The most drammatic success in our history as a young province was the recent May 14 election. Our Biliran voters in exercising their right to vote expressed their sentiments in a mature and valiant manner.
And so, the result of the latest election, contained a simple but very poweful message: " if you respect my peso....
Fathers, victims of genocidation
However, as children in the world rejoice with their respective father, it is sad to contemplate that here in Biliran, 2 families have mourned because of the brutal killing of their father. Their lives had not been spared from any political problems that provide great havoc in our peaceful place. One of the many unfortunate, regrettable aspects of the tragic events of June 7th, 2008 besides the fact that two people have lost their lives. more
We, the Clergy and faithful of the Diocese of Naval, would like to express our strongest condemnation to the lies peddled by Stephen Greinke against the bishop of Naval, the Most Rev. Filomeno G. Bactol, D.D.
Last January 2, 2008, Stephen Greinke, in a nationally televised network, has accused the bishop of sexually molesting young boys. We are aghast at this accusation because the bishop is a person of integrity whose ministry of 40 years (15 years in the seminary as formator, 7 years as Pastor, and 18 years as Bishop of Naval) has never been enmeshed in any controversy, much less scandal. We are appalled even more at the brazermess of Greinke as to impute upon the good name of the bishop the very same crime he was accused of doing against innocent young boys in the very Association he bas come to found, purportedly to proclaim the love of God only to find out it has become a trap for his sexual perversions! Such lies therefore that he has concocted can anly come from a heart whose hatred is as deep as his own twisted understanding of what is good and moral. ..... more
From Advent through Christmas to New Year - a message from
The Advent season is a special time in our Christian community and a perfect time to preparation to celebrate for the birthday of Christ. As we once again prepare to celebrate the feast of Christmas, we are reminded of God’s great love for us. More importantly, the feast of Christmas is a very special occasion and a time for us not only to reflect on Jesus’ love for us but also to respond to his love by demonstrating love for our fellow men and women. May the expressions of goodwill and the gifts that we exchange be the outward manifestation of that love. more...
CEBUANO KO BAI! ( author unknown)

Kung mao nay ilang buhaton, daghan ang ilang pusilonon. Tiaw ba nang 6 ka diskumpyadp nga kandidato pagka mayor ang nag file na ug protesta. Wa pay labot sa mga dungganan nga mga tawo nga nagpirma ug affidavit bahin sa limbong.
Nahimo to nila ang pamusil kang anhing Gob. Danny, kay mora ug siya ra man to ang nag insistir pag palabaw sa iyang ulo. Pero karon daghan na.
Tama ka rin, pero ang concern sa mga espina karon mao lang governor ug congressman. Wala ta kasabot kon kinsa ila target kay may mga security man sila mano charlie at Glenn.
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