May 13, 2010
( 05-16 @ 2:45 pm) gudnews mga kaubn. Msumat na c lucy curso sa mga anumaliya sa mga espina ky ngmahay ky wa cya maapil sa limbong. Plz pas 2 n4rm sa a2 mga kaubn
( 05-15 @ 10 PM) itong txt messages na nagkalat tungkol sa rcounting in tacloban, pakana lang ito ha mga spina para kumalma ang mga supporter ni Glenn. Pag-abot sa tacloban nag inventory lang sa pcos machine. that's y nalamn na kulang hin duha. no invalidation of proclmation was made by comlec ha pagka govenor and congrssman ha duha ka espina. tuloy parin ang ligaya sa spina dynasty. plz pass.
(05-14-9:30 PM) Latest devlpment, proclaimation ha espina as governor and congrssman gi-invalid sa comelec, regional countng sa comelec: Glen leading +10t, mano Charlie +5t, counting pending 2 pkas machine missing. Now, glen suporters intercepted 2 pcos mchine frm cawayn brought by cevilians. Ginbabagan nira ang van nga ginkargahan. ada na sa municepyo ha naval, ready for counting. damo tawo sa municepyo yna.
mga biliran0n asya ini an b0t0s han a2n c0ngresman ngan g0vern0r gkan s tacl0bn s PRC "äGLEN CH0NG-39,649,R0GER ESPINA-29,578, G0VERN0R CHARLIE CH0NG-31,106, GERRY ESPINA-25,583..T0TAL Han c0ngressman 79,862,g0vern0r 76,058....(69,000 over all an b0to hn biliran0n, ngan0 hin ab0t man hn 79,000, so bli ngean 10,000 an mga flying v0ter's nga nka b0t0s h bilirin! Plz pass
The most drammatic success in our history as a young province was the recent May 14 election. Our Biliran voters in exercising their right to vote expressed their sentiments in a mature and valiant manner.
And so, the result of the latest election, contained a simple but very poweful message: " if you respect my peso....
Fathers, victims of genocidation
However, as children in the world rejoice with their respective father, it is sad to contemplate that here in Biliran, 2 families have mourned because of the brutal killing of their father. Their lives had not been spared from any political problems that provide great havoc in our peaceful place. One of the many unfortunate, regrettable aspects of the tragic events of June 7th, 2008 besides the fact that two people have lost their lives. more
We, the Clergy and faithful of the Diocese of Naval, would like to express our strongest condemnation to the lies peddled by Stephen Greinke against the bishop of Naval, the Most Rev. Filomeno G. Bactol, D.D.
Last January 2, 2008, Stephen Greinke, in a nationally televised network, has accused the bishop of sexually molesting young boys. We are aghast at this accusation because the bishop is a person of integrity whose ministry of 40 years (15 years in the seminary as formator, 7 years as Pastor, and 18 years as Bishop of Naval) has never been enmeshed in any controversy, much less scandal. We are appalled even more at the brazermess of Greinke as to impute upon the good name of the bishop the very same crime he was accused of doing against innocent young boys in the very Association he bas come to found, purportedly to proclaim the love of God only to find out it has become a trap for his sexual perversions! Such lies therefore that he has concocted can anly come from a heart whose hatred is as deep as his own twisted understanding of what is good and moral. ..... more
From Advent through Christmas to New Year - a message from
The Advent season is a special time in our Christian community and a perfect time to preparation to celebrate for the birthday of Christ. As we once again prepare to celebrate the feast of Christmas, we are reminded of God’s great love for us. More importantly, the feast of Christmas is a very special occasion and a time for us not only to reflect on Jesus’ love for us but also to respond to his love by demonstrating love for our fellow men and women. May the expressions of goodwill and the gifts that we exchange be the outward manifestation of that love. more...
CEBUANO KO BAI! ( author unknown)

The urgent manual reconciliation of actual voters list against the results produced by the pcos machines need to be done to establish the integrity and credibility of the newly adopted automated system of vote count.
What happened in Biliran cannot just be ignored and treated as a statistical glitz. That glitzt would have costed Biliran another 3 years of slavery to a family who has been hell bent in controlling its political system and resources for their own personal benefit.
Let us not allow Biliran to be part of that 1% discrepancy. Let us demand for a manual reconciliation of the votes and a thorough audit of the total number of machines, serial numbers and flash cards assigned to Biliran.
Where the lives of the Biliranons are at stake and the integrity of the automated system is in doubt, the only way to resolve this is the manual reconciliation and audit of the pcos machines and flash cards used in the Biliran election.
Let us not stop our protest until the COMELEC has acknowledged that this will be done immediately and sets a firm timetable before June 30 2010. We cannot allow a simple filing of an electoral complaint as that avenue is the most abused way that election cheaters have been relying on. Cheaters are banking on the extremely slow motion of justice and cost involved to rectify the error. Most electoral complaints took 3 years to be resolved and most often, just prior to the succeeding elections.
Let us fight for our rights. Let us continue with the protest until COMELEC resolves the issue on or before June 30.
The urgent manual reconciliation of actual voters list against the results produced by the pcos machines need to be done to establish the integrity and credibility of the newly adopted automated system of vote count.
What happened in Biliran cannot just be ignored and treated as a statistical glitz. That glitzt would have costed Biliran another 3 years of slavery to a family who has been hell bent in controlling its political system and resources for their own personal benefit.
Let us not allow Biliran to be part of that 1% discrepancy. Let us demand for a manual reconciliation of the votes and a thorough audit of the total number of machines, serial numbers and flash cards assigned to Biliran.
Where the lives of the Biliranons are at stake and the integrity of the automated system is in doubt, the only way to resolve this is the manual reconciliation and audit of the pcos machines and flash cards used in the Biliran election.
Let us not stop our protest until the COMELEC has acknowledged that this will be done immediately and sets a firm timetable before June 30 2010. We cannot allow a simple filing of an electoral complaint as that avenue is the most abused way that election cheaters have been relying on. Cheaters are banking on the extremely slow motion of justice and cost involved to rectify the error. Most electoral complaints took 3 years to be resolved and most often, just prior to the succeeding elections.
Let us fight for our rights. Let us continue with the protest until COMELEC resolves the issue on or before June 30.
Comelec explains discrepancies in poll results
The Commission on Elections (Comelec) on Thursday admitted that "human error" and not the machines used in last Monday's automated elections has caused the discrepancies between the printed and transmitted election results.
At a press briefing, Comelec spokesperson James Jimenez said the error happened in choosing which memory card to use in printing the election returns (ERs). He assured that the machines are "counting accurately" and that manual reconciliation of the discrepancies is being done.
"As you can see, the situation is well in hand. It’s largely due to human error, and it has nothing to do with the system. The situation has been identified and it has been resolved," he said.
Jimenez explained that the transmitted election results in some areas do not tally with those in the printed ERs because some election inspectors "inadvertently" used the back-up memory card to print ERs instead of data from the main memory card.
FTS Jimenez said the back-up memory card stored 10 additional votes from the final testing and sealing (FTS) procedures conducted before election day, which caused the discrepancies. "FTS procedures only used ten ballots. The results of the FTS were saved on to the back-up memory cards and in some cases, where the [board of election inspectors] had to resort to contingency measures, they took out the wrong card for delivery for where they can print the ER," he said. "When that happens, there was now a variance between what they transmitted which was drawn from the main memory, and from what they printed, which was drawn from a back-up memory card," he added. Only 150,000 voters from about 190 precincts nationwide — or less than one percent of the total votes cast — were affected by the discrepancies, Jimenez also said. "It is a rather small number, pero syempre, nakakaalarma kapag nakita ng tao sa baba nang walang konteksto (but of course, this number is alarming if seen by people on the ground without the proper context)," he said. Manual reconciliation To solve the discrepancies, the Comelec said it would resort to "manual reconciliation" of transmitted results and data in printed ERs. Printed ERs will have to be compared with the transmitted results in Comelec servers to determine where the discrepancies are and how to correct them, Comelec information technology consultant Renato Garcia said. "This has been anticipated vis-a-vis our continuity plan. If you look at our continuity plan, it provides for a manual reconciliation to preserve the integrity of the computerized system. The reconciliation will be done to manual certificates of canvass (COCs) for those that have already been transmitted," he said in an interview after the press briefing. - KBK/RSJ, GMANews.TV
To All Biliranons
All Bloggers
All Freedom Fighters
All Biliranons Abroad
All Biliranons Youth
In the light of recent incidents and the cloud of doubt cast on the recent elections in Biliran, I appeal to everyone to exercise their democratic right to air our protest to the Comelec and demand for a manual recount of the votes to ascertain the truth.
Let us not agree to a simple filing of complaint as we know from previous incident involving the late Gov Danilo Parilla against Gerry Espina Sr, that the process is not only slow but can be manipulated. We cannot wait for another 3 years for Comelec to resolve the issue of who are the rightful winners. We want it resolved now before any of the winning candidates assume position in June.
I retract my previous post that indicated silent acceptance of the election results.
Let us fight for our votes. Let us fight for the rightful winners.
Let us join a peaceful protest and demand for a full recount of the votes NOW, NOT LATER.
Samalat aquarius! akala ko waray na jud kita paglaum, ang mga tao na supporters ni Atty glenn from culaba, caibiran, cabucgayan, suko jud kaayo kay daug daw congresman sa ila na lugar pero nganong pilde man pag-abot diri sa Naval. Karon may kahayag na!
All Biliranons
All Blooggers
All Freedom Fighters
All Biliranons Abroad
All Biliranons Youth
In the light of more developments casting doubt on the integrity of the election results in Biliran, I call on everyone to maintain an active vigilance and participation to peaceful protests that we may need to hold to continue to put the pressure on the COMELEC to nullify the proclamation and initiate a manual recount, reconciliation of the votes and audit of the PCOS machines and BGAN.
Exhaustive action, both on the ground and on national level, has now been undertaken, but we need to send the message to the national capital that there is an active protest among the Biliranons against the attempts to rig the election results.
Let us continue to air our protest on this site as the national capital are now looking at our blogs for more information.
Let us intensify our protest by posting information here which may help them precipitate an affirmative action.
God bless Biliran.
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