP. But if we look at it in a deeper sense, kon wala pa i-hire sa mga espina si Gene corpin, dili unta to maka puyo sa Naval. Ang mga Espina ang nagdala kang Gene diri sa Naval mao dapat sila ang manubag sa kamatayon ni DP.
Kanang gi panghire na mga drug addict ug ex convict sa mga Espina, gituyo na nila aron ang mga tawo mangahadlok...Usa pa kanang mga klase sa tawo na ilang gipanghire, EXPENDABLE,boot pasabot pwede ra nila pasagdan or ipapatay sad kung daghan ng mga anomaliya na masabtan kuntra sa ilaha or di na nila kinahanglanon ang serbisyo...
Ang ilang main purpose ra jud diha na mahimo na kahadlokan sila sa mga tawo sa probinsya sa biliran. Pina agi sa kahadlok sa tawo ngadto kanila , tahuron ug ludhan sila sama sa Diyos.
Mao diay nga pag-abot na sa mga Espina sa Biliran, ang Shabu over the counter na. Diha sa terminal, ang shabu, harap-harapan gud edeal, labina sa una sa mayor pa si gerry bak. Lantaran gyud ang ka walang hiya. Mao,nga ginsuka na gyod sa mga taga Naval kining mga espina pero ila gyud nga ipugos ang ilang kaugalingon. pabagaay lang ug nawong ba!
Mao nga ang ilang mga tawo buntot na buntot gyud sa ila kay aron hayahay ang 15-30. Sip-sip gyud taman sa ginhawa, bahala ug unsay mahitabo naa bitaw madawat kada kinsina.
Kining klase nga mga tawo, ang ilang kaluluwa nag-una na sa emperno..... mga bwsit gyud!!!!
Intoy 882
Bahin anang 15-30 na imo gikalagutan, Mao ng klase sa tawo na ang gihuna huna ang ila rang kaugalingon. Mura ba ug di magpakakaon or mabuhi kung dili makasandig ug goberno. Mga hubya na silang dagko, dili gusto na mogawas ilang singot,Gusto lang magdinawat ug limpyo na way trabaho gibalyo para sa kaayuhan sa tanan.
Ang akong nasayaran sa kadaghanan na membro anang 15-30,mao nay tigreport sa gobernador kung unsa nay lakang na gihimo sa grupo ni Rep Chong. Silbi murag mga espiya kuno..Bisag utot isumat aron la may ika report.Nagdugang la na paghatag ug kasamok sa katilingban.
Karon ang ilang gidaut pag-ayo kang Rep. Chong ang mga schollor sa ched kay gicut-off man ang ilang schollorship. For me
dapat lang dahil mga walang modo. Alam na nilang iba na nganyon ang congessman, adto pa gihapon sila dikit-na-dikit sa mga espina
rs 884
Bisag ako uyon man sad ko ana ba, Dili sa tanan panahon magpaka ayo si Rep Chong sa mga wa molaban kaniya...Naa mga tawo sad si Rep Chong na naghuwat na maka avail ana na scholarship..So sila na sad ang tagaan ug pabor...mao nay gi ingon weather weather lang...
RS ug anonymous:
Korek jud mo. Bitaw, i know the wisdom of ni Atty. Chong nganong iya ng gibuhat.
Karon tan-awa, pwerte gyud nilang pangugat ug pakadaut kang kant Atty. Chong. Ilang gigamit ni nga propaganda to destroy his credibility. Daghan na nagtabang sa iya karon, naay duha ka bag-o nga mga asungot ra ba ug batasan...Timbangan sa katarungan daw. PWEEEE, ang angay itawag ani timbangan nga walay katarunga!!!
May gipatay diay sa Caibiran si Dr. Ramirez. she was killed brutally. The suspect is not yet known but there is a theory that she might be killed because she refused to let a patient use the ambulance that result to this patient's death. Let us pray for the repose of her soul.
Tabili 879:
Kini si Aldrin tinood nga nagtrabaho ni sa Bombo radyo and he was kicked out because of drug addiction. Then, he was the first DJ sa bag-o pa ang RN sa Naval but because of some anomaly, he was kicked out again. Then, he was hired by the espina to anchor "Pag-usapan Nila". Now, he has no other source of income for his vices like shabu or mariwana that is why he did everything to impress the governor. dili lang sipsip, hithit pa!
Kumbati 887
Ang akong nahibaw an na storya bahin sa kamatayon ni Dra, Ramirez, na gihold up ni siya sulod sa ilang panimalay..The following night didto na sad sa Cabucgayan,ilado na negosyante ug brgy captain karon, mao na sad gisaka ilang balay, apan kay nakabantay ug nakasinggit ang asawa, mao wa nadayun ang pagpanulis.Pero usa na nahitabo may gisaka na na balay sa may balaquid,gitulis sad siguro,nahitabo ni sabado santo.
So magmatngon jud tang tanan karon kay lisod ning sunod sunod na tulis.
God Bless To All
Sigurado ka?
kay ang akong nadungog nga balita, wala man daw kawat or rape nga nahitabo? so ang intention gyud is patay! anyway, salawat sa update!
KAdtong akong gipost no 889.
mao tong version na akong nabitaan na storya bahin sa kang Dra..
Bahin atong panghitabo sa cabucgayan , murag tinood jud to kay pulis man ang nag storya.
Anonymous 891:
Kon totoo man ito na robbery ang hinungdan sa kamatayon ni doctora Ramirez sa caibiran ug may mga robbery pa nga nahitabo sa cabucgayan ug balaquid, nagkagrabe na diay gyud ang crimen sa Biliran. Sa una ang kasagaran nga mga hold-up sa bus, diha raman sa may palarao, Leyte. Pero karon, grabe na gyud ka lala ang situation. Kini nga hitabo tungod sa mga goons sa mga Espina. Ang tulis bitaw sa Naval nga mga tawo sa Espina ang nagbuhat wala namay kaso ron kay gimaniho man sa mga Espina.
Recently, Roger Espina gave information during his program Sibya sa Provincia that he is willing to give 100,000 pesos as a reward to those who can testify in regards to the crime committed during the brutal death of Dr. Ramirez in Caibiran. The governor is very much willing to address this issue with so much concern in order that the suspect will be captured immediately. However, when the crime of robbery came about in Naval, 4 years ago, and the perpetrator were the goons of the Espina, the governor issued a non-persona grata to professor Borinaga who made the report to the national newspaper. Then, he used his money and power in order to solve the crime immediately as nothing happened.
Alagad naman itong mga anchors sa bagong programang Timbangan sa Katarungan morag mga kinsa ba kon mag sulti mora ba ug mga tarong na tawo. Ito si Jerome Arcenal dili gyud ko familiar ani pero ako siyang nakita kay kauban man ito sa mga nagdiscurso sa kampo ni Atty. Chong. Pero ito si George Manco, kaila ko ani kay PFT ni siya. Unya karon usa na sa motimbang sa katarungan. He he he he!
Halata kaayong mga pro-espina uy! Neutral daw sila, mao ba? Ug ila gyud nga gibatan ang atong congressman kay wala niya padayona ang mga scholars nga mga tawo sa mga espina. Puro lang daw pamolitika.
Baya kamo mga timbangan sa katarungan, mas macharge natin si Atty. Chong na permi lang namolitika kon ipadayon ang pag grant ug scholarship aron mopabor sa iya. Parihas ba sa inyo, Jerome ug George nga sa una, opposition pero karon mga pro na kay nabayaran man gud! Mao ng ngil-ad nga pamaagi. Ka wala baya ninyoy insaktong pag-iisip. Tama gyud ang giingon ni Tamsy 886, nga ito ang timbangan nga walay katarungan!!!!!
aron makapaminaw sad ko.
Siguro mas maayo ning Timbangana ipacheck sa DTI kay basi ug limbungan sad kaayo.
anonynous 895:
He he he he! ang Limbongan nga Timbangan sa Katarungan mosibya na sila every Monday and Friday at 11:30 AM. Karon morag wala sila ka sibya kay brown out sa Naval. Dia man gud ko sa Tacloban kaya dili ko sigurado, pero pag-alis ko ganina sa Naval brown out man.
Dili na kinahanglang nga ipa DTI pani sila kay klaro man ang imong giingon nga limbogan nga timbangan. .. ang ilang gitimbangtimbang ani ang mga binuhatan lang ni Rep. Chong.
Holy smoke! si Jerome naay timbangan sa katarungan nga programa sa RN? what a hek? i know this guy dahil classmate mi sa una sa NIT. He is very assertive but his ideas are often times sharply crooked. Trying hard gyud! I have some suggestions to him, Mas mayo siguro nga unahon niya PAGTIMBANGTIMBANG ANG IYANG PAGKATAWO KON UNSA GYUD SIYA TINOOD BA NGA LALAKE OR LALAKWE!
Salamat sa info about sa oras,.
Matay gitabangan man ang usa ka radio program ni Rep Chong ug 3...Dak an jud sila ug gasto aron tumbahon ang programa ni rep Chong...
MAs maayo siguro icombine nala nila ng tulo na radyo program...
USAP USAPA NINYO ANG TIMBANGAN NA LIMBUNGAN hosted by : Aldrin Jomols/Jologs with the Badings hehehehe
FYI, hito si George Mangco, tinood nga membro sa parish formation team (PFT), pero kon magpahayag sa iyang topic, mali-mali. sooner or later tatangalin na hito, ilabina kay naa na siyay kaugalingong timbangang guba!
Mauwaw naman gud ni siya permi mangayo ug tabang kang fr. Marvyn sa medecina, amo nga adto napod nagsip-sip sa governor aron ma membro sa 15/30 club.
I heard some reliable informations that TIMBANGAN SA KATARUNGAN came to existence dahil nakita ng mga Espina na wala ng credibility si JDR as what happened during sa open forum about prolend last March 16, nga gi boooo si JDR sa mga tao sa naval.
It was an eye opener sa mga Espina lalo na kang JDR mismo na walang naniniwala sa kanyang mga sinasabi sa RN. so, now medyo kalmado na mananalita ang maldeta!
Iba na man ang version nga narinig ko. Medyo kalmado na mag putakputak si Darna kay nahadlok nga madayon ang recall. Pero bisan ug mohilak pa siya, plansado na ang plano para sa iyang recall. Sa pagkakaron, ila pang gitimbangtimbang pa(dili ang mga sira nga timbangan) sa atong mga oposition leaders kon hutdon ba pagrecall ang tanan nga mga pro-espina nga SB.
So, mao nga wala sa mag-ingay ng husto ang monggol... he he he!!!!
Empogs & Intoy:
I am convinced with the informations you guys posted here.
First, JDR had realized that his improper attitude over RN is making him unpopular. It means, he is wasting time and money because his effort to become popular has negative effects. BTW, he used to say quoting PGMA, I rather be right than popular. Tama naman to, pero bakit ibinigay niya ang microphone kay Aldrin during the consultation last March 14 in NIT, when they people shouted to him boo, boo, boo? Then, since that time, he never spoke anymore! If he is not after of popularity, why he kept on talking over RN? Pwede naman siyang magtrabaho as SB na hindi mag-ingay. Bakit sabihin niya palagi na ito ang mga nagagawa ko? Masyado siyang hambog, kaya maraming galit sa kanya. I know that because I talked with a lot of Navalians many times. siguro, out of ten people that I asked about their sentiment to JDR, mabuti may isa na pabor sa kanya. Now, he become aware of these negative effects.
Secondly, kon matuloy man ang recall, sigurado ako na kinabahan na siya ngayon. The Navalians who shouted boo to him is a sign that they are willing to disregard him if he will be recalled. So, he has to buy vote again in order to win. But, how about if his opponent will also use money, naku, doon siya popolutin sa kangkongan.
Kaya dapat lang tumahimik siya, ako mismo mag campaign against him. kon pwede magbibigay ako ng pera para lang walang bubuto sa kanya, i will do that. He is nothing but like a pharisee!!!!
tama ka rin! maayo unta kon mata-uhan ang gaga! Pero kinaiya na gyud na ni JDR. I know him bacause our barangay is not far from barangay villalon. Talagang mayabang yan, pero may ikabuga naman. Hindi katulad ni Jerome Arcenal na mayabang pero walang ika buga. Pero mayroon silang semilarity, puro sila mga berde ug dugo at they belong to mahangin family. Kaya tama yong sinasabi nila na "birds with the same feathers are the same birds."
Sabi ni Atty. Chong, itong mga Scholars sa CHED nga na cut-off na, Dili raw niya kini sayop kay wala man daw modool sa iya. Unya ayha ra nag-ingay sa dihang na naputol na. Kini nga mga studyante, klaro man kaayo nga mga tawo ni sa mga Espina kay dili mani sila ma dawat sa scholarship program kon walay recommendation sa POGE president kay usa mana sa ilang mga requrements.
Klaro gyud uy nga ila ning gituyo sa mga Espina nga macut-off aron madaut si Rep. chong. That is a dirty tactic in a political gimmick.
Joe, ka dakog kamatooran kanang imong gipanulti. Kon ato bitaw ayohon ug tan-aw kining mga gipamuhat sa mga Espina, ka walay insakto nga panlantaw para sa kaayohan sa atong probinsya. Kon wala gani kaayohan nga ilang mapaabot dili gyud na nila buhaton. Kinahanglan nga aduna silay makita nga makaayo sa ilang political interest.
Kay kining issue sa mga scholars, angay unta nga sila mismo ang moadvice sa mga kabataan nga moduol sila personally kang Rep. Glenn aron maapil sila sa budget sa iyang gilaan nga kuarta para scholarship. Pero usaon man nga mao may ilang gilantaw ang unpopularity ni Rep. Glenn para sila ang mosikat, mao nga ila lang nang gidramma ug ayo, Ka wala intawon mga balatian....
To all bloggers:
kindly listen the new RN program Timbangan sa Katilingban published at Podcast just click "Bidlisiw"
naunsa man tawon ningtimbangan na limbungan,
nganong migamit man sila ug ben ug boy na pangalan,,,wa man silay originality,maglibog ning tawong magpakabati labi na jud ng wa nagpakaila sa tingog sa tinood na boy ug ben.
Dili lang ni sila timbangan nga limbaungan, timbangang guba pa gyud. Tan-awa ra, kon insakto pa sila, ila untang adisan ang mga kabataan nga modool kang Atty. Chong dili kay si Atty. Chong ang modool sa ila?
Karon pa ko kadungog nga ang applicant maoy doolon dili maoy modool. Baliktad na diay kay ang mais maoy modool sa manok!
Sakto jud ka,Nalooy la jud ko sa mga bata na maoy ilang gipang gamit,gisakyan jud nila pag ayo.Kana sang ilang mga scholars sa mga espina,ila man sad ng gihashasan pagmaayo kung klaro jud na dumadapig ang tawo sa ilaha,mga recomendado na sa ilang mga baryo captain,usa nila dawaton, Wa nila tan awa ang kabutang sa usa ka lumolopya kung usa ang ilang kabutang aron maka avail ani na scholarship.
ntoy and anonymous:
klaro man kaayo nga kining ilang gihimo sa Timbangan yabag ay para panglawgaw sa opposition group. Kay kana lang paggamit sila sa ngalan ni Boy ty ug Ben Recafort klaro man kaayo nga gusto nila madestroy ang credibility nila. Sa akong timbang-timbang mga yabag gyud. maayo pud nga napodcast na diri kay ato pod nga timbang-timbangon ang mga kina-iya niining mga tawhana.
Another episode of Bidlisiw is available in our Podcast. kindly listen and make comments.
Erratum: That is today april 12, 2008 and not April 11. The recorded program was only forwarded to us and I dont have any idea on how to rename it. Thanks for your continued blogging. More power to all!
katapos ko lang napakinggan ang Timbangan na limbunga sering pa ni anonymous 907. Alagad itong mga tawhana ka walang delikadisa. Hindi lang yabag lantanran pa sa kawalang hiya. Maupay siguro na timbangon una nila ang kanilang mga sinasabi bago sila magtimbang sa uban. Dapat siguro na ilang ibigay ang kanilang mga Cell # kay ito si George Mangco, dalawang # ang nakuha ko pero puro cant be reached. Ito namang Jerome, hidi ko ito kilala pero hindi pala ito taga Naval, from Maripipi. Ano naba ang nahinabo sa lugar natin puro naman mga dayuhan ang nagdala ug samok.
The episode of Bilisiw is now properly correted from previous title April 11 to April 12. Thanks to our sponsor, more power!
Sus, ka klaro man gyud sa pamahayag ni Rep. Chong. Isakto gyud bitaw nga wala siyay labot sa mga scholars nga nabelong sa 5th batch ug 6th batch kay kada batch naa mana silay kaugalingon nga budget alloted until matapos ang ilang curso. Mao gyud ning klaro nga pagpangdaut kay ila gyud ning gituyo para madestroy ang popularity ni Rep. Chong pero dili gani nila majustify kining ilang gibuhat sama ra sa nagkuha ug bato ang mga Espina ug gilabay sa ilang ulo. Mao, abangan ang musonod nga mga kabanata, he he he!!!
New episode of Pag-usapan Natin by JDR is now available at Podcast.
Kung kinsa tong nakapaminaw sa latest podcast ni JDR,inyong mabati na namulitika na jud sila,silbi murag ba ug nagsugod na sila ug pangumpanya na dugay pa man unta ang eleksyon,pina agi anang ilang gi ingon na FOGE.
Daghan na kaayo sila ug grupo, naa pay silay DOK RABit 4H club.Niya mahinumduman la nila ning ilang grupo na gitukod kung ti eleksyon na, KAron mura man ug nabag o ang dagan, hingusog na sila sa ilang mga grupo na buhion.
Naunsa ba ang timbangang Limbungan mora man ug high c benjaay kay dako man kaayo ug tingog sa radio. Tinood gyud tingali nga drug addict ning tawhana. Kaingon gyud siguro niya ug inila na kay daghan man maminaw ang mga tawo sa iya. Feeling sikat na gyud siya kay siya man ang topic ron sa mga taga Naval.
sikatsupoy intawon ka day jeronema, nabwesit ang mga tawo sa imo uy! ka wala bay hinungdan sa mga tawo nga gipanghire sa mga Espina, kon dili mga exconvic, mga drug addict ug bakla man pod. Kaingon ko man to ug malinaw na ang Naval aky tahimik na si monggol, nia man pod ning bilyon nga dako!
Ask lang ko kon ngano nga wala maka podcast ang episode sa Timbangan sa Katilingban last monday?
anonymous 916:
Sa kadaghan sa mga gipanulti ni JDR sa Radyo adto pang sabado nga gipanulti niya ang tinood ug katoohan. Maayo nalang nga naka podcast na diri. Kay tinood gyud tong iyang giingon nga si Gerry Espina sama lang sa usa ka liso nga gitisok sa Biliran ug karon dako na nga kahoy ug naka pangugat ug ayo. Kay sa ilang pag-abot diri sa una, nangabang lang ug pinuy-anan, ang sirvice nga sakyanan kagang-kagang pa. Ang body guard intawon unsa lang ug medyo gulang na. Karon, after 12 years sama na sa dakong kahoy kay may mga palasyo na ug mga mahalon nga sakyanan. Luwag na kaayo ug kayutaan dinhi sa Biliran. Ug silay nagdumala sa dagkong position sa governo.
Dili kaha sila maulaw ana nga ila nalang tanan. Agap ug hakog sa pangatungdanan. Kining FOGE, ila man lang ning gigamit para sila permi ang naa sa power aron usab sila permi ang maghawod sa Biliran. Mga wala gyuy owaw...
alagad ito si JDR very proud pa gyud nga iyang gisulti nga from Pawiks, damo ang nagawa, nakagawa ng congressman, governor, mayors ug consihal. Kini mao ang iyang mga anak. Ka grabe no! waray gyud na sila ma-awod. Hain naman kaha ang delicadisa sa mga taong ito!
Ay sus! mga gago bitaw ning mga member sa foge dahil nagpagamit lang. gihimo lang silang puhonan sa mga espina, tan-awa unsay ingon ni monggol 51% lang ang ilang kinahanglanon nga membro. Sa ato, ila lang gi-ayo ug bolada ning mga tawhana aron ikang mailad. Mga tanga gyud, ambot asa kaha ang boot naka paingon....
Anonymous 919:
Actually we got the copy of the episode Timbangan sa Katilingban last Monday but we refused to publish it because the hosts of the program has no professionalism. The impact is very demeaning and it is not worth listening too. Not even qualify to put it in the recycle bin but good enough to put it inside the trash can. ( note: to open new comments, just click new, newest below)
You made a wise decision. It's good that you did not publish it because I heard that Jerome Arcenal was shouting over RN while he confronted Rep. Chong about the issue on the scholarship. This guy is having no voice modulation when it comes to broadcasting. This is a classic example of irresponsible journalism.
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